Sunday, May 19, 2019

The European enablers

Django Hediger's promotional website for Chuck Spezzano makes the false claim that the object of his worship earned a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology:

Part of his website lists other Spezzano promoters in Europe who also make false claims as they merchandise Spezzano's book tours/lectures, such as Chuck is a world renowned "psychologist," and repeat the "clinical psychologist" degree claim.

In truth, Spezzano's degree was not accredited by the APA, meaning that it failed to experience a test of national standards, meaning that even by European standards just possessing a degree with the word "psychology" in it does not a "psychologist" make.

The exact nature of Spezzano's Ph.D. is a bit murky, but it appears his degree was something exotic called "Professional Psychology":

And let us remember Spezzano was fined by the State of Hawaii for posing as a professional:

Anyway, the next time you read one of the following enablers marketing Spezzano as a "psychologist" or having a degree in "Clinical Psychology," speak up and let them know they are spreading false advertising. Better yet, complain to your government consumer protection officials.

Here is the roster of organizations that need to retract their advertising and probably refund the money to customers who believed they were seeing a true professional when in fact they were spending big bucks to see an old charlatan:
[Update Oct. 12, 2019: "This site is currently undergoing maintenance." -- This has happened just in the last week. Update to Update Oct. 20, 2019: URL is not found on this server.
Here is a link to the Internet Archive version]

 Powerful Events, Frankfurter Ring, Psychology of Vision, Uwe Wiest [Update, Mar. 9, 2017, dead link]
 Amram Events, Vielharmonie, Beat Scheuermeier, Basler Psi Verein

Elke Kirchner, Montessori, Lotta Gaber (Kirchner)

[2017 update: It would appear Hediger has handed the website over to Uwe Wiest, who is perpetuating the promotion of Chuck's false credentials]

Old url:

New url:
[Update Oct. 12, 2019: "This site is currently undergoing maintenance." -- This has happened just in the last week. Update to Update Oct. 20, 2019: URL is not found on this server.
Here is a link to the Internet Archive version]


Anonymous said...

An International Law Enforcement Consultant are able to address these kind of fraudulent activities.Misconceptions and false identities for profit would seem serious for these venues and promoters of Chuck Spezzano's business. Notifying these parties and updating them on Chuck's status is a good idea!

George said...

Powerful Events is dead in the water as of Feb. 2017.

Just a Perfect Day said...

Powerful Events has been discontinued.

Anonymous said...

The amount of lies spread by these marketers is staggering. POV is built on a foundation of outright falsehood.

Jack Potter said...

It would appear Basler Psi-Verein has not booked Chuck Spezzano for 2017 or 2018

Anonymous said...

Spezzano has not been on the BPV roster for quite some time. How come?

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