Friday, May 3, 2019

Facebook and Psychology of Vision part two

The second and final half of our survey--

Emiko Takano
The earliest entry on this Facebook by POV trainer "Money Mentor" Emiko Takano is Sept. 8, 2009. Although there are some personal posts, most of this serves as a feeder to her blog or promotes events for her employer, the Vision Dynamics Institute a POV franchise/venue in Japan where Emiko seems to be performing a lot of support work such as setting up meeting spaces.

 一般社団法人 人間力研究所
This POV spinoff in Japan started their Facebook page on Sept. 4, 2016 and as the graphics demonstrate, the POV triangle is a major component of this enterprise. POV trainers Hideaki Kurihara and Emiko Takano are the principal businesspeople behind this. We covered this corporation at the following link:

Mami Yoshida
POV trainer Mami Yoshida's Facebook page has the earliest contribution on Apr. 1, 2009. Her public entries have been uneven in delivery. Like Lency Spezzano, private life posts are mixed with POV accounts.

Yamato Mina
POV trainer Yamato Mina of Japan has a Facebook with the earliest public entry being Nov. 23, 2009. Psychology of Vision dominates as a topic.

Emily Chu
Emily is Canada's newest POV trainer and the only current one in that country who has used Facebook as a marketing venue to any significant degree. Originally from Taiwan, she has been active with POV for several years. The earliest public post on this page is Sept. 24, 2009, and the subsequent entries are sporadic and mostly personal until 2016 when the page transformed into a POV promotional site. Emily Chu and Jackson Chen produced a monthly series of POV mini-lectures in Chinese here in 2016, and then this Facebook page pretty much ceased except for a few small updates.

POV trainer Emily Chu's occupational Facebook page was created Jan. 2, 2018. It is an active site continuing the POV mini-lecture format in the Chinese language as mentioned in the description above.

Alex Patchett-Joyce
The last POV trainer left standing in the UK appears to have started this Facebook page in 2013 but has since wiped most of it. What remains are some advertisements for her events in 2018 and a couple profile photos from 2014-2015.

Alex Patchett-Joyce Executive Coach & Trainer
The occupational page for the UK's sole POV trainer (see above) was created Feb. 22, 2015 under the title Alex Patchett-Joyce - Unleash Your Potential Executive Coach & Trainer. The change to the current name took place July 23, 2015. It looks like this page ran our of gas pretty much after 2016. We find it interesting that the only brief mention of POV is in the "About" section and is never brought up in the posts.

Silvia Stiessel 

Germany's newest POV trainer has a Facebook page with the earliest public post being June 9, 2015. Most of the posts either promotes her own coaching business or that of POV and allies. New material has been added with decreasing frequency.

Deine Quelle für Erfolg und Lebensfreude

Silvia Stiessel's occupational Facebook page was created June 9, 2015 under the title Psychologie verbindet "Quelle für Erfolg und Lebensfreude" but was changed to the current name on Feb. 18, 2016.  Although the posts are kept up on a timely basis, we had to go all the back to early Feb. 2019 before we saw any mention that Silvia is a POV trainer. 

Ute Baues

Ute Baues is German POV trainer who was initially displaced by the Great Trainer Depletion of 2017 but then returned a few months later for reasons that are unclear. Her Facebook page looks like it was created Feb. 8, 2016 and has been used a few times to promote POV. 

Lebensberatung und Seminare Ute Baues

The occupational page for POV trainer Ute Baues, created Feb. 7, 2016, is much more active than her personal Facebook (above). 

Torsten Konrad

German POV trainer Torsten Konrad is probably one of the corporation's most enthusiastic and energetic cheerleaders and it is reflected in his posts, made all the more remarkable given he has a wide variety of interests outside of the group.  Although his Facebook was created in March 2009, much of the early material appears to be gone.


Torsten Konrad's occupational Facebook page, listed here due to the fact POV is included in much of the curriculum.  The page was created Oct. 20, 2014. 

Schöner Leben Institut Essen-Werden

Another Torsten Konrad occupational Facebook age, this one created Sept. 13, 2015. 

Susanne Ernst

The earliest public post for Susanne Ernest, the sole POV trainer remaining in Switzerland, is Apr. 23, 2010. The POV posts don't really start until 2012. Ernst is one of the higher ranking trainers in POV's hierarchy of "levels."

Susanne Ernst Training  & Coaching

Susanne Ernst's occupational Facebook was created Sept. 9, 2018. Her intro, under the POV logo, states (per Google translation): "For more than 30 years, I have been working with the Psychology of Vision® to guide people on their journey. As a Trainer Level III, I lead seminars in the German-speaking region and give individual sessions. I hold the diploma II in Seitai (energy work) and lead as aikido teacher 4. Dan own school & dojo in Solothurn. I live happily in Solothurn with my husband. Our two grown sons study medicine and forestry. The whole family has a strong, happy family ties."

Spezzano & Associates -- Psychologist

This is an unofficial page generated by Facebook. POV trainer Peter Wai Hung Lo made the first post here on Jan. 22, 2019 and others have followed. The problem with this is that in 2004 the State of Hawaii slapped Chuck Spezzano with a fine for calling himself a "psychologist" which he certainly is not and never has been. Until this Facebook is corrected anyone who posts on this particular page is guilty of enabling the false advertising that Chuck Spezzano has financially gained from for decades and we will add their names to the Chuck Spezzano's Army of Liars post. [Update Aug. 24, 2019: Merged with Spezzano Chuck -- Local Service page]

Psychology of Vision -- Business Service 

This is an unofficial page generated by Facebook. It has been used a little bit, with the initial post by 程捷生 on Jan. 4, 2019. 

The Chuck Spezzano Intitute [sic] -- College & University

This is an unofficial page generated by Facebook and contains no posts as of this writing. We first learned of this Facebook page in Oct. 2018 when Canadian POV follower Allan Hunkin listed it as part of his education.

Spezzano Chuck -- Local Service

This is an unofficial page generated by Facebook. The initial post was made by 董旭寰 on Jan. 29, 2016. The impression is that participants of various POV events found this page by accident and use it to post many photos, even up to 2019.

Self Employed Psychology of Vision Trainer -- Local Business

This is an unofficial page generated by Facebook and it contains no posts even though we know it has been around for a long time. One of the rumors we heard about POV several years ago told the tale that the Spezzanos required all of their trainers to use the phrase "Self Employed Psychology of Vision Trainer" in their Facebook intro section. True? We note this description was indeed seen quite a bit from trainers in the past and is still there for older trainers like Francine Girard and Susanne Ernst.  

Psychologie of Vision -- School
This is an unofficial page generated by Facebook and it contains no posts. It lists the "school's" location as Munich.

Lency and Chuck Spezzano Global Leadership Alumni (Psychology of Vision)

This page was created Dec. 8, 2007 and is administered by Don Peel. There are very few posts or members. But given the disdain for Amma, Bhagavan, and Oneness University expressed by Lency Spezzano in 2014, it is interesting to read the description of this page: "A dynamic duo of the husband and wife team who are behind Psychology of Vision, a movement transforming the world, guided by the principles of A Course of Miracles and the teachings of Oneness University."

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