Sunday, October 31, 2021

Ngystle Society Upcoming Events, Sept. 2013

Ngystle Society Upcoming Events, Sept. 2013. Psychology of Vision, Eric Gonzalez


Anonymous said...

What is "Physcology"?

How do you get a 5-day workshop out of Sept. 30, and Oct. 2-4? I make that 4 days. These workshops really last from 10 AM to 6 PM? I smell a cult.

Erick Gonzalez is a slimeball in a sea of pus. Interesting how his drug-soaked cult also appeals to some POV followers.

Anonymous said...

Essential funds provided by Aboriginal Healing Foundation that was provided to help Residential School Survivors to recover from serious mental trauma and sexual abuse, from witnessing and receiving mental abuse to themselves and other RSS,
RSS suffering from family dysfunctions resulting in alcoholism,substance abuse resulting in addictions to cocaine, crack, pills, etc. Shattered lives and broken dreams, not to mention the racial abuse and destruction of RSS cultural identity, stripped of mother tongue and clan histories .

Why would anyone allow this kind of uncensored treatment be funded for RSS? No background checks, no criminal record checks, no credential checks,
no reference checks?
How is it that a man from the states (Hawaii) who lies about being a psychologist arrives in Skidegate and milks thousands of dollars to mind fuck Haidas and call it healing?
Then add to the mix , another gangster , Gonzalez, from California pretending to be a medicine man,is paid thousands of dollars from Ngystle to hold psycho active drug retreats to heal RSS, meanwhile people are overdosing and addicted participants were given all you can eat peyote sessions plus bags to take home to share with who ever needs help.
Not to mention Gonzalez declaring Ammanita poisonous and potentially fatal mushroom to be a Traditional Haida Medicine and coaching women to pick , dry and make tea with it , and stock pile it for him.

The sick part is that Traditional Elder's and Youth Circle made a point several times to warn people who were promoting Gonzalez in Skidegate to not let him in the community because he had a track record from the states for making profit from drugging people who were seeking healing.
Marsha Forrest , our former community health nurse was warned twice about Gonzalez that his attendance was not wanted anymore at the Traditional Elder's and Youth circle because he violated their spiritual ways by making a business out of healing.
Marsha kept sticking up for Gonzalez, became his Vice President of Erick's business Earth People's United and still does today. She follows his instructions to administer what ever drug he says, whether it is a poison or not.
Meanwhile funds solicited by Ngystle with Skidegate Manager support (Babs Stevens which solicited funds to become entrenched into Chuck's cult Psychology of Vision)has been neglectfully squandered on these harmful high risk adventures.
Two decades of wasted time and funds that could have been invested into a healthy intelligent outcome where RSS could have received the important and life determining strategies to stabilize and create support systems that would actually address the RSS issues of peril and distress.
Because of this ongoing neglect families during this time lost out, addiction issues have become even more complicated spanning over 3 generations, mom and dad, the kids, and their kids using . Nothing more than money in the bank for dealers. Family members dying off in their 50's and youth overdosing and even suicides.
Ngystle and Skidegate Band Manager disenfranchised their own people by these acts of negligence.People of Skidegate were targeted for their suffering and displaced by the opportunity of accessing large funds that they were entitled to benefit from in a way that would rescue them from further loss.
Skidegate lost to the greedy and self serving actions of Ngystle and band manager and Chuck & Lency spezzano and Erick Gonzalez and his wife Heddi Neale.
The people of Skidegate are in a position to seek justice for the damage done, for the neglect of their loved ones and the loss of family and future.

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