Wednesday, August 22, 2018

NAFPS Selections: Psychology of Vision Takes a Ride on the Bus to Oneness University

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," January 13, 2015]:

Oneness University, Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV), and the Profile Engine

The secrecy and lack of hard data concerning SALPOV makes any research of this cult a challenge. For a corporation that uses the term "Oneness" so often since 2007 and touts their own "transparency" you think they would be an open book, making full disclosure. But if they were, we would be able to see their financial statements, internal discussion forums or the marching orders as issued on Comindwork, current list of personnel and trainers, manuals, SALPOV list of stockholders in a corporation that has earned perhaps more than a million a year, the international financial relations such as what is that Swiss bank account all about, etc.

Nope, forget it. And when we start looking closer at detailed aspects of SALPOV some of the information sources we spotlight get shut down and deleted from online view, such as the English language Trainer's Manual or the Spezzano/Ticehurst Healing Metaphors.  

Really, this is no different from many other American capitalist for-profit enterprises, except that the Spezzanos have added the element of it being a personality cult. The followers worship the Spezzanos while the Spezzanos in turn worship the coin of the realm. It's all about the money.

One of the biggest SALPOV coverups concerns their loving embrace of Oneness University from 2007 to probably about 2011, give or take a year. Being somewhat sloppy and not real current on their websites, they didn't go into full purge mode to erase this fact until a year ago.

Regular readers of this thread know that in 2007 the Spezzanos attended Oneness University in India and integrated many OU practices into their own dogma which are still present today but not identified as such. For some reason they went to great lengths to distance themselves from OU in early 2014, even to the point of eradicating any mention of the institution from their websites, LinkedIn profile, etc. It is almost as if SALPOV never heard of Amma, Bhagavan, or Oneness University.

But even after this theological cleansing, they still missed a few spots, which we made sure to preserve here on NAFPS--

In her humourously entitled "Truth" screed Lenora Kay Spezzano really downplayed their involvement with OU and did not go into any detail over the reasons why all OU data was purged from SALPOV history. We have documented the strong connection between OU and SALPOV many times on this thread and have clearly provided evidence that Lenora's lone brief public statement, which is the only official SALPOV opinion about this subject we can find, is so misleading and inaccurate. Young Christopher Spezzano has gifted us with a more strongly worded anti-Oneness University statement, but although he is connected, he is not officially considered a spokesperson for the corporation as far as we know.

Exactly why the Spezzanos are down on OU is something I do not know and cannot begin to guess. As interesting as that might be, what is more fascinating to me are the SALPOV efforts to rewrite their own history and live in denial of their own past. That's having a "split mind," wouldn't you say? Charles Lee Spezzano says all problems boil down to guilt. Well, obviously the Spezzanos are suffering a split mind originating from guilt over something when it comes to Oneness University. But, what do I know? I'm no psychologist. Hey, come to think of it, neither are the Spezzanos! Maybe they need to see a real professional to help heal the vast gulf between what they say and what they do. Time to think outside of that confining little triangle they swiped from Bob Trask.

Spezzano's Ph. D. is not in "Counseling Psychology" as he claims on his LinkedIn (where, incidentally, his listed attendance at OU was deleted last year). No, his APA-unaccredited degree was in the much more useless and unemployable degree of "Professional Psychology." Within three years he was going up and down the West Coast advertising himself as a "psychic." Why does the name "Elmer Gantry" suddenly spring to mind?

So, the stage is set where we are talking about two New Age bottom feeders here who have no qualms about engaging in false advertising.

Now on to the Profile Engine.

Apparently the Profile Engine had a deal with Facebook for access to all profiles and social networking links from 2007-2010. Then there was a legal hassle and the show came to an end. Here is a link to the Profile Engine version of defining their content-- [Update, July 5, 2018: dead link]

So, as you can see, this is basically a window into the networking of the Facebook world in 2007-2010, which should provide us with a nice view of the SALPOV social links during that era.

So let us take a look, shall we?

First we find this:


    Lency and Chuck Spezzano Global Leadership Alumni (Psychology of Vision)  

    Group members: 74

    Description: A dynamic duo of the husband and wife team who are behind Psychology of Vision, a movement transforming the world, guided by the principles of A Course of Miracles and the teachings of Oneness University. These two, who have my vote for a Noble Peace Prize, are tirelessly traveling the world to empower people to their full potential, seminar by seminar.Group created December 9, 2007.
[Update Aug. 29, 2019: Dead link]

Oh, guided by the teachings of Oneness University. You don't say? The Lency and Chuck Spezzano Global Leadership Alumni was apparently a very short-lived venture.

Oneness UK is also in the mix:


    Oneness UK  

    Group members: 381

    Description: “TO SET HUMANITY TOTALLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY FREE” is the vision of the Founders of Oneness, Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan. Oneness...Oneness does not teach you reading, writing or arithmetic; nor does it educate you on the technicalities of various professions. It is a place for learning life, which addresses your 'other' side, the inner side. It does not give you specialisations but make you into a human being, into what you are supposed to be.Oneness Founders, Sri Bhagavan & Sri Amma...The Divine phenomenon
[Update Aug. 29, 2019: Dead link] 

Those connected with this social group include none other than-- Lency Spezzano!  

Then there is this site called the "Oneness Buss" and it isn't clear if this is an individual or a concept. Apparently Oneness University has their own bus (photo attached). Unlike SALPOV victims who are marooned on the Waihee Pl. Palace and have to make their own way to Paradise Bay Resort which is a mile and half away (some of it on a major highway), at least OU has enough class to provide transportation for their followers. But with the Spezzanos, so I'm told, you have to provide your own wheels or find other methods to return to your motel room. Not real ADA friendly, eh? Oh, wait, if you have a disability it is your own damn fault according to Charles Lee Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst. Sorry. I forgot.
[Update Aug. 29, 2019: Dead link] 

The Oneness Buss site includes the following SALPOV connections, including some members of SALPOV's Star Chamber (and I'm probably missing a few others):

Bunny Sjogren
Ross Hyslop
Susan Allen
Jeff Allen
Jane Kirby
Janie Ticehurst
Julie Wookey
Andrea Cranmer
Ruby Tang
Avril Woodward

It seems to me this snapshot in time demonstrates that Oneness University, Amma and Bhagavan were more influential in the history of SALPOV than Lenora would have us believe.

Deeksha blessing anyone?


Muriel Landers said...

If the Oneness University episode is an indicator of the Spezzanos' credibility, I am afraid they have sadly failed in that regard.

Anonymous said...

According to her Facebook, Ruby Tang is now a "Oneness Trainer" so I wonder what she has to say about the Spezzanos badmouthing Oneness University?

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