Thursday, October 21, 2021

False Advertising from the Götz Global Leadership

July 23, 2020

Stefan Götz who runs Götz Global Leadership perpetuated the long repeated myth that Chuck Spezzano is actually a "psychologist" in a recent interview with "The Mastermind."

+++ Quo Vadis Corona Business? Double down or growing your business? World-leading mastermind and psychologist Dr. Chuck Spezzano, presents his (r)evolutionary leadership model “inside out” and he claims your strategy and sustainable success depends on your relationship with your spouse. +++

Like most of those who grant this occupational title to Chuck without investigation, I'm sure Stefan didn't know he was spreading a falsehood that seems to be echoed mostly in Europe. We are especially interested why so many who are enamored with POV come away believing Chuck is really a professional psychologist, sometimes he is even called a "clinical psychologist." Who told them these lies?

Spezzano's 1977 Ph.D. was apparently in something exotic called "Professional Psychology" and unique to his now extinct school. One could argue it was about one notch up from a mail-order degree. It was not accredited by the APA, which means his diploma bypassed any sort of national standard. Even in Europe this should disqualify him from being called a "psychologist." Both of the Spezzanos are on record saying Chuck is not a "psychologist."

In addition, Spezzano was fined by the State of Hawaii in 2004 for impersonating a professional. He is not licensed and is not even remotely qualified to practice professional psychology even if he applied. He has NEVER worked as a licensed "psychologist" or published any research in peer-reviewed journals that we can locate. His credentials have been inflated and falsified for decades, starting with his own newspaper advertisements in the 1980s. Here are some links to some primary sources of interest so you can see the evidence:

In this fawn and fluff interview Spezzano uses the "if it swells ride it" dirty joke for the 500th time. Seems to be his tired punchline of the year. As usual, Spezzano somehow knows what Heaven wants for you in his unnecessarily complicated world view. Spezzano's emphasis on partnership is interesting since he has been unable to sustain most of his commercial associations throughout his capitalist career and more than one angel investor has lost a considerable chunk of change sinking their dough into Spezzano's scammified snake oil road show.

Spezzano suggests he is planning a series of online workshops aimed at business executives. In these hard economic times he is doing what he does best-- victimizing and preying on vulnerable populations.

If you closely compare all the inane platitudes recited by Chuck in this interview with how Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision is actually managed, you'll be staring into a Grand Canyon-sized gulf of bullshit vs. reality.  The Spezzanos do not walk their talk.


Anonymous said...

This is not an "interview" it is mutual marketing, a very long commercial advertisement for both hoping to ensnare the gullible.

Anonymous said...


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