Sunday, October 15, 2017

POV trainers and Oneness University

Melinda Chang poses in front of posters of Chuck and Lency Spezzano, the Bhagavan and Amma of  Psychology of Vision

 Jan. 2017

Melinda Chang is among several other POV former and current trainers who are  also very active in following the doctrine of Amma and Bhagavan at Oneness University. Apparently these seekers are not aware, or do not care, that the Spezzanos hate Oneness University:

"What Is The Nature of The Relationship Between Psychology of Vision And Oneness University?

There is no relationship between the two organizations. Some of us attended healing programs there years ago, but for a number of reasons it felt true to me to distance Psychology of Vision from Oneness U. For about a year after making that decision, I stated in my seminars that I did not recommend that people attend their programs."

--Lency Spezzano

"My parents also have NO affiliation whatsoever with Oneness University. They and some of their students attended some of their courses a number of years ago, but were shocked and disgusted to learn about some of their practices. My mom actually spearheaded a campaign to learn and expose the truth about Oneness University. My parents do not support their practices, community, or methods. They have wanted nothing to do with that organization once they had an opportunity to learn more about them. They adamantly steer people away from that organization, their practices, and beliefs. They would NOT want their students to be affiliated with that organization in any capacity."

--Christopher Spezzano

(For more background, see: )

As this blog has documented, several current POV trainers and followers, particularly in Asia, continue to have some allegiance to Amma and Bhagavan. So what's the deal with that? Are these trainers experiencing a "split mind"? Or are they not aware that the Spezzanos really really are "shocked and disgusted" when it comes to Oneness University? Yes, I know that at one time the Spezzanos considered OU one of their two "greatest inspirations," but now ... well, welcome to the fickle world, shifting loyalties, and whitewashed history of Psychology of Vision corporate management.

One website where the Psychology of Vision/Oneness University connection is quite strong, including the presence of a few POV trainers, is the Taiwan Oneness Vision website. A simple perusal will confirm a strong overlap of Spezzano worship with Amma and Bhagavan. Be sure to check out the blog portion:
[Update, The website was removed by Mar. 8, 2017. On Oct. 13, 2017 it was noted it has since redirected to a Facebook page. Here's a substitute link to the original webpage:]

Following are some visuals of Melinda and the OU connection from Facebook:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sure would clear the air if the Spezzanos made a public announcement about why they made such an extreme about-face regarding OU.

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