Monday, June 24, 2019

Psychology of Vision Certificate of Graduation

Graduation – Certificate of Graduation
A Certificate of Graduation entitles you to advertise that you have graduated from the 100-Day Program. It does not qualify you to pursue any kind of regulated healing of therapeutic profession because regulations differ from country to country. Only Psychology of Vision Trainers may use the Psychology of Vision logo and the title “Psychology of Vision Trainer.”

 Lency and Chuck Spezzano present a worthless sheet of paper to the Teachers' Pet of POV, Francine Girard


Nestor Paiva said...

In other words, we now present you with a document that is worth about as much as used toilet paper. And since you paid a small fortune to obtain this item, you'll not wallow in buyer's regret but instead celebrate your personal victory in jumping through all of our hoops so you could obtain this worthless piece of crap.

Anonymous said...

With the same amount of money people waste in POV they could afford to get a proper, credentialed professional education and have an academic piece of paper that will give them more options. POV costs a LOT of money and it takes you nowhere fast. Such a huge scam.

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