Sunday, October 24, 2021

Ironic Chunkle of the Day: Healing Monetary Exploitation

The same man who charges over $1100 an hour for personal consultation, has a Youtube video entitled "Mo Money," has an estate worth millions, lies about his credentials and poses as an expert when he is just an amateur who makes sleazy jokes-- a Donald Trump of the New Age, and is infamous even among his admirers for charging an arm and leg for his "workshops" scam has the nerve to post a Card of the Day about, heh, "Monetary Exploitation."

HEALING MONETARY EXPLOITATION is the card of the day. The desire for money and the greed that goes with it is one of the biggest causes of deadness in one’s life as it makes an idol of money and is willing to use people get one’s need met. To turn others into objects turns yourself into an object cutting down on all ability to receive and enjoy. Yet partnership and sharing are principles that increase abundance for everyone while unifying us with equality and mutuality. Today grace is present to set things right and it welcomes abundance and happiness. Have a happy and prosperous day!!

It's all about dumb dumb dumb 

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