Friday, May 3, 2019

Facebook and Psychology of Vision part one

Although Psychology of Vision has tried several avenues of online merchandising and grooming, Facebook appears to be their primary method of broad social communication and outside marketing today on Internet. In the distant past when POV was more flush at their peak, say 15 years ago or so, they employed a person to keep track of their World Wide Web presence (Julian Ticehurst) and he was pretty good at it by the standards of the day. Chuck and Lency Spezzano maintained personal Blogger accounts (which is what we use here and Chuck's "Card of the Day" still uses), and Chuck was also a regular on Twitter. The POV webpages had transparent forums for all to see.

No longer. Those days are gone.

It should be noted that POV apparently communicates in private for those in the inner circle via Comindwork, a commercial intra-email service:

Every single POV trainer possesses a Facebook account, but only half of them really use it as a marketing tool. We won't be covering the inactive or cloaked accounts here, only those who are using Facebook as a merchandising venue to a significant degree. We are sure we are missing several that deserve mention, and will add them when they are found. We feel this survey also offers a reflection of the POV social hierarchy.

So here is where Psychology of Vision can be found on the ever-shifting sands of Facebook as of now (April 2019)--

Psychology of Vision - friends helping friends
The closest Facebook page there is to being an organ for the entire for-profit corporation. The page was created Jan. 10, 2018 and is administered by POV trainers and franchise holders Alex Patchett-Joyce of the UK, Torsten Konrad of Germany, and Susanne Ernst of Switzerland. This Facebook page has a focus on the mostly European POV trainers, promoting their events and showing photos of the annual trainers training in Hawaii.

Psychology Of Vision - Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
The official Facebook from POV in Central Europe. The page was created Aug, 2018, as Psychology Of Vision - Deutschland and merged with the Psychology of Vision DACH page in Nov. 2018. It is administered by POV trainer Torsten Konrad and Frankfurter Ring PR staff Corinne Weth who is one of the people responsible for spreading the lie Chuck Spezzano is a "psychologist" for so many years. This page provides German language readers with Chuck's "Card of the Day," the monthly "Nightlight Newsletter," and promotes POV commercial events in Central Europe.

Psychology of Vision UK & Ireland
POV has not had a trainer from Ireland for over half a decade, and in the UK they are down to only one single trainer, Alex Patchett-Joyce. Quite a rapid decline since Jeff Allen left the fold. The page was started as Psychology of Vision on May 4, 2016, the next day changed to Psychology of Vision UK, and on Aug. 16, 2017 became Psychology of Vision UK & Ireland. POV follower Tiffany Robinson appears to be the page's manager.  This page mainly consists of Chuck's "Card of the Day" and promotions for Patchett-Joyce's events. Occasionally there are New Age type viral memes as well as long letters from Lency Spezzano leaked from the closed group, although I suspect the word came down the latter is not allowed any longer since it has been awhile.

Psychology of Vision - Deutschsprachiger Raum - Chuck Spezzano
This is a closed and non-transparent Facebook group designed for German language speakers who follow Psychology of Vision. The group was created Nov. 26, 2014. The administrators are the aforementioned Psychology Of Vision - Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz (Torsten Konrad, Corinne Weth),  Schöner Leben Institut (Torsten Konrad), Torsten Konrad, and Swiss POV trainer Susanne Ernst. The group has over 700 members and was created at a time when POV was quite active in deleting and erasing several key documents previously available for the public to see regarding their history.

Chuck Spezzano - Deutschsprachig
Created Nov. 29, 2014 probably by one-time Spezzano commercial promoter Django Hediger. It is attached to a website Hediger created that to this day still claims Spezzano has earned a Ph.D. in "Clinical Psychology." The posts consist of Chuck's "Card of the Day" and advertising for Hediger's "Powerful Events"-sponsored for-profit Spezzano events. The final post was July 13, 2016, about the same time "Powerful Events" closed shop

Psychology Of Vision Canada
Psychology of Vision Canada seems to have been going through a chaotic period ever since the departure of trainer Susan How during the Great Trainer Depletion of 2017. The original POV Canada Facebook page vanished not too long after Susan left, and this new Facebook did not appear until April 21, 2018. It is managed by POV follower Peter Odehnal. The page began running Chuck Spezzano's "Card of the Day" and promoting a Sept. 2018 POV at Whistler, BC but seems to have become inactive in July, 2018. The Whistler event still adorns the masthead in April 2019. Likewise, the official POV Canada webpage has also been inactive for about the same amount of time and was completely down for a month late 2018/early 2019. Meanwhile this current Facebook page does not link to the official POV webpage but instead to that of individual trainer Bernadette Demens.

PoV friends helping friends 願景心理學之朋友幫助朋友
This appears to be a Facebook page from Taiwan, a country that is now down to one single POV trainer who is quite new. The page started in Sept. 2015 (same as this blog!) as Friends Helping Friends and changed to the current name in Mar. 30, 2017.  It should be pointed out the POV Asia webpage went down in April 2019 and like Canada, the Asian branch of this corporation has also been experiencing a bit of  dysfunction. This Facebook page runs Chuck's "Card of the Day," his "Nightlight Newsletter" and promotes POV events, but only on a sporadic basis. [Update July 14, 2020, appears to be dead or ultra-not available]

台灣知見協會 Vision Taiwan Association
Another Facebook page from Taiwan, this one with a long but sporadic history dating back to 2010 started by POV "100-Day Graduates." This group has over 750 members. The administrators are Grace Hsu, Taiwan POV (see the next entry), and Amos Liu. Former POV trainer Lisa Yuan was sort of active on this page last year, but in 2019 this is mostly a place to find Chuck's "Card of the Day" presented in an uneven manner. Interesting to see as one scrolls in the past in this venue several  favorable mentions of Amma, Bhagavan, and Deeksha (Oneness University) as late as 2013. We also  see many POV trainers who were later displaced during the Great Trainer Depletion of 2017.

Taiwan Pov
We are guessing this Facebook page was created in June 2013. The public posts are missing between Nov. 26, 2013-Dec. 16, 2018. It seems to be related as some of sort of spinoff of the previously described page. Most of the content consists of Chuck's "Card of the Day" entries, but stopped in early 2019.

ASK PoV 願景心理學
ASK (Attitude-Skill-Knowledge) is a major promoter of Psychology of Vision in East Asia. It looks like this page was created in 2010 and now has over 1600 members. In terms of diverse and timely content, this is one of the more energetic POV Facebook pages, comprised mostly with posts made up of aggressive commercial marketing, reminding us Psychology of  Vision is under the umbrella of Spezzano and Associates Ltd., a for-profit corporation. The Asian POV followers are much more open about their embrace of  monetary "abundance theology" than their Western counterparts.
[Update June 13, 2019: This has recently been changed to a closed group]
[Update: "Daisy Wu changed the group privacy setting from Closed to Public.
July 30 at 11:52 PM"]

POV Spezzano
This page was created in July, 2015 apparently to promote a Chuck Spezzano Nov. 2015 event in Malaysia. Except for brief promotions of a couple other Malaysia/Singapore events, this Facebook has since then posted Chuck's monthly "Nightlight Newsletter" and nothing more.

株式会社ビジョンダイナミックス研究所 Vision Dynamics Insutitute [sic]
The Vision Dynamics Institute is based in Japan, run by POV's two highest ranking trainers, second only to the Spezzanos themselves. This page has been around since Nov. 2011 and is unabashedly capitalist and commercial in promoting their workshops and Psychology of Vision. Japan has five trainers at present, more than any other country.

Google translates the title of this Facebook page to "Vision Psychology Japan." It was created Jan. 24, 2013. This page is comprised of Chuck's "Card of the Day" accompanied by heartwarming stock images. There are also plenty of advertising entries for POV sessions as well as photos showing major events with lots of clients and testimonials.

Chuck and Lency Spezzano
This page was created May 6, 2010 and appears to have become mostly inactive since 2015. Initially this blog imported some entries from Chuck and Lency's Google Blogger accounts via giving us a peek into what those now extinct sources once held. But from 2012-2015 this Facebook page chiefly consisted of Chuck's "Card of the Day." There were very few comments from readers throughout the history of this page. Amma and Bhagavan are mentioned in an adoring fashion in a couple 2010 entries.

Chuck Spezzano
Created Feb. 1, 2009, this Facebook page remains very active although it has seen more crowded days in the past. The 2009-2010 years have several admiring descriptions of Amma and Bhagavan that link from Lency's Google Blog and Chuck's "Card of the Day." If these little capsule descriptions were arranged by contemporary importance, this one with over 3500 followers would actually be much closer to the top.

Chuck Spezzano
This Facebook page has only two entries, both dated June 8, 2015.

Chuck Spezzano - Card Of The Day
This page was created July 10, 2009 under the title "Chuck Spezzano," then changed to the present name on Oct. 26, 2015.  Facebook tells us it is administered by two people in the United States, but Lency is the one who responds to technical problems. In the past this page had content that was a bit more diverse with a more active comment section, but today it is indeed what it says it is, Chuck's "Card of the Day" with comments that are either translations into German or Italian, or basically demonstrating confirmation bias.

Lency Spezzano
It appears this Facebook age began in Jan. 2009. This is the page to see if one wants an example of how Psychology of Vision clients are integrated into the family life of the Spezzanos as well as the more social aspects of POV in general. The profound influence of Oneness University is quite evident in the 2009-2010 years.

Peter Wai Hung Lo
The earliest entry in this Facebook page for POV trainer Peter Lo is Sept. 28, 2008. It isn't until 2016 the posts begin to really gain any sort of momentum and when they do they are chiefly centered on POV. Peter is probably one of the more active trainers on Instagram and his account presents a gallery of images that will no doubt cause some discussion among POV-watchers everywhere --

Peter Lo 盧偉雄
Peter Lo's occupational Facebook page, created July 5, 2017, promoting his various commercial self-help ventures, including Psychology of Vision.

ASK 心動力(香港)
Facebook page created July 2, 2011 as ASK Enterprise 心動力(香港)and then shortened to the present name on Sept. 18, 2012. ASK (Attitude-Skills-Knowledge) serves as a venue for a selected and compartmentalized group of self-help speakers who profess spiritual connections. Psychology of Vision seems to have the largest slice of the ASK pie. ASK regularly hosts sessions by Hong Kong POV trainers Franklin Fan and Peter Lo, but also featuring guest appearances from the Spezzanos, Francine Girard, Torsten Konrad, Mami Yoshida, and the Kuriharas as well as other trainers in the past who have since moved on. Chuck's "Nightlight Newsletter" occasionally appears between all the commercial advertisements.

This ASK group page, based in Taipei, Taiwan, was created Sept. 24, 2014 as ASK Pov(心動力知見心理學, changed to  愛與療癒的夥伴 on Oct. 6, 2014, and finally to the present name on Feb. 14, 2018. Most of the focus seems to be on Hong Kong POV trainer Peter Lo. [Update: Dead link Jan. 21, 2021]

Growth Vision -POV

Growth Vision was founded in 2007 by Veronica "Veron" Lim in Singapore, who also administers this Facebook page and was a POV trainer at one time. This enterprise has always served as a host for POV, although there was a period between 2011-2014 where they also sponsored events for Human Systems Institute, Inc., a Bert Hellinger Family Constellations-inspired corporation based in Oregon.  This page was created Apr. 9, 2016 as Growth Vision, changed to Growth Vision 创知见 on Apr. 26, 2016, and finally to the present name on Oct. 4, 2016. As far as these POV Facebook pages go, this one is not particularly lively.  The regular main featured speakers can be seen on the masthead above.


Created Apr. 29, 2013 under the title P.O.V 心灵工作坊 but was quickly changed to the present form. This Malaysian-based site appears to be administered by a group called "Glass of Love." Most of the content consists of Chuck's Nightlight Newsletter, sporadic event announcements, and lots of  feelgood stock photos. Several of then-POV trainer Yanni Hwang's videos were published in 2016 before she became a victim of the Great Trainer Depletion of 2017.

Hideaki&hiromi Kurihara

This is the Facebook page for the two highest ranking POV trainers after the Spezzanos themselves, Hideaki and Hiromi Kurihara. The page was created Feb. 25, 2014 and changed it's name twice within the first 24 hours. Not exactly a page on fire, this Facebook page has been used as a feeder site for the Kurihara's Ameblo blogposts and promotion of POV sessions in Japan. 
POV trainer Hiromi Kurihara's Facebook was created Dec. 11, 2009 and mirrored Lency Spezzano's mixture of home life and POV work until the blog essentially stopped almost all public posts at the end of 2015. 

Hideaki Kurihara

The earliest entry in Hideaki's Facebook page is Feb. 22, 2011. It seems both of the Kuriharas bailed from being active in a public way on this platform at the end of 2015.

We are only halfway through this survey of Psychology of Vision on Facebook. Please find part two of this series.

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