Sunday, October 24, 2021

Ironic Chuck-le of the Day: Healing the Shadow Figure of the Charlatan

Jan. 18, 2013

HEALING THE SHADOW FIGURE OF THE CHARLATAN is the card for today. The feeling of being a fraud is a common experience as one reaches the area of the Dead Zone and we begin to heal the roles in our lives most of which we have been carrying since we were children. This brings authenticity and a new connectedness in relationships. A shadow is a part of us we judged, split off, typically repressed and projected out . The CHARLATAN is an attempt to fool others to get what we want such as sex, money and inclusion but any role can give us this feeling especially political correctness. Have a good day!

1 comment:

Stanley Blystone said...

Somehow I don't think Chuck Spezzano spends a lot of time worrying about whether or not he's a fraud. There is so much irony dripping from this Card of the Day that you can swim in it.

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