Friday, November 5, 2021

Uniform Motion Wants Their Music Back

In Feb. 2015 the band Uniform Motion (based in Toulouse, France) was informed that their song "Our Hearts Have Been Misplaced in a Secret Location" was being used on several videos promoting Chuck Spezzano. The song had been included by a POV publicity agent named Django Hediger.

Eventually the music was removed although the videos remain on Youtube, still listing Uniform Motion on the credits.

Here is a link to the song itself, which is quite good. It is easy to see why it was used:

Here is the Facebook discussion the band had with their audience concerning the issue:


Anonymous said...

Bravo for Uniform Motion. I believe this could almost be considered yet another case of POV cultural appropriation (i.e. theft). So glad they took control of their own music. Good for them.

Year of the Cat said...

Well, I'll give Django points for having good acoustic taste. This is a beautiful piece of music.

Anonymous said...

Django also lies about Spezzano's academic credentials in his promotional materials and The Master lets him. Class act. This cult will do what it takes to acquire your money.

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