Sunday, August 6, 2017

Doktortitel in "Klinischer Psychologie"

Oct. 2015

A newly launched website in German, apparently with official Psychology of Vision blessing, states Chuck Spezzano has a Ph. D. in Clinical Psychology:
[Update Oct. 12, 2019: "This site is currently undergoing maintenance." -- This has happened just in the last week. Update to Update Oct. 20, 2019: URL was not found on this server]

A link to the actual degree can be found here:


Anonymous said...

Another lie, another dollar.

Luther Martin said...

I can't believe Django Hediger doesn't know Spezzano does not possess a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. If he doesn't know, he's dumber than I thought. If he does know, then this is an all out lie. In any case, it is clear the quest for profit is a higher priority than serving the Truth in POV. Chuck Spezzano should've had this changed long ago. What does this tell you about his business competence or ethics?

Frank Teller said...

What a bunch of jerks.

Anonymous said...

Fraud is fraud, the venue has the right to refuse fraudulent business which undermines the German public. If the proper credentials can not be provided then the next step is to fine this business for misrepresentation and red-flag them for being imposters . Is Chuck Spezzano listed on the "world leading psychologists" directory? A directory that is officially supported by seriously educated and dedicated licensed professionals.
If not, then Germany needs to know.

Tom Joad said...

"Powerful Events" has folded up and Hediger has apparently handed the website over to Uwe Wiest, who is continuing the false credential statement.

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