Sunday, October 24, 2021

JC's Journal - Chuck's 10-Day Workshop

JC's Journal takes the reader through a 10-day Chuck and Lency Spezzano Psychology of Vision workshop, May-June 2008 in Taiwan

[Update: Both links have been deleted within the past few months. Oct. 24, 2016]

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop -1

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

My family (Jenus, Jason, Annie and I) will jointly attend the PoV Workshop hosted by Chuck and Lency for four days from today. If it isn’t because of Jason’s problem, I think my family will never attend this kind of workshop together. It might be arranged by God!

It was my first time to see the founders of PoV – couple of Chuck & Lency. As they walked into the classroom slowly, I had goose bumps like getting an electric shock. I was not sure if it was just like fans screaming when seeing their idol or it was like the neutralization of discharge when my little magnetic field met a powerful one. But anyhow, it was a wondrous experience for me!

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop -2

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Most of Lency’s course is the awareness of energy. When finding our energy, combine it with our broken energy by means of PoV. In the past, the union practice was taken by two people in group gazing at each other. This time Lency used a new way from yoga and Indian Oneness University to do “union practice”.

“Sitting cross-legged” is a joy for me. But for the awareness of energy, I seem to be groping. I’m still learning how to analyze and think without being too rational, and to feel energy intuitively!

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop -3

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Mostly Chuck’s courses are based on the psychological theories and his actual experiences. By his explanation, a conscious behavior could be peeled off through the layers to let the subconscious reason behind be dissected gradually. We admired and were surprised by many of his opinions. Regarding this sort of analysis and perception, my comprehension still went beyond my intuitive feeling.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 4

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

The following are what I’ve learnt in these few days:

1. Happiness is a choice. It’s but a spiritual choice in ubiquity. As long as you’re willing to give what you have, with perfect ease, you’ll have a feeling of happiness that comes from “awakening”.

2. When you feel you have some distinguishing characteristics, your greatness will be offset. Great men are humble since they expand their characteristics to all human beings.

3. “Worry” is an attack that the virus of “fear” is inflicted on others. Whenever you’re worried, ask yourself “Am I attacking others with worry?”

4. The independent think “to get” equals “suffering” so they don’t ask for help.

5. Miracles come from love and confidence.

6. After the Indian Spiritual Leader Guruji finished a retreat for years, the first word he said was “Don’t worry, be happy!”

7. All problems are, when getting down to bedrock, all a matter of “relation”.

8. All the external relations in dispute are caused by personally internal dispute and the dispute between self and God.

9. Dejection originates in that you have dejection idols in mind. The most three common ones are:
(1) Victim idol
(2) Independent idol
(3) Sacrifice idol

You admire these dejection idols so you become a victim, a solitary and a scapegoat unconsciously.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

 Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 5

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Here’s what I’ve learnt today:

1. People are used to control others with anger and blame others for not acting as their play. In fact, they put their “guiltiness” on others. After blaming, others do as their play and everything a hundred percent goes to fulfill their play. Thus, angering is only an excuse. All are intended by themselves.

2. “Deathly still” is a defensive emotion so no any of commitments should be made.

3. Perfectionism is a compensating behavior that one thinks he is imperfect. Perfectionists intend to take over all things without regarding if they should or shouldn’t. Also, they think highly of perfection more than things.

4. When you know what your problem is, the only way to settle is to accept it, admit that it’s your problem, and face it bravely.

5. Being in pain is because you pretend the suffering isn’t on you. The treatment is to accept the fact of suffering and experience it.

6. When some misery happens in your life, you may decide to cut off the relation with someone, especially cutting off the connection between you and your parents in childhood. This feeling of isolation is crucial to all problems in your future life.

7. State of enlightenment or awakening:

(1) Open-minded: Able to accept all good and bad things.

(2) The past suffering was completely burn to nothing. Anytime only the present moment is in your mind.

(3) Your heart doesn’t stay on anything nor burden anything. If you a hundred percent accept everything and give all you have, you’ll get the intellectual thinking easily.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 6

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Here’s what I’ve learnt today:

1. Self-consciousness à self-attack à self-torment
Self-consciousness comes from that one keeps looking the past and the present self. Then he judges himself, gets shy, and is insulted, which makes him start attacking himself. So, to ensure his performance meet his expectation, he continuously oversees and forces himself to do more, which become self-torment. In the above self-expectation, there’s a false self-recognition: “if I do this way, others will like me.” Instead of being aware of the part being loved, he constantly teaches himself how to be loved.

2. Each character is a tool formed to help self to fulfill the specific goal.

3. Remedy for self-consciousness:

(1) Humor: Humor can run creative thinking.

(2) Gratitude: Write down the names we want to say thank-you and keep pay love forward.

(3) Giving: The more we give, the less suffering we feel. To help others is to help ourselves and to let us walk in the stream of love.

4. Sincerely make friends with our staff for life to build a connection. Being humor, we’ll find staff’s faithfulness.

5. Self-attack is the biggest trap in our life. God gives us only beautiful things. However, “ego” let us feel things always go bad and think in complicacy so that we easily get stuck in self-consciousness.

6. God will never stop loving us but only we’ll stop this love.

7. God is working for us. Unless we tell about our need, God won’t work for us.

8. Whatever is persisted in correctness, there’s must be something wrong inside.

9. Complainers never stop complaining. They live in a vicious circle of bitterness all their life. However, intention is equal to result. If the result comes out not good, only all we can do is to change our intention. Then we, rather than anyone else, should be a hundred percent responsible for our action. If we don’t know how to do, sincerely pray to God for grace, which is just the fastest and most effective solution.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 7

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Here’s what I’ve learnt today:

1. Feeling being humiliated is a mentality of extremely intending to protect another “self”. Only if we remove the “self” from our list of protection, we won’t have that feeling of being humiliated.

2. Spirit is neutral like a radio that stations differ by frequency. In the world there are only two thinking stations: “ego” station and “holy spirit” station. Both of them don’t belong to us though sometimes we think they are ours. Since our spirit is neutral, we can choose the thinking station we want freely and quickly.

3. Awareness:

(1) We have only “oneness” in mind (no dissociative self). “Ego” won’t struggle with our “holy spirit” any more.

(2) Won’t reflect the good and bad in the past on the present.

(3) The oneness of our spirit can let us unite with others, nature and God.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 8

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Here’s what I’ve learnt today:

1. Energy is inherently awakening, not resting. Only when our heart awakens, our energy can be found.

2. No problems will happen unless we hold a grudge against someone. When grudge comes out, we first attack ourselves and then blame others for causing problems.

3. Being angry is we don’t want to be responsible for our behaviors. If we aren’t responsible for ourselves, how can we pray to God for help? The truth comes only when we completely take the responsibility.

4. Forgiving others is also to set us free. When forgiving others, the pain in our body, mind and spirit will get less.

5. When we feel painful, it means someone (visible and invisible spirit) needs our help.

6. Being happy is because we have a connection with people, while being sad is because we choose retreat and escape.

7. If we hardly meet with success, it’s because the idols we admire, including cruelty, gain and loss, suffering, shyness and being humiliated, stop us from fulfilling our mission.

8. Attacking others is also to attack each one who loves us.

9. When encountering problems, it’s easier to find excuses than solutions. Are we afraid of success or failure? Don’t underestimate our abilities nor abandon the calls for help around us. It’s hard to move forward without God’s grace.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 9

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Here’s what I’ve learnt today:

1. Try to think about how much we love ourselves. Do we love ourselves wholeheartedly? Or does our love have been shared?

2. Don’t let us be flawed. The more we give, the more we think highly of ourselves.

3. The independent always keep an altar in their mind, on which “old loves” are enshrined for them to reminisce the past.

4. He who is afraid to accept is afraid of giving. He doesn’t want to owe anything to anyone nor do any favors to anyone.

5. “Equanimity”, being indifferent to the outside world, also one of the four sublime states in Buddhism, is a perfect, unshakable balance of mind, and rooted in insight.

6. When achieving success, we think it’s all done by ourselves and we deserve it. Our “ego” will get stronger and make us isolated.

7. The oneness of mind is the source of equanimity, which allow us to connect with others and nature easily. Only oneness exists while the rest are fancy.

8. Any fears are fancy. There must be a present in which we fear. The more we fear, the bigger the present is. Nevertheless, “ego” always stops us from winning the present.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - 10

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Here’s what I’ve learnt today:

1. New awakening:

(1) Don’t think hourly.
(2) Think slowly.
(3) Don’t think repeatedly by compulsion.
(4) In the past the whole creation is individual but now it’s in oneness.
(5) I feel my words and deeds are getting funny.
(6) In the past I tried hard to defend many things but now there’s nothing I should defend.

2. When certain misery happened, we made a decision to cut off any connection with others. And we created a new “world of mine” and became the God of “world of mine”. We did all we can to satisfy the faith of being “God”. It’s the secession point to “Period of Independence”.

3. When being oneness, we can feel other people’s bitterness, feel sorrowful as they do, and be able to get rid of sorrow in a very short time without being obsessed at all.

4. The adolescent’s perverseness is indispensable to be independent. In the process, they have to experience failure and frustration by their own and learn to be “independent”. It must take them some times to learn. From the “Dead Zone” of “Independence” to “Interdependence”, they need to develop a penetrating ability to feel “how they feel” in an active and passive way to spend a happy “Interdependence”.

5. The practice of “Joining”:

(1) Both parties stand face to face in equality and look at the other party’s eyes mutually (eyes are windows to the soul.)

(2) Let the third element (love) naturally get into our emotion and then we comfortably feel this feeling.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Chuck’s 10 Days Workshop - Conclusion

Good morning! Taoyuan, Taiwan.

In the past ten days, we seemed to have joined “a modern Buddhist rite”. Actually, I invited, with my spiritual energy, the spirits of my family in this life and of the deceased ancestors again and again to listen to Chuck and Lency expounding scriptures and doctrines. The scriptures explain the sorrow and happiness in human life and teach how to get rid of them with the three mental states (dependence, independence, interdependence) in the triangle model of PoV. The doctrines combine “love and forgiveness” in Christianity and “oneness of universe and human self” in Buddhism.

Chuck’s course focused on “Focal Person”. He used PoV’s Triangle Model to analyze different mental problems. By “going through the process”, a connection with the focal person’s spirit could relieve the mental problems. In the process of cure, the other members connected their spirits with the focal person’s. After that, they went through their processes to cure themselves.

Lency’s course focused on the recovery of high-level spirits. Mostly, she led us to awaken, embrace, burn and completely let off the energy of spirits in order to reach the joy of oneness.

In the workshop, we had one-hour “Puremind Yoga” every morning, which was a nice practice. We could recondition the energy of our body, mind and spirit through an activity. It was wonderful!

Listening, awaking, experiencing, going through and sharing were the main soul of the whole workshop.

Chuck held a psychological consultation with my family for an hour, which was the most unforgettable to me in this workshop. I did appreciate Chuck for his blessing.

Ms. Judy Lai, consultant of Spiritual Ocean International Group holding this workshop, was very affectionate with Jason and encouraged him to go through the 10-day workshop. In the beginning, Jason felt scared, angry and dared not to get into the classroom. After going through the complete process, he sang and gave on a performance with his team members in the farewell party. In addition to appreciating Ms. Lai and the Spiritual Ocean’s staff for their great help, I also wanted to thank God. This 10-day workshop was a course in miracles.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

PoV’s Triangle Model

Good morning! Taipei, Taiwan.

Today I attended the fourth lesson of PoV: Triangle Model in Psychology of Vision.

After we were born, we’re first in “Dependent Stage”, in which we go through “Needs” to “Heartbreak” due to unsatisfactory loss. Then we’re getting stronger and go alone with “judgment” and “compensation” to “Stage of Guilt”.

As we get over our independent skills, we start our “Independent Stage”, in which we “expect” in perfectionism to ask people around to cooperate to reach our needs, and finally we move to “Stage of Control” with power struggle. If we win, we scorn the losers; if we lose, we’re afraid to see the winners again. It’s all but “Shadows” in our mind. No matter how we spend “Stage of Control”, we move to the stable “Dead Zone” next. To maintain the hard-earned achievement, we set lots of “rules and roles” to shield. Perhaps, we may want to make up for the incomplete part of our achievement such as marriage, so we have an “Electra/Oedipus Complex”. “Competition” becomes an inevitable means to maintain achievement but it depletes much of our mental resource.

In Dependence, our nature of masculine let us dare not let go or ask for help, so we’re unable to move to “Interdependent Stage” all along. In “Interdependent Stage” we need to balance “feminine” in “Dependence” and “masculine” in “Independence”, but “Interdependent Stage” actually searches “unconscious” shadows and our inherently positive nature. This discovery not only confuses me but makes me burn with curiosity over what it really is, since when going through “Interdependent Stage”, we will become a master of our life. It’s really exciting.

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving!

Three Phases in Interdependent Stage

Good morning! Taipei, Taiwan.

In PoV’s Triangle Model, there are three phases in Interdependent Stage. My current understanding is as follows:

Leadership: Ability to connect with others and help others. Intuition, inspiration and partnership can help us to accomplish more. The better teamwork is, the bigger success and union will be reached.

Vision: Ability to connect with self. Devote ourselves completely and let the high-level spirit lead us to achievement.

Mastery: Ability to connect with the universe and be aware of our spirit’s existence. By choice, we listen to our inner guide. Then we listen to God’s voice to let everything happens through us.

In “Interdependent Stage”, a lot of stories in unconscious mind need to be cured and gone through. I’ll savor them gradually!

May God bless us! Let’s create a world where people love each other, enjoy life and keep improving


Anonymous said...

"This time Lency used a new way from yoga and Indian Oneness University to do “union practice”."

Lency Spezzano has claimed her attendance at Oneness University in 2007 had no impact on Psychology of Vision. Obviously this is not true.

Anonymous said...

obviously everything about the spezzano's is not true except they;re busted and exposed as fraud charlatons that capitalize on targeting vulnerable races of people and cultures, the spezzano's and their so called "advanced trainers" should be investigated for loaded language grant proposals where they make it look like they're asking for money for first nations cultural teachings and then spend it on something else, like themselves, is one grant approved grant application from aboriginal healing society,
i wonder what the value for dollar is to how much money really got spent on healing an already vulnurable group that needs highly specialized training, here the spaxxano's claim thet can do 10 years og healing in a 3 day large group awareness and "training" workshop. witnesses that went to these workshops saw that chuck spezzano was trying to hypnotize the whole attendence, she said her ina=stincts told her this was wrong and not about healing she felt like they were all being set up for a scamm, good for her for getting out of there, under covet hypnotism the victims are led to believe they're "cured" by being put under undue influence without informed consent, his so called "advanced trainers / recruiters" are taught the same thing, they must be so driven to bring in new recruits that they probably can't get proper rest for themselves, but, they're all rainwashed to think they're doing wonderful work...saving the world,

Anonymous said...

this description demonstrates the extensive mindfuck of confusion with fear, and everything attached to it that the spezannos can muster to keep you reined in and going in circles trying to grasp and self control to the point of allowing the more subtle indoctrinations to be planted into your psyche.
Chuck and Lency torpedoe all levels of consciousness and begin systematically reducing you to their liking and than begin to take what they want , leaving you fucked up and self defeated since you could never jump thru the maze of their never ending accusations of behavior.
This is a literal mind rape report in action. C & L are sick people and need to be shut down for their sick tactics in taking over people's lives with their evil actions of mind rape.

Harry Willis said...

"It was my first time to see the founders of PoV – couple of Chuck & Lency. As they walked into the classroom slowly, I had goose bumps like getting an electric shock. I was not sure if it was just like fans screaming when seeing their idol or it was like the neutralization of discharge when my little magnetic field met a powerful one. But anyhow, it was a wondrous experience for me!"

Personality cult with a steep hierarchy.

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