Thursday, April 2, 2020

Yet again for the 500th time

 Sept. 5, 2018

In this 2012 fluff marketing interview of Spezzano by Monika Knapp for KGS and reprinted by the Wrage Seminar Service of Germany, the lead sentence states:

"For four decades, Chuck Spezzano has worked as a psychologist on relationship and partnership."

Yet again for the 500th time we need to point out that Spezzano's 1977 Ph.D. was apparently in something exotic called "Professional Psychology." It was not accredited by the APA, which means his diploma bypassed any sort of national standard. Even in Germany this should disqualify him from being called a "psychologist."

In addition, Spezzano was fined by the State of Hawaii in 2004 for impersonating a professional. He is not licensed and is not even remotely qualified to practice professional psychology even if he applied. Here are some links to some primary sources of interest so you can see the evidence:

Y'know, we're pretty sure the Spezzanos don't want the likes of us critics to be approaching each of the hundreds of advertisers, authors, colleagues and clients who have broadcast these false credentials and inform them that they have been part of perpetuating a lie. Occasionally we do due to circumstance, but we are more likely to contact law enforcement and consumer protection agencies who do not have a stake in the profits from this false marketing.

It would be much more impressive and demonstrate good faith and real business ethics if Psychology of Vision people did this themselves. And don't say it's too difficult as Lency Spezzano has helplessly stated-- if we simple average citizens can document it, you enlightened people can certainly trace it and erase it with your human, financial, and organizational resources that are vastly superior to ours.

Perhaps if POV minions "manifest" this into reality a "miracle" will happen. This blog has already done much of the work for you by identifying many of the hundreds of places online where Chuck Spezzano's credentials, and occasionally Lency's as well, are false-- including on POV sites! And we are just a bunch of ragtag international volunteers from diverse backgrounds who have a variety of motives for being here, but all of those reasons share the same source-- seeking justice.

The point is if our group of informal comrades can accomplish this, there is no excuse for why POV cannot. Maybe you just don't want to, which if true only confirms our view that Psychology of Vision is OK with fake marketing. But we are offering you an opportunity to change our negative perception.

See, we critics and POV can work together as a team! We on this blog would be happy to assist you in a campaign to clean up this long history of misleading advertising that continues to linger online like a stinky fart in a small room. That last sentence was indeed offensive and in bad taste, but Chuck would call it "bawdy." We can start with the Frankfurter Ring, the most consistent and high profile offender who continues to spread this bogus marketing about Chuck being a "psychologist" to this day!

As Lency said in her Truth document, "Lies can be put on just one blog, and they get shared and re-shared by people looking for material for their own blogs, which then gets shared again and again and again, running up the number of  'hits' of viewers."

And we agree with her. On the flip side we will be happy to correct any misinformation on this blog, but so far no one has offered any comments pointing out any factual errors in the three years this website has existed. The law of averages would indicate we have indeed made some mistakes, and our hit rate is very healthy, but no one is perfect. Yet we have never had a comment submitted pointing out a factual error to date (Sept. 5, 2018).

If POV doesn't care to work with us or want to make the effort to correct all that false credential marketing still online, que será, será. The very existence of all those lies in advertising will eventually work against POV the next time you land in court, so if you guys are fine with that, well OK then. See, we critics do not have big incentive to approach and correct each source of these fables. You guys are your own worst enemy, not us.

But we are extending an offer to help you clean your own house, although we realize that dealing with us would probably be very uncomfortable on both sides. By acting on this cleanup, whether our proposed cooperation is accepted or not, POV would be taking an action demonstrating something we have yet to see from the leadership-- accepting responsibility about a mistake and then doing something about it like real grownups.

If you want to make your comment private in the "comments" box just say so and your request will be honored. As always, we do not expose leakers to harm. The "Leave a tip" option is also available. Be sure to leave your email so we respond if you wish.

[Update Apr. 2, 2020: Since this was originally posted and there was no response we have contacted and educated several major publishers and event coordinators. Hundreds of ads with bogus credentials have been corrected or even deleted and some of the booksellers thanked us, including one of Germany's top sellers. Now that most of the majors have been informed, from this point on you can conclude they are aware they are continuing to perpetuate the lies when they call Spezzano a "psychologist" or has ever worked as one, or has a degree in "clinical psychology," or has performed any sort of respected research.] 

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