Saturday, March 28, 2020

NAFPS Selections: Days of Wine and Roses

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," July 12, 2014]:

 Two POV trainers, captioned "Too Much" by one of them.

The Facebook exchange mentioned in this post:


Days of Wine and Roses With Spezzano and Associates Psychology of Vision

A couple interesting recent SALPOV generated online documents have grabbed our attention. Here's the first one from Facebook--


    July 4
    You know lency there is this massive pattern of god damm powerlessness going on, Powerless people attack people to assert position for whatever reason and there are many. Sometimes to defend yourself is so, sometimes not. Some want a good fight as it puts the light on you and how bad you are so they don't got to look bad. People try to hide there mistakes we all do, and while actions are not always acceptable, see the feelings behind them..and just choose to be powerful and shine..powerful in our own way..sometimes when you withdraw your investment in those who have attacked you are giving them no more permission and they have nothing to fight against as you wont unless they might as well give i won't its not giving up but getting on with life, and enjoying the best and best to come and feeling awfully sorry for those who do that crap. I have at times.. but not to level of nastiness. Good to have caring people in the world..most of all they never you are not fighting..they play and abuse only themselves..

        2 people like this.
        Lency Spezzano Yes, all very true, and I am well beyond that stage. I have been reaping many gifts from the attack. Most recently, it has brought to mind the awareness of how much disapproval I faced in my childhood so that it can be healed.

        July 4 at 2:36pm · 1
        Lency Spezzano I know that everything that happens to me is happening because it is in my best interests. I do not feel defensive, and have not. I made the website so that students can refer their family and friends to it if they become concerned. It is hard enough for them to be on a spiritual path without this kind of nastiness.

        July 4 at 2:37pm · 2
        Lency Spezzano But for me, the gifts I have received are precious: I no longer care what people think of me, and I have been freed from many attachments, such as having a good name and reputation, being seen as truthful, etc.

        July 4 at 2:37pm · 1
        Elna Macdonald Lency and Chuck I love you

        July 4 at 11:22pm
        Lency Spezzano Hi Laura,

        July 5 at 3:34am
        Lency Spezzano I appreciate your willingness to empathize with me, Laura, but you didn't catch any of my feelings. I'm okay. Emotional waves do come and go, but as elements of higher consciousness and healing. Your coaching is to someone not me, or my experience. But I appreciate the love behind it. xxxxxxx

        July 5 at 3:37am

        Laura Madley
        July 5 at 5:44am

So nice to hear Lenora is finding our observations to be of good use, reaping the rewards of our criticism. This admission should weaken any legal case she would endeavor to press against those of us who happily dwell in the dark astral forces as we celebrate being free human beings using the critical minds God gave us. It all works out to be mutually beneficial. That nasty bogus legal letter to our comrades in Haida Gwaii from Lenora was obviously a mistake.

Note this: "I am well beyond that stage"; "I do not feel defensive, and have not."; "I no longer care what people think of me, and I have been freed from many attachments, such as having a good name and reputation, being seen as truthful, etc."; "Your coaching is to someone not me, or my experience."

There is no way Lenora is going to allow herself to be in a position of weakness to be comforted and receive advice by underlings. That would undermine her authority, which in turn would hurt her brand and ability to pose as Queen Bee demanding expensive tribute in the form of SALPOV fees and licenses.

You would think by now, after decades of "downloads" and having been "enlightened," Lenora Kay Spezzano would be way past still having to resolve childhood disapproval. But noooooo. See, the process never ends. That's why you still need to keep coming back to SALPOV and emptying your savings into the Spezzano bank account.

According to this video, Lenora's main childhood disapproval came from her mother. Start at about 9:30. A performance worthy of an audition for an Ed Wood film.
[Update Aug. 29, 2019: Dead link] 

Let us combine this with the July 9 post by Charles Lee Spezzano--


    The workshop and the lecture here in London were really fun, deep and full of grace. We dealt with all manner of the Dead Zone issues, such as fusion, roles, rules duties, co-dependency, the Oedipal Conspiracy, competition, scarcity, stress, the Family Conspiracy. It was light and easy and done much differently than I usually do workshops. It was more like an Apprenticeship without so much homework. It was light, fun and easy…It is always so much fun for me in London with so many friends here. I have been to London and environs 80 plus times since 1983. It feels like home. The first time I came here in '83 I was interested to see if I could feel the English side of me. My mother's maiden name was Shelton and her mother's maiden name was Cooper…The English side of me doesn't show but I feel it. I have always been warmly received here. They do appreciate a well presented idea. Lency arrived yesterday from Hawaii getting ready for her 5 day Women's Workshop. We picked her up and got her settled in the hotel to sleep till today when I showed up.
    Last night after settling Lency in we had a wine tasting of 6 italian wines…It was an Italian night with Robert Holden, who works a lot with Hay House, cooking up a very special 4 course italian meal…Wow ! What a night…sometimes i drank water just to surprise my liver. The red wines were very big and robust. So much good wine…Our host Tony Prior led us in a grand evening. Matthew Lizzie Prior's fiancé was also there for the first time to one of our wine tastings where I was present also. if you are going to be drinking fine wines you want to be in the company of fine people like I was last night…So, here I am in my hotel room waiting for Lency to wake up so we can have our all day date….Oh, Boy!!
    In the meantime I thought I would add a little to my blog other than my card for the day. I usually donate all my time to the books I am writing. so many books and they are trying to push through all at once. Right now I am working on 12 different books. I finished one yesterday. It 's the latest card deck-- HEALING THE IDOLS DECK… it is a book that explores the unconscious key element that is always present in any pain or upset. Idols hide right in front of us and they are buried at unconscious levels also. This card deck gives us a way to understand, find and heal idols... We still need an artist which my publisher, Urania,promised would happen easily and quickly. This is a major healing work that opens up spiritual areas of the mind also. I would guess it will appear in Germany this next year.

     I think it is time for me to pull out some of my writing and do a bit of catching up. I wrote the titles for about 3 dozen new chapters since just before I left on this trip. I have had so many creative ideas  with relatively little time to write. It always feels so good to write…I also have another book here for editing…
    I will leave you with one thought that came from a t-shirt I was given 25 years ago…Good boys go to Heaven…Bad boys go to London…
    Somehow I always keep going back to London…
    Love You,

Yes, Charles is a Bad Boy, but not in the romanticised way he portrays himself. More in the way I would suspect the RCMP and a few other governmental agencies are probably profiling him.

Interesting that Lenora brings up Mother problems at the same time Charles tells us as he brown-noses to his London readers, "The first time I came here in '83 I was interested to see if I could feel the English side of me. My mother's maiden name was Shelton and her mother's maiden name was Cooper…The English side of me doesn't show but I feel it." Now how many years have these clowns been posing as family relationship experts and they STILL have Mother Issues?!?

How can Charles and Lenora pose as surrogate parents for all vulnerable easy marks when they themselves still have major unresolved guilt on their feminine parental influences? I say "guilt" because, according the Charles, all problems boil down to that emotion.

There are a couple other fawning and really self-destructive comments undermining the "professional" image myth made by Charles here. Hay House and hustling his yet unpublished Healing the Idols deck. He did it to himself. The man is such a New Age panderer, known as "Chuckster the Huckster" by others in the New Age community, and for good reason. Tarot-like card sets might be a good seller, but it certainly does not inspire confidence in regarding the creator of this parlor game as a professional in the field of psychology, which is how the Spezzanos desperately want to be regarded. The 3-card trick could just as easily be performed by a slot machine in Nevada. I never cease to be astounded by the gullibility of Spezzano's cult followers to accept the random game as a true sign of what they need. This is a very neat, and I suspect lucrative, scam.

The cheery and glowing references to alcohol are so telling and reveal Charles to be utterly unprofessional. As a supposed family therapist he should know about the incredibly destructive and widespread power of alcohol and alcoholism on family dynamics. Yet we see alcohol consumption as a form of celebration time and again throughout SALPOV images and text. The impact of alcohol on FN communities is particularly devastating. The Spezzano encouragement of alcohol consumption by example can be viewed as yet another form of insensitive psychocolonisation.

I know the drugs pushed by a cult rival of the Spezzanos, Erick Gonzalez on Haida Gwaii might be more exotic, but the fact remains alcohol is by far the most destructive drug of all in the long run, and appears to be culturally promoted by Charles Lee Spezzano (to prove he's a "real man"?) with little regard for his audience. And why is that? Because SALPOV is all about Charles Lee and Lenora Kay Spezzano.  Cultural sensitivity, individual needs, human dignity, who needs that stuff? Those little annoying details-- for example officially registering your "charities" or applying for professional licenses, these things just add a layer of complication that get in the way of making a bigger profit margin, so why bother?  

According to Lenora's recent screed--


    Chuck was employed as a psychologist by the Naval Drug Rehabilitation Center at the Naval Air Station Miramar, in San Diego, from 1973-79, and he also became an instructor at the Naval Drug and Alcohol Counseling School, their program to train Navy therapists, from 1974-79. 

A "psychologist"? Really? And if he was employed as a drug rehabilitation person, then why is he today celebrating the consumption of alcohol with his emotionally wounded clients who, many of whom I would wager have experienced the torture of living with or being themselves an alcoholic?

His YouTube on "Intervention" comes across as quite insincere given his many online references to appreciating the qualities of drinking spirits. We have seen photo after photo of SALPOV dinners where the wine flows as freely as the SALPOV fabrications. Maybe an intervention on Charles himself is in order here.

If you are considering signing up with SALPOV, and if part of the dysfunctional family dynamics that you experienced involved a family member who suffered from alcoholism or if you yourself exhibit these traits and are seeking help, then obviously Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision is not the place for you. Seek help from a REAL professional experienced with treating addictions-- and this includes alcohol, tobacco, gambling, smoking frog venom and misusing other drugs, seeking approval from those who cannot give it, co-dependency, worshiping false idols (like the Spezzanos), relinquishing cash to con artists for vaporware, whatever.

But, if you are the kind of person who enjoys pouring money down a rathole, then SALPOV is the right place for you!


Year of the Cat said...

Lency and her followers might claim we information gatherers don't matter much to them, but the auto-stat collector on this blog indicates some of the POV movers and shakers follow us daily. The stat collector also indicates that a steady stream of people around the world come here every day as they try to educate themselves about POV, since this blog is the only place where many documents are still available even though they have been removed from public view by the Spezzanos and their minions. In many respects, this blog (along with Psiram and NAFPS) has replaced Wikipedia as the go-to source of information about Chuck Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, and Steps to Leadership. Wikipedia, of course, deemed Chuck not noteworthy enough to warrant an entry. And as I check my URL links, it is interesting to see a growing number of people quietly disengaging themselves from their public POV connections.

Redemption can be a great thing. Rather than absorb, internalize, and recognize the reality brought forth by the POV critics, the Spezzanos have been as reactive as Nixon during Watergate. That will not end well for them.

Anonymous said...

How convenient for Lency "not to care", must of fried the brain cells that do!This admission alone should alert her members to question her ability to function. This is a serious matter that this blog is revealing in full view the fraudulent behavior and damage done by POV. I guess if she doesn't care then those that do need to take action to stop further victimization by POV.
People who have true caring hearts know the difference.

Anonymous said...

POV advanced trainers follow Lency's every example , she role models especially for the women how to take this stance of denial in order to justify "having it their way" regardless of the necessity to pay attention. In other words the co leader of this verified cult Lency Spezzano gives permission to her trainers not to take heed but to just ignore the inquiries of what they are pushing as "healing".
This denial act by Lency demonstrates how they remain unaccountable and "really don't care" about the outcome of their actions. Worst of all, she dismisses a pov member trying to reach out to her, Lency puts her in her place and has no compassion for her but instead Lency demonstrates her ranking of knowing better than everyone else.
This issue about rejecting her mother after all the time and effort in rejecting her mother over the years at workshops, her mother remains "the bad guy".
Lency seems very spoiled and immature in her regards to the woman who brought her into this world. I feel sorry for her mother having to put up with this kind of mean disregard for a parents life. Lency is obviously a very sick human being who can't even have a healthy relationship with her mother, this also demonstrates to all women participating that "something is definitely wrong with this picture"!
It must be very difficult for Lency's children to have a relationship with their grandmother after Lency publicly blames her mother for everything that she can't accept about herself!
Chuck's misogynistic behavior has obviously affected his wife to the degree of her demonstrating her distaste for her own mother to all pov membership , even making a video about it.
Cults are so good at confusing women , they love bomb you then make you follow their "way" or no way. They use "healing bonding "terms to make you feel that you belong but when it comes to a crossroad to who is to blame for all of our problems they attack your most personal relationships with family members.
This is all a waste of time , but the damage is far reaching and there is not necessarily time left in some of these pov members to rectify the reltionships destroyed by listening to lency and chuck.

Thomas Crown said...

Don't you mean "Days of Whine and Roses"?

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