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Self Annihilation Process is Leading People to Enlightenment

The following is from a discussion on Enlightenment.Com, August, 2011 [Update: Dead link Aug. 2, 2017]

self annihilation process is leading people to enlightenment

    Posted by Lency Spezzano on August 20, 2011 at 9:58pm in Enlightenment Tools, Technologies, and Teachers
    View Discussions

I'm still in the research stage with this, but it appears that in the Psychology of Vision seminars, and in private sessions, we are able to lead people into enlightenment. My first success at this was with a group of 17 women (myself included) in a seminar in England 6 weeks ago. Since then I have done the process with small groups and individuals in person and over Skype video. PoV Trainers who received this process have produced the same results with their students in a seminar in Japan. (In the Psychology of Vision we have 50 Trainers around the world using the healing model that my husband, Chuck, and I have developed.) A very encouraging result. As best as I can tell, we have something of an enlightenment wave occurring.

Permalink Reply by Anthony Glazer on August 21, 2011 at 11:46am
    What are you calling "enlightenment"?

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 22, 2011 at 9:15am
    It's not an experience of mystical higher consciousness, although the base feeling is one of happiness, freedom and gratitude. The main quality of it is an abiding awareness that the world is an illusion, an absolute trust in the unfolding of the Great Tao, a sense of playing along with things as your "character" in the dream, a sense of detachment from events, being in the world but not of it. Ego still comes up at times to bite your ass, but you are immediately aware of it as your lingering ego, and it is easy to dismantle it. New layers can be annihilated as you progress. Less tolerance of bull. No outside authority. You don't do anything you don't want to do. More efficient at work, but little if any attachment to the outcome. Everything is more fun. But primarily, it is a paradigm shift. Although you might get involved in the dream, you never forget that that is all this reality is - a virtual reality.

Permalink Reply by Anthony Glazer on August 22, 2011 at 11:58am

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 22, 2011 at 8:12pm
    There is also a feeling of emptiness that focuses mostly in the belly, as well as the front of the brain. And a mindlessness that I was already pretty used to, but which has made many of the others laugh at themselves a lot. I watched one of our Trainers, who could normally juggle many technological devices at the same time, while multitasking the life of her family and business, not be able to operate her iPhone. She just laughed and put it away.

Permalink Reply by Anthony Glazer on August 23, 2011 at 7:54am
    In my experience these unusual feelings, sensations, changes in awareness happen constantly as we increase our consciousness.  Eventually we develop an intuitive sense as to their significance, although the meaning often doesn’t appear until later, sometimes long after their occurrence.   Many are simply the result of our turning our attention inward and becoming aware of what has already been going on within us.  But many are new, not at all usual to ordinary life, and which emerge in us as we become able to experience them.

    Certainly the starting point for any real change in ourselves has to be the awareness of a Supreme consciousness in and behind everything, and the realization that our physical senses, our normal mode of functioning as humans gives us only a very limited and false experience.  What we live as humans, our experience of being human, isn’t an illusion in the sense of being unreal, but in the sense of being limited, partial, distorted, false.      

    Enlightenment in one way or another is the process of moving out of this limited human consciousness which traps us, in a sense, and emerging into a higher, greater consciousness, one increasingly closer to that of the Supreme consciousness.  Because there are so many different aspects of this Supreme consciousness, and endless gradations of them, there have developed many different spiritual paths, and also many different views of what enlightenment is, or isn’t, all of them playing different roles throughout human history.

    This often makes very confusing any attempt to find our way through the myriad of traditions, paths, teachers, gurus and what not facing us today.  And although nearly any of them can be a starting point, ultimately we have to develop the capacity to do several things.   The first is to detach ourselves from our thoughts, feelings, emotions, even physical sensations, and watch everything going on in us without any reaction.   For most of us this is very hard to do at first.    

    We are used to identifying with this chaos of activity within ourselves, all the pleasure and pain that goes along with it, and as a result we suffer and have all of the problems of being human.  Because we are so used to it--in fact this normally represents to us our reason for and mode of existence, it is very difficult to change.  The techniques you and many other teachers offer are methods to help us do so. The process of letting go of all this identification is of course the source of seemingly endless difficulties, seemingly endless discussion, and seemingly endless work for numerous healers, guides and teachers.  The process is long and troublesome because of the strength of our old ways of functioning, the intensity of the habits we carry with us, developed not just in this life, but over many lives.

    But as we are able to detach ourselves from all of this inner activity, the attachment to life as we normally see it, we begin to be able to experience some of the larger consciousness behind it, and of which we are normally unaware because it is blocked by this activity, such as peace, joy, and freedom from the concerns and stresses of ordinary life.  We often begin to be aware of our non-physical senses, of the many non-physical forces and beings acting on us and through us of which we are normally unaware, even of the many non-physical worlds and planes of existence and their influence on the world around us.

    And as we are able more and more to live in this calm state, we also begin to be aware of some consciousness, some intelligence guiding us, not usually in words, but in an awareness, a kind of intuitive sense of things, of what should be done, should be said, of the why and meaning of many things in our life and that of others.  This is the Guide we have to learn to follow, this quiet voice, this awareness, eventually even as a spontaneous action, and which only comes in its purity within a calm internal state, free from all human thought, emotion and reaction.  

    As we increasingly let go of all of our attachments to life, we are able more and more to live constantly in our state of peaceful bliss, without need of all of the constant activity and diversions that most of humanity finds so necessary and appealing.  We no longer require much of anything outside of ourselves, and we only need to act when circumstances impose themselves on us, or we receive the impulse to do so from the inner Guide.    

    But this is not our final goal, or merely a preparation for the eventual movement out of the body into some non-physical state of bliss, as is taught in so many spiritual traditions.  Rather it is the base, the foundation for the development of a different kind of consciousness, a different kind of existence, a different form of functioning completely outside anything in human experience.  What you have described here is certainly a necessary step in that direction.

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 23, 2011 at 8:33am
    Right, it's a process. What you are describing is what, in our model, we would call evolution toward God Realization, which is the ultimate goal we are moving toward. In the description I shared earlier, I described the qualities of the shift we have just settled into on our map - enlightenment. It's not the end all; it's just a marker along the path. It is, however, a pretty profound shift compared to the daily steps toward maturity we make, or even the great breakthroughs. It's a radical shift, a huge relief. And, if a person has a lot of emotional courage, and some training, they can accomplish the process pretty quickly. It takes a willingness to die, and a deep desire to end everything that is false about you. It is really not a pretty sight when you look at and digest the horrendous self loathing that is our ego.

    My husband and I are currently working with a group of 90 people in Guangzhou China. Most of them are beginners to my work, so it will be interesting to see how far I can get with them. They are keen to get enlightened, but their level of maturity is low.

Permalink Reply by Anthony Glazer on August 23, 2011 at 11:48am
    But even the ultimate goal of what you are calling God Realization is itself a process: that is, it is not a goal in the sense that we understand it, but rather the eventual movement out of the finite human existence, into the complete consciousness-power of the infinite, of the Supreme on all levels, acting through an individual form in an endless process of self-evolution. This is something that is beyond the human capacity to conceive or experience in any but a very limited way, something that is beyond any spiritual tradition or realization, something that is beyond anything existing on Earth or anywhere else in the universe at present.  Yet it is something that we are moving towards, or rather being pushed towards, and so we need to be aware of it to the extent that we can.  I am not writing lengthy responses to your posts because I enjoy doing so, or I necessarily think that you don’t already understand much of what I say, but rather because your posts touch on important points that in my view need to be clarified.    

    Spiritual development, inner development of the sort we are talking about here, is no longer an option for humanity; it is a necessity, or will be increasingly so as the world conditions inevitably deteriorate, confronting us with innumerable personal and collective crises of many sorts, crises which will more and more be beyond the capacity of traditional human means to solve, whether individually or collectively.  What we are doing by teaching these methods is not just presenting some means for achieving individual happiness or contentment, although that is part of it, but rather teaching how to move ourselves out of the limited experience and power of the human, into an alignment with the infinite power of Divinity.  The extent we can change our consciousness will determine our capacity to adapt to changing world conditions, to move through the inevitable turbulence and difficulties no matter where we are, no matter where we live or in what conditions.    

    Certainly even the awareness of the dynamics we are talking about represents a profound shift in the normal human view of things, and the capacity actually to make the change varies enormously.  What is ultimately being demanded of us is a complete transformation of the human personality, something which none of us, no matter how strong our will, how great our dedication, can accomplish in any short or painless way.  Nonetheless everyone, if they have a real inner need, a sincere will, can make constant progress toward it, even developing the necessary persistence, patience, endurance, strength, courage and trust in the Divine Guide that they don’t have at the outset.  I have seen remarkable examples.

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 23, 2011 at 4:39pm
    I agree with what you are saying. It is why we have the schedule we have, working around the world with as many people as we can, and working with the collective unconscious as well, at every opportunity.    

    I have had many mystical experiences, the most profound being an experience of Oneness with God that was, in my estimation, a brief experience of our true, ultimate reality. It was outside of the physical universe, outside of time and space. It is awakening from the dream at that level that is my goal. Anything within the dream is just a means to that end, just a lesson for reintegration and forgiveness that will heal the belief in sin, guilt and fear that tie us to our idea of separation.    

    Enlightenment, per se, isn't mystical in itself. It's a paradigm shift. I think Jed McKenna does a very good job of defining what enlightenment is and is not in his Enlightenment trilogy. Have you read that, Anthony?      

Permalink Reply by Anthony Glazer on August 23, 2011 at 6:53pm
    I've only watched a few of his videos.      

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 24, 2011 at 8:35am
    Oh, no kidding? I highly recommend them. The first one is Spiritual Enlightenment, the Damndest Thing. A very engaging read.  :)  

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 26, 2011 at 8:57am
    I did the first annihilation process with the Chinese group, and despite being new to the work, they did very well. As well as a group of Buddhist monks and nuns in Taiwan, and better than the Japanese and Germans I have done the process with. On Sunday I will do another self-annihilation process and an enlightenment download.

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 28, 2011 at 7:50pm
    The Chinese did excellently on the second annihilation process and the enlightenment download they received on the last day of the seminar here. Almost everyone got through. I wish I could speak and write Mandarin, so I could get feedback about how they are feeling today. I'm sure I will get some feedback eventually. But they did tell me yesterday that they felt a great sense of emptiness and freedom after the first annihilation session two days before. Seminar participants in China are an interesting mix of people. More billionaires as well as mafia dons than we see in any other place. I wouldn't have dreamed that I could talk about God and all things spiritual here, but it works because I am not promoting any particular religion or cult. And the people are so hungry for it. This is the place we feel our work is most needed, in the grand scheme of things.

I'm still in the research stage with this, but it appears that in the Psychology of Vision seminars, and in private sessions, we are able to lead people into enlightenment. My first success at this was with a group of 17 women (myself included) in a seminar in England 6 weeks ago. Since then I have done the process with small groups and individuals in person and over Skype video. PoV Trainers who received this process have produced the same results with their students in a seminar in Japan. (In the Psychology of Vision we have 50 Trainers around the world using the healing model that my husband, Chuck, and I have developed.) A very encouraging result. As best as I can tell, we have something of an enlightenment wave occurring.

Permalink Reply by Lency Spezzano on August 30, 2011 at 4:47am
    I got this feedback from a woman from Switzerland that I did an individual session with on the enlightenment process over Skype video. No feedback yet on how the Chinese group did.    

    Dear Lency,

    I am really happy. I feel in a flow and there is one major difference. If something happens or I do a mistake I don't feel guilty. It is a great relief, and I can easily accept how things are. The ease is also because I have no fear and worries anymore. Therefore my relationship with my husband and my children feels peaceful :-)

    I am conscious when the ego jumps in but it is not a problem.

    Thank you sooo much for your help and guidance
    Love xxxxxxx

    Lency Spezzano


Anonymous said...

"My husband and I are currently working with a group of 90 people in Guangzhou China. Most of them are beginners to my work, so it will be interesting to see how far I can get with them. They are keen to get enlightened, but their level of maturity is low."

Holy crap!

Diana Darrin said...

The arrogance displayed here under the guise of bringing "enlightenment" is beyond description.

quisp quixote said...

The link has been under "Sorry! We're under maintenance" mode for the better part of a year.

Joe Gunn said...

White Savior Narrative in action.

David Dunn said...

"self annihilation" was a hip New Age buzzword Lency merely repeated like some kind of parrot. The term is now no longer used, even in POV which is usually a few years behind most of the other spiritual capitalists. So it goes.

Anonymous said...

The comment about the Chinese maturity level is so disrespectful.

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