Friday, October 22, 2021

Going Further With POV

Feb. 10, 2018

The following is from the Psychology of Vision UK webpage. POV UK is currently down to merely one single trainer as this group is experiencing a slow motion trainwreck, so I am guessing this was written by Alex Patchett-Joyce.
[Update June 15, 2018 dead link. The original post has been moved to a different URL and the introductory statement inflating the credentials of Chuck and Lency Spezzano has been removed]

[Update May 28, 2021: Moved and revised yet again]

The POV merchandising text is in italics, my own brief comments will be in normal type.

Going Further with PoV

Psychology of Vision was developed by Chuck and Lency Spezzano through their psychological practice. Between them this was over 60 years of working with patients and clients reflecting on their practice and developing and honing more efficient ways of working with the mind and with grace to improve lives. Their experience reconfirmed many of the core principles of visionaries of the past including Freud, Jung, Frankl and Perls. The Spezzanos researched and developed methods and techniques which allowed them to work deeply in the mind with profound ease and speed. They continue to develop, train and work with people from around the world. Psychology of Vision today is a creative school and community of transpersonal healing. It brings together powerful dynamics of psychology and grace. The work and processes of POV enjoy ongoing evolutionary expansion and refinement, which aims at holistic transformation that makes life both liveable and loveable.

Since Chuck and Lency are not professionals it would be more accurate to say between them they have over 60 years of victimizing clients, wrecking families, and cleaning out the savings of vulnerable people. The Spezzanos have never published "research" in any peer-reviewed journals. Chuck's 1977 degree was in something obscure called "professional psychology" and was not accredited by the APA. He has never been licensed as a "psychologist" although he has called himself one, and he was fined by the State of Hawaii in 2004 for pretending to be a professional.

Once you’ve experienced Psychology of Vision, this is how you can continue to work at a deeper level

We offer many ways of working with us:

Workshops, programmes, courses, one to one sessions and either online or face to face.

Please contact us to find out more

Some of our participants like to immerse themselves in this healing model to fully benefit from what it has to offer. Here we outline some information about a progression through Psychology of Vision for those who would like to take this work further.

Here is where you begin to really drop the big bucks, I'm talking thousands and thousands of dollars. Quite the steep pyramid game these grifters have created.

100 Day Programme

Psychology of Vision encourages each and every person, regardless of circumstances, to set personal and healing goals as high as we dare and to take our place among those that came to make a difference in the world. The 100-Day Training Programme calls upon a personal commitment to our own healing.

While it is normal for participants to experience significant benefits from the very first Psychology of Vision workshop, it has been observed that the depth and resonance of the changes that occur increase dramatically with each exposure to the POV teachings. Thirty years of tracking participants has shown that there is a definite benchmark – a paradigm shift – that occurs at 100 PoV days. Hence the introduction of the 100-Day Training Programme. As a 100 Day Programme graduate, you also qualify for the Mastery Programme.

If you are interested in this programme please contact us for details.

They don't encourage everyone. POV in Japan clearly states they don't want people with mental problems. Also, it is pretty obvious that only those with thick wallets are desired. Poor people need not apply.

Mastery Programme

A Year Long Programme for Graduates of the 100-Day Psychology of Vision Programme

“It has been a dream of mine for many years to have advanced seminars for Psychology of Vision enthusiasts who have graduated from the 100-Day Program. I always wondered what it would be like to be able to dive right into the really interesting territory in the mind without having to take time to explain the basics. Trainings at the same level as our Trainers’ Training, but for people who don’t necessarily feel called to be Trainers. People who want, above all else, to heal themselves and awaken.” Lency Spezzano, Co-founder of The Psychology of Vision

The Mastery Programme is for graduates of the 100-Day Programme who want to continue to work at a high level, but who do not feel called to be a Trainer, or who are fulfilling requirements for application to the Trainers' Programme.

Contact us if you are interested in finding out more information about this powerful year long programme.

And next we go for the franchise holders. If you have attained this final stage you have invested enough money to have had a real professional education from an accredited institution of higher learning. Instead, you have found yourself broke and beholden to a toxic personality cult. Your POV certificates are worthless in the professional world.

The Spezzanos have really created a profitable scam here.

Trainers' Training

The Psychology of Vision Trainers Training Programme is for those who feel called to be a trainer in the Psychology of Vision model

To become a trainer first you will need to complete and graduate from 100 days of Psychology of Vision trainings and to have taught Steps to Leadership at least once. You will then be asked to submit your application to your local Psychology of Vision contact. Alex in the UK

It is suggested that once you have completed the required Psychology of Vision days you discuss with your local trainer the possibility of applying to be a trainer.

Once accepted as a trainer you will continue to attend workshops and receive guidance and supervision from a senior trainer. You will also be licensed to use the Psychology of Vision logos and name and be able to give Psychology of Vision workshops.

For more details, submit your application to your local Psychology of Vision contact Alex Patchett-Joyce.


Year of the Cat said...

"Psychology of Vision was developed by Chuck and Lency Spezzano through their psychological practice."

The use of the term "psychological practice" is very misleading. Neither one of the Spezzanos are psychologists or possess professional licenses to practice in any form of mental health.

Roger said...

So typical of these scams to have created a false hierarchy in order to make the followers feel more exclusive and elite but at the same deplete their savings accounts.

Year of the Cat said...

Since the above text was captured, POV has added another scammy step designed to extract more money from the victims entitled "Return to Oneness," which harkens back to the time when POV served as an enthusiastic franchise of Oneness University for several years-- a period of time in the Spezzano's history they have tried to erase from view.

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