Monday, March 9, 2020

Bücher Buy Eva Says Chuck Spezzano has a Ph. D. in "Clinical Psychology"

This bookseller appears to follow a template we have encountered before. Twice in one merchandising post Chuck Spezzano is falsely advertised as having a doctorate in clinical psychology:

[Update: June 25, 2018: The portion with Spezzano's biography has been wiped clean by the bookseller, so now there is only one place left in this merchandising post where Chuck Spezzano is falsely advertised as having a doctorate in clinical psychology. They are halfway to correcting this. Unfortunately, they have not corrected the false credential on all of their other listings for Spezzano. It would be swell if Chuck himself or one of his cult followers took responsibility for having this changed. But they won't. That would impact the profit margin.]


Anonymous said...

Chuck Spezzano does not have a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.

Year of the Cat said...

"Lies can be put on just one blog, and they get shared and re-shared by people looking for material for their own blogs, which then gets shared again and again and again, running up the number of “hits” of viewers. They all feed off of each other for new content to stay competitive."-- Lency Spezzano

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