Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Spezzanos are on a spin cycle

Long ago the Spezzanos invented their "apprenticeship" programs as yet another step up the steep Psychology of Vision hierarchy and a way to squeeze more $$$ out of victims clients (currently the "tuition" is three grand plus). They hold three of these events a year usually in spring, fall, and winter.

So far in 2019 none of these programs have filled up where in the past they routinely did. The April 2-11 program, "The Restoration of Freedom" is a recycled version of the program they held in 2015 under the same name. Omnia mutantur, nihil interit. The Spezzanos are on spin cycle. Spin, get it? As in marketing? My little joke.

What follows is an annotated gallery for your enjoyment.

 Images from the 2015 "Restoration of Freedom" event. In case you haven't figured it out by now, POV trainer Torsten Konrad subscribes to the "Look at me look at me look at me now" school of social media.

POV is famous for swiping concepts from others without attribution, but now they are stealing from their own past work, regurgitating the same old outdated nonsense. Hardly "cutting edge."

 I count no less than seven POV trainers in the two above photos taken at the time of the April 2019 shindig. This is the second or even third time these people have been in Hawaii in just the last six months! How do they afford it? Where is the money coming from? Obviously this is not a program for those who are low income or even typical wage slaves.

 POV trainers Torsten Konrad and Joyce Cheng

 Torsten is love-bombed

 In their wisdom, Facebook created a "Spezzano & Associates" page and basing their information on all the advertising lies, calls the for-profit corporation "Psychologist." Naturally the POV community jumped right into it making no effort to correct this falsehood. This page has been used to celebrate a couple 2019 POV events so far, including this "apprenticeship." This Facebook page is in violation of the conditions of Chuck's 2004 fine by the State of Hawaii when he was spanked for pretending to be a "psychologist."

 It is my understanding that the clothing hanging behind the victim client (who is photographed as he accepts a worthless certificate) was offered for sale. Perhaps it was created by Lency, who if I recall once had a side business of clothing she designed. Sometimes Chuck auctions off his shirts as if they were wonderful relics. I am not kidding. These two never miss a chance to make a buck.

 Not counting the trainers I'll guess the Spezzano's pulled in somewhere between 55 to 65 grand. With the trainers the amount goes up, of course. They have had more than double this attendance in the past but still not a bad haul for a couple of unlicensed, unregulated, un-APA accredited amateurs who have never been "psychologists."

An attendee describes her training with "Uncle Chuck," as he is known in Asia.

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