Monday, May 6, 2019

Asiaworks: Mass Marathon and Large Group Awareness Training Comes to Asia

Photos from the 2016 "Mysteries of Love" 5-day workshop held at the Spezzano compound in Hawaii.

Many of us Westerners wonder what the appeal must be for the Asian followers of "Uncle Chuck" (who is their "Master") and the Psychology of Vision scam. Through the eyes of Spezzano's fellow Americans, POV is obviously a con game. You will notice the lack of Spezzano's countrymen in his for-profit cult. There's a reason for that.

Chuck Spezzano attended and was influenced by Lifespring in the 1970s, one of the toxic large group awareness training programs mentioned in the following article. Although POV's name does not appear in this essay, I found it helpful in trying to understand why the bogus Spezzano spiritual program has any draw at all in Japan, Taiwan, China, Singapore, or Hong Kong.

Once again, I link to yet another excellent article posted by our friends at the Cult Education Institute. This is from 2002:

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