Thursday, April 2, 2020

You have the power to stop this. Don't give them any more money. After that, let us see how altruistic and spiritual they really are.

Above are some images from a Taiwanese website that appears to have been inactive since 2016 called "Love of the Universe." 

This site had announcements and photos of workshops for events that looked very much like the kind of activity Psychology of Vision engaged in, although this group did not appear to be affiliated with POV.

Now I will grant you, using Google translate is not the most trustworthy method, but it is what I have at my disposal. With that condition in mind, I still found some interesting data here.

This website provides individual pages for spiritual con artists  figures they admire. Chuck Spezzano is listed along several others including Osho (aka Rajneesh), and Bhagavan, the mentor Spezzano slavishly followed 2007-ca.2012 then betrayed, wiping out as much of his record in POV literature as possible in 2014.

[Update Aug. 22, 2021: dead link]

Oh, you don't think the Spezzanos were totally in love with Amma and Bhagavan and Oneness University? You actually believe the bullshit Lency laid on thick in her "Truth" screed? Go ahead and type in "amma" or "deeksha" or other related terms in the search box here and see what comes up.  The Spezzanos were totally cult followers themselves while they were also leading a cult. Sort of like those Russian Matryoshka dolls. Or the Trump cult being dupes and stooges for Putin.

The website says Spezzano founded POV in 1970, but perhaps this is a translating error. In 1970 he was in fact at Duquense University in Pittsburgh (a city I love) graduating with high honors with his B.A. and starting his masters in the same year, an impressive accomplishment that makes his subsequent career as a fraud a fascinating fall from Grace. 

The website claims Spezzano is "a well-known American psychology doctor" and "an internationally recognized relationship psychologist" and a "world-renowned psychotherapist, orator and workshop leader." He is none of these things. Not only did the populist Wikipedia reject a proposed entry for Spezzano, but he is NOT a "psychologist." In fact he was fined by the State of Hawaii in 2004 for being a fake. He has never been licensed as a "psychologist" and his degree is unaccredited by the APA. Here are some links of interest:

I'm not sure what the real translation is for this next bit, but the outcome had some unintended humor:

"With 30 years of consulting experience and twenty-six years of workshop experience, Dr. Chuck uses his psychological and spiritual language and concealment to share his wisdom and insight into the mysteries of the soul."  

You have the power to stop this. Don't give them any more money. After that, let us see how altruistic and spiritual they really are.

1 comment:

Theodore Hickman said...

Those photos. My, how alive and candid they are. I'm convinced. Sign me up!

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