Monday, October 25, 2021

Lency Spezzano's "Mysteries of Love" Workshop

Saturday, July 2, 2016

A 5-day workshop held at the Spezzano compound in Hawaii called, if I am reading this right, "Mysteries of Love" just wrapped up. There are some fascinating details about this event.

First of all we have seen throughout the documentation presented on this blog that the Spezzanos are not shy about promoting themselves, and even allow their credentials to be falsified (which probably results in a higher profit margin). Several of the promoters who spread these padded qualifications are close to the Spezzanos and have been repeating these fabrications for years, so the Spezzanos themselves need to be held personally accountable for allowing these lies to spread.

Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist. His degree is not in clinical psychology. He is not a licensed professional. His degree in "Professional Psychology" is unaccredited by the APA. He is an entertainer who knows how to read and manipulate people but he is not an internationally famous expert in psychology recognized as such by real professionals in the field. His nickname among some other New Age healers is "Chuckster the Huckster."

So, I find it strange when I stumble across a big workshop held by Lency Spezzano in Hawaii and there is no promotional mention of it in any of the Psychology of Vision international websites, including the Spezzano's own site. Why is it not there?

And how many other under-the-radar events are there like this in Hawaii? Some of the comments I found suggest this particular happening is an annual event! The Spezzanos are limited by neighborhood law as to how many events they can hold a year (ten), and it is evident by the group photo below they broke the limit of 50 participants per workshop.

Here are some images connected with the "Mysteries of Love" workshop, all of them via Facebook:

Hmm, two grand a head. Times 50. A cool hundred grand. And Lency's overhead was probably pretty low. Pretty nice racket.

The workshop set-up in "the barn." Note the liberal placement of tissue prepared for the inevitable crying and shaking that accompanies all POV workshops. The POV Triangle hangs on the wall as a handy reference.

The decor of "the barn" is funky, which no doubt puts the clients at ease. This is in sharp contrast to the more artfully arranged interior design of the Spezzano house itself, which frequently shows up in POV photos. 

My guess is that this is a photo of participants signing required waivers relinquishing all rights to sue Psychology of Vision in the event they suffer adverse reactions as a result of the indoctrination they are about to suffer. One POV survivor said the clients were not provided with a copy of this waiver.

The loft appears to be filled to capacity. Notice most of the clients are female, as usual no matter the culture or country.

These POV workshops last for hours and those chairs really look uncomfortable.

POV golden child Francine Girard (hand raised), a Canadian living in Washington State USA appeared at the preliminary festivities held at the Paradise Bay Resort, where most of the cult's indoctrinees reside while attending the workshops. Why was she there? Good question. Francine has cultivated her own spinoff series of POV lectures to an audience in Taiwan over the years.

The cost of lodging and travel is on top of the $2000 fee required by the Spezzanos for this event. Only the affluent or gullible need apply.

I'm not sure but I thought I saw a bloke that looked liked Canadian POV trainer Charles Campbell present as well.

A couple group photos, one taken in the Spezzano yard, another in the Spezzano home. Apparently Chuck himself was present at some point. I can identify at least six POV trainers in these photos.

POV trainer Peter Lo indulging in some cult hero worship, standing between his surrogate parents.


Leonard Marx said...

I imagine the local fire marshal would be interested as well.

Louis Feinberg said...

The use of terms like "Mystery" or "Secret" is pretty standard fare for these Nuage workshops. There is nothing original about Psychology of Vision.

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