Thursday, August 23, 2018

Psychology of Vision's Hit Parade

July 27, 2017

Listed here in order of popularity are the top 38 posts.
Jan. 2018:  Eight more posts were added that crossed the border into the hot hit category.

Charles Lee Spezzano Ph. D. in Professional Psychology
Selections from Chuck Spezzano's thesis for the non-APA accredited degree of "Professional Psychology," United States International University 1977.

 Healing Metaphors A-Z
The Healing Metaphors A-Z were created by Chuck Spezzano and Janie Patrick / Ticehurst using the template of Louise Hay, according to Lency Spezzano. The website displaying these metaphors was removed from general public access in early 2014, as well as access to the Internet Archives version.

Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual 2011
A POV document outlining rules and regulations the POV trainers are expected to follow.

Promises of Peace and Passion: Enthusing the Readers of Self-Help
By Rebecca Hazleden in MC Journal v. 12, no. 2 (2009) provides an analysis of various popular-literature self-help authors, including Chuck Spezzano.

State of Hawaii v. Charles L. Spezzano dba Psychology of Vision
Court papers from the State of Hawaii where Chuck Spezzano was fined for impersonating a professional psychologist 2004.

Haida traditional clans influenced by new age behaviors display indicators of cultural dilution
Traditionalist at Heart has contributed the following essay. The writer sent this along with the cover letter, "I really want to educate the non Haidas to reconsider how their actions and participation are really affecting the situation and maybe they will reconsider how they are involved as it is wrecking it for so many authentic cultural birthrights."

Chuck Spezzano has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and is a Hawaiian Shaman
False claims in a German language interview with Chuck Spezzano on Questico, 2015.

Wikipedia and Chuck Spezzano
In 2010 a gentleman in the UK named Matthew Blythe, a friendly associate with Psychology of Vision, attempted to create a Wikipedia entry for Chuck Spezzano but was denied.

Trask Triangle compared with Psychology of Vision Triangle
Chuck Spezzano was associated with Bob Trask's group prior to forming Psychology of Vision.

£700 (or roughly $1100) per Hourly Session
A POV-UK marketing website that was up for several years marketing Chuck Spezzano's hourly rate for personal consultations

Comprehensive community planning : learning from practice with the Haida Village of Skidegate
Comprehensive community planning : learning from practice with the Haida Village of Skidegate / by Krystie Babalos and Jessica Williams. A project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Planning) and Master of Arts (Planning). University of British Columbia, 2013.

NAFPS Selections: The First Post
New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum contains numerous threads on various con artists who target First Nations and/or inappropriately appropriate FN culture for their own profit. "Pay to pray" types and "pretendians" are frequent topics on the NAFPS forum. The Chuck Spezzano and Psychology of Vision thread is one of the most popular. What follows is the query that started it all, by "moreinfo" Sept. 4, 2013.

Chuck Spezzano, Oneness University, and Hoʻoponopono
Chuck Spezzano demonstrates how his attendance as a student in Oneness University influenced his thinking. According to this work's table of contents on Google Books, he talks about Hoʻoponopono elsewhere in the monograph. The book is entitled Wenn es fesselt, ist es keine Freiheit (2010)

Even Chuck himself says that his Psychology is a hoax
Spezzano hagiographer Julian Ticehurst admits, "I’d say that a good half of people who attend the groups think it’s nonsense too but they use the tools and love it for that. even Chuck himself says that his Psychology if [sic] a hoax. But he’s not interested in people believing it. Only in the results."

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Original Mind"
This is perhaps the saddest of all these Youtube demonstrations of Lenora's skills as a hypnotist. The hypno-partner here is Babs Stevens, a longtime SALPOV trainer and a leader on Haida Gwaii. After reading Section K of the German language Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual, it is very clear that targeting and cult-ivating (pun intended) FN leaders is part of the game plan in expanding their scheme throughout Canada.

Original Mind Download
A transcription of Lency Spezzano's "downloading/joining" session with Babs Stevens.

NAFPS Selections: Psychology of Vision Takes a Ride on the Bus to Oneness University
Regular readers of this thread know that in 2007 the Spezzanos attended Oneness University in India and integrated many OU practices into their own dogma which are still present today but not identified as such. For some reason they went to great lengths to distance themselves from OU in early 2014, even to the point of eradicating any mention of the institution from their websites, LinkedIn profile, etc. It is almost as if SALPOV never heard of Amma, Bhagavan, or Oneness University.

Natives Find New Age Help in Hawaii
The following article, "Natives Find New Age Help in Hawaii" by Suzanne Fournier was originally published in The Calgary Herald, Jan. 28, 2001, page A1.

 Ist Psychology of Vision eine Sekte?
Das ist definitiv eine Sekte.

PoV DACH and Django Hediger Advertise Chuck Spezzano Having a Fake Degree
Chuck Spezzano does not have a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. He is not allowed to call himself a psychologist in the United States. This fake Ph.D. is being marketed by his own people and close associates who should know better. What is going on here? 

Honolulu Jutta und ihre Esoterik-Trips
German preschool administrator Jutta Lembke encountered some legal problems and was convicted in her criminal efforts to finance activities for Psychology of Vision seminars

Consumer alert! Using a checklist to shop for spiritual growth and avoid scams like Psychology of Vision
There are a number of checklists out there in Internetland concerning ways to identify frauds, con artists, and cults to help the truth-seeking sojourner avoid these mental/emotional/economic land-mines and not become a victim of predatory scammers and liars who operate in the guise of spiritual teachers, healers, psychics, etc. This posted checklist is composed of selections from the community of alternative and spiritual healers. Although I do not count myself as a member of that group, I do appreciate and share their intention of providing decision-making tools to the seekers out there and I praise their attempt to clean their own house. I have quoted the actual questions and provide the sources.

Chuck Spezzano Initiated as a Kahuna
Spezzano claims he was initiated as a "Kahuna." Native Hawaiians have taken issue with this.

Chuck Spezzano is one of the World's Leading Psychologists
Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist. This POV marketing page was taken down in December 2014.

Haida Health Hub
Haida Health Hub : Visioning for Optimal Health & Wellness for all First Nation Residents of Haida Gwaii : Community Feedback Questionnaire Results / prepared by Patricia Greer, May 2011.

Ist er nun ein Trixter, funderieter Lehrer oder Scharlatan, der Chuck?
A somewhat unflattering view of Chuck Spezzano in the German language Frankurter Ring Facebook page 2013

Ngystle Society Services
Trinfinity 8, amethyst bio-mat, lab-grown crystals, a library of spiritual and self-help books. The Ngystle Society has had a significant role in bringing Psychology of Vision to Haida Gwaii.

The European enablers
The next time you read one of the following enablers marketing Spezzano as a "psychologist" or having a degree in "Clinical Psychology," speak up and let them know they are spreading false advertising. Better yet, complain to your government consumer protection officials. Here is the roster of organizations that need to retract their advertising and probably refund the money to customers who believed they were seeing a true professional when in fact they were spending big bucks to see an old charlatan.

Two Canadian Sellouts
Trudeau and Stevens

POV Website calls Chuck Spezzano One of the World's Leading Psychologists
Spezzano was advertised as: "CHUCK SPEZZANO is one of the world’s leading psychologists and experts on relationships and personal growth therapy" during the entire lifetime of the website, it seems. Needless to say, Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist.

Jeff Allen's rumor control
In an attempt at rumor control, former POV trainer Jeff Allen gives us a fleeting peek into the inner world of the Psychology of Vision hierarchy.

Psychology of Vision Hates Oneness University
Contrary to what the Spezzanos say, documents provided on this blog demonstrate that Oneness University had a major impact on POV for several years. For reasons yet known to the general public POV made a decision to erase all references to Oneness University and Sri Bhagavan and Amma from their online promotional literature and resumes.

Psychology of Vision Trainerhandbuch 2014
The German language version of the Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual includes the notorious "Section K."

His fee is $1000 USD per hourly session
In the early days of the POV Events website, an hour of Spezzano's time was worth $1000 an hour. As the fee crept up in price, the amount was changed to British pounds rather than American dollars,  £700 (or roughly $1100) per hourly session.

Chuck Spezzano Takes Credit for Increasing Bra Size
Although Chuck Spezzano discusses Tiger Woods, affairs, Oedipus Complex, triangle relations in this Youtube video, most viewers come away recalling the part where "bodacious ta-tas" are mentioned. In this segment Spezzano appears to accept credit from a grateful client for increasing the bustline measurements of his wife.

NAFPS Selections: New Age Tea Party
In my effort to understand the appeal of the Tea Party, it is striking how much in common this movement and their followers have with Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV), a for-profit corporation. I suppose this premise could be applied to several of the other New Age frauds highlighted in NAFPS. Not so much in content, but in form.

30 Most Influential Psychologists Working Today
And, what!? I don't see Spezzano's name in that list?? How can that be? Surely there must be some mistake! Let's compare the accomplishments of the people on the list with Spezzano, shall we?

Throw Away Your Vision Board / by Neil Farber
"It’s not hard to read between the lines to see BLAME, BLAME, BLAME. The victims of rape or assault have somehow brought this negativity upon themselves. If positive only attracts positive, then why do good/positive people get hurt? School shootings: were those kids and teachers all thinking negative thoughts? Victims of the Holocaust, Sept. 11 attacks, or any terrorist actions, victims of tornadoes, earthquakes, childhood diseases, and illnesses. Are all the babies in the neonatal intensive care unit at my hospital there because of their imperfect thoughts? If you believe in a law of attraction, then your answer to these questions is “yes”."

[The following posts were added Jan. 2018]:

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Greater Intimacy with God"
This is a review of the game changing Youtube where SALPOV started their Big Decline.

Love Pack is a divination deck ... from "psychologist" Chuck Spezzano
"The Love Pack is a divination deck ... from psychologist Chuck Spezzano. Another of the numerous examples of Chuck Spezzano's merchandise/services being marketed under the erroneous credential of "psychologist"

Can AIDS Be Healed?
The following is a transcript from a 2010 video entitled Can AIDS Be Healed?, a presentation by Chuck Spezzano: "I've been asked if AIDS can be healed and in my experience anything can be healed. I've worked with a number of things where there were supposedly incurable cancers. I've worked twice with AIDS where it went down to HIV and in one case completely disappeared, where the people became naturally healthy again. I worked with Myasthenia gravis where it was supposedly incurable and that was cured."

Kelly Tobey Rates His Peers
Kelly Tobey, founder of Integrative Transformational Processing Facilitation, lists over 100 of his peers and provides a brief description and a consumer warning of "Discernment suggested" followed by a rating system of asterisk symbols for some of the selected individuals or groups. Chuck and Lency Spezzano rank in the bottom 10 percent.

NAFPS Selections: Trauma bond
From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Kathryn," March 24, 2014. Stirring up trauma, pushing people into a highly emotional state where they relive old traumas, and then leaving them with no aftercare is the norm for most of these nuage, workshop culture exploiters.

Psychology of Vision Trainer Depletion 2017: Everything will be different
That 2017 Psychology of Vision Trainers Training in Hawaii must have been quite the shindig. Shortly after the event the various POV online sources have revamped their roster of trainers and it appears that perhaps half or more of them are no longer working in the "trainer" capacity, although many of them have moved on to become "Steps to Leadership" (i.e. POV-lite) facilitators.

Lency Spezzano's "Mysteries of Love" Workshop
A 5-day workshop held at the Spezzano compound in Hawaii called, if I am reading this right, "Mysteries of Love" just wrapped up. There are some fascinating details about this event.

It is dangerous and must be stopped
Our friends over at the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans Forum recently posted a testimony from a gentleman who lost his wife to Psychology of Vision. He says of the cult, "It is dangerous and must be stopped" and compares it to Scientology.
Among some of the other statements: "PoV claim that they help people in relationships, that is a Lie."


Anonymous said...

It would appear at the present time Psychology of Vision is rapidly declining due to a number of factors, including mismanagement of the trainers.

Wilson said...

Roger Ebert made an observation in his review of the movie "Mr. Saturday Night" that can also apply to Chuck Spezzano:

"My notion is, anyone who has been a SOB until the age of 70 is unlikely to reform."

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