Monday, May 6, 2019

Redemption through the Feminine

 Apr. 13, 2019

Psychology of Vision trainer Yamato Mina of Japan has included the POV logo on her commercial website along with a new marketing phrase: "Redemption through the Feminine"

This reflects the shift in POV's direction since Lency Spezzano's self-stated epiphany in late 2016, a business decision that ultimately resulted in the exodus of half of the POV trainer franchise holders after the 2017 Trainers Training. Lency had emphasized the feminine side of human nature in previous years, but apparently there was something about this new branding that caused a huge stir.

Quite frankly, we remain rather puzzled at what really happened. To us, her March 2017 text in the above link doesn't seem any different than her usual method of operation except it is perhaps a bit less coherent and articulate than we have seen from her in the past. Here we are over two years later still wondering about the details that caused the Great Trainer Depletion of 2017.

"Redemption of the Feminine" and "Redemption through the Feminine" were titles used by Lency in at least two workshops held in 2017 and 2018--

Another change in the packaging of POV merchandise can seen in Chuck and Lency's webpage. As of today (Apr. 13, 2019) the POV Asia webpage has ceased to exist, the POV Canada webpage has not been updated for over six months, the POV Central Europe page has been limping along with poor editing and seemingly random deletions, and the POV International webpage has utterly annihilated their archive of Chuck's Nightlight Newsletter, even though a link still exists. But the webpage for the central moneymakers has been maintained and updated.

Just recently a new section has been added to the "Events" section, "Healing Through Love: Seminars with Lency Spezzano, Msc." Note the $2200 "tuition" per workshop and the description of her events. Looks like the same old same old to us but perhaps we are not enlightened enough to understand the nuances.

Also, a valid question based on her description below, is past life regression part of the event?

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