Monday, October 26, 2015

American "Psychologist" Chuck Spezzano part 3

Chuck Spezzano is once again called an American psychologist, this time in a promotional piece for POV trainer Susanne Ernst, 2009 [Update: Dead link]


Anonymous said...

Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist.

Tom Joad said...

Ernst has a strong economic interest in propping up Spezzano's nonexistent credentials as a "psychologist." She has devoted a good part of her adult life riding the coattails of a fraud. For her to wake up and walk away would require the sort of strength, courage, and integrity we only see in inspirational heroic movies. I'm afraid Susanne is a total tool still happy to be exploited by a couple of greedy Americans, just like Babs Stevens, Francine Girard, Torsten Konrad, Mami Yoshida, Alex Patchett-Joyce, Peter Lo, Petra Hornung, Joyce Cheng, Franklin Fan, Ian Lai, Krystal Hsu, Bernadette Demens, Hideaki and Hiromi Kurihara, Nanako Takahashi, Emiko Takano, Mina Yamano, Ute Baues, and the other financial franchise holders in this scam. It is all about money, not doctrine or spirituality. These trainers will be thrown under the bus once they are no longer useful, as we saw last year and as we have seen through the past decades. The Spezzanos have demonstrated through their actions that to them the trainers are merely dumb livestock, a resource to be exploited until they become a liability or their bank account runs dry or they wake up on their own, or perhaps ask some inconvenient questions and then walk away from this toxic cult wondering how they could've so stupid to sign up with POV in the first place.

My message to POV survivors is to forgive yourself. You were at a vulnerable point in life and as such a very tasty target for the predatory scamsters who run POV. But now you are free.

Psychology of Vision is a ripoff, a scam, a fake, a fraud, deception, con game, false, untrue, and in a world where real justice prevailed, the Spezzanos would both be behind jail bars.

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