Saturday, October 10, 2015

Christopher Spezzano Defends Psychology of Vision

The following was posted on Facebook by Christopher Spezzano in late 2013/early 2014 in response to a POV critic:

Thomas, I am so disappointed that you are continuing to slander my parents. From the intensity of your posts, it seems like you are not open to doing balanced research and are perpetuating and creating your own slanderous libel. This is illegal in both the US and Canada:

I can see you care about your community deeply, but it also seems you have let that feeling take you on a personal rampage in a completely inappropriate direction. I personally ask you to desist from making attacks against my parents and Psychology of Vision on your Facebook account or otherwise. Continuing to do so is illegal, along with the rest of the misinformation being peddled about by amateur, self-titled "reporters" and "researchers." I did a thorough review of everything you sent to me. There are some links describing cults, support groups, etc., but none of those platforms have anything to do with my parents or their model. The other links are shamefully bad reporting and research. Almost every attack was completely untrue and the rest were taken out of context. The APTN "Plastic Healers" was especially bad, unbalanced reporting. Their cursory research was ridiculous and they also failed to mention the many other special reports about the positive impacts Psychology of Vision is providing and has provided in First Nations communities that they have done. You may not be aware of the nature of the Internet, but everything you sent was a non-professional site. Much of it was completely unrelated to my parents. You can't take everything you find on the Internet as truth, much of it is not. Unfortunately, it appears you have been having trouble with that discernment. I will attempt to clear up some of your confusion so that you can move on with your life, do some actual good for your community, and stop breaking the law. You wrote this to me: "your parents place their own heads or brains on their "participants" head or place their agenda/dogma in between the "participants" brain and heart so the answers the people find are your parents version and ideas on what is good for them, this is not healing, it is thought reform and mind control. " That is complete and utter nonsense. Where did you read that? Or did someone tell that to you? Clearly you have never been to one of my parents workshops, so I wonder how you could come up with something so slanderous yourself. What you've written, along with the rest of your posts, are simply not true. What is this that you post?: "some cult researchers say that the PoV cult is one of the most evil cult they've ever seen because of what they did to the residentiol school survivors." Again, this is ridiculous. Who are the researchers? Where is this coming from? Thomas, just because anyone on the Internet can post anything about anything, it doesn't mean it's verified fact - just because it's on a website - especially a personal blog - it does not make it truth. My parents have also had a lot of success in helping residential school survivors heal and move on with their lives, which is their goal in providing these seminars free to First Nations participants. My parents don't take ANY money from First Nations participants. First Nations seminars and workshops are donated at no cost, unless the participant is NOT First Nations. For example, if other international students want to take the courses (that are often translated into Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, German, Italian, an others - requiring a staff), they have to pay for their courses. This shouldn't be some horrifying shock to you. It's the way business has occurred around the world for millennia. Most schools of thought do charge training fees or tuition to keep their schools running: Harvard University, The Academy of Art, most everyone. What is unique about my parents is that they donate their seminars to First Nations and other groups around the world. It is not to make money. It is to give back. You say their participants never "heal or enjot their lives, they always have to chase the "answer" which they'll never get." Thomas, this is simply not true. My parents' model is designed to give individuals the personal tools to heal themselves and connect to their higher self, or whatever spiritual belief system the participant chooses to adhere to with their own free will. My parents have worked with First Nations, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Native Americans, Buddhists, Shintoists, Confucianists, and even atheists. Their model is not to enforce their belief system upon anyone, their practice is based upon the simple principle of forgiveness. As you forgive the outside world, you forgive the outside world, you forgive yourself and heal, and as you forgive yourself and heal, you also forgive and heal your perception of the outside world. It's not rocket science - nor is it brainwashing. In fact, it directly opposes cults, brainwashing, mind control, or any of the nastiness that you post. You also say, A Course in Miracles is cult. It is not. Though your definition of cult seems to be anything that is spiritual? Here you can see a number of the most respected individuals in the world: "Since it first went on sale in 1976, over 2 million copies of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) have been sold worldwide and the text has been translated into twenty languages. ACIM is distributed globally, forming the basis of a range of organised groups.[31] The teachings of A Course in Miracles have been supported by commentators and authors such as Robert Schuller,[32] Oprah Winfrey,[33] and Eckhart Tolle.[34] "A Course In Miracles" is also taught in many Unity churches.[35] However, due to ACIM's claims to "clarify" or even supersede[36] some of the teachings of orthodox Christianity, the book has been judged negatively by some Christians."

My parents also have NO affiliation whatsoever with Oneness University. They and some of their students attended some of their courses a number of years ago, but were shocked and disgusted to learn about some of their practices. My mom actually spearheaded a campaign to learn and expose the truth about Oneness University. My parents do not support their practices, community, or methods. They have wanted nothing to do with that organization once they had an opportunity to learn more about them. They adamantly steer people away from that organization, their practices, and beliefs. They would NOT want their students to be affiliated with that organization in any capacity. You and your so-called "researchers" need to get your facts straight. If you attempt to destroy someone, as you are attempting to do both my parents and all the tens of thousands of people around the world they have helped, you have to have the mental willpower to do balanced research. Without a balanced, analytical approach to what you are doing, you are manipulating all of the people who are reading your posts. To be honest, it seems you have been just as brainwashed by this misinformation as anyone a part of a real cult. It's worrisome, unhealthy, and downright illegal to pursue these untrue attacks. We are now in the process of cleaning up this misinformation. We will likely have to take legal action against the defamers to clear up the misinformation and slander they are spreading and issue a public apology. If you have any further questions or attacks, I would be happy to educate you further about your ignorance. Hopefully I can then continue to clear up the damage that you have been doing to thousands of people around the world, not just my parents. Again, I request that you desist in your illegal pursuits of public defamation and character assassination of Chuck and Lency Spezzano and also let go of your slanderous, unfounded attack against and character assassination of Chuck and Lency Spezzano and also let go of your slanderous, unfounded attack against Psychology of Vision and its students and trainers. Defamation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christopher Haokalani Spezzano

I have also made copies of our conversations and screenshots of your public defamation posts on Facebook to hold you legally accountable for any further unfounded damage you choose to do.


Anonymous said...

gee, I wonder if this kid knows that his dad lies about being a world leading psychologist? Plus Chuck has a bad name amongst first nations, natives are sick of being manipulated into scenarios of promised healing , chuck's advanced trainers cry at band meetings to get their way and act evil to band members who disagree with new age scammers like chuck.This kid wants to silence a first nations man for speaking up on behalf of his relatives , I think he should try respecting him and learn what is happening. No healing model is any good if you are not allowing people to speak up. Pov claims they can interface with any religion or people, they don't have a clue about first nations obviously , especially when they try to shut down anyone from reserves to speak up about pov bullshit. A first nations person has every right to speak up about what is happening to their community. Arrogance and colonialism seems to be the pushing energy behind pov. All fn reserves across canada need to be warned about scammers like chuck and lency and their trained puppets. They should not be allowed on reserves and should not be permitted to target fn participants by baiting them in with their "free" offers scam!!!!!!

Redemption said...

Not a hostile question but an honest one. Why isn't Chris Spezzano a POV trainer?

Valentin Arregui said...

"We are now in the process of cleaning up this misinformation"... turned out to be deleting all the positive mentions of Oneness University originally posted by POV, including the fact it was one of their two "greatest inspirations." So according to Christopher's logic, the misinformation started with POV literature as the source.

John Banks said...

Anyone giving a lecture about valid Internet sources should not be using Wikipedia as an example.

Roy Waller said...

What exactly is Christopher's role in POV? From the message on this post it would be reasonable to conclude that he is involved to some degree.

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