Sunday, June 4, 2017

NAFPS Selections: The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision Pt. 1

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," July 06, 2014]:

The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision, Pt. 1
The time has come for us to systematically address Lenora Kay Spezzano's recent online document where she attempted to answer the growing number of Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) critics and gain some spin control. My reproduction of her text is for the purpose of nonprofit review, consumer education, and providing even more leads for law enforcement and the media.

Although in the legal notice colophon the website owner is identified as Spezzano and Associates Ltd. (not Psychology of Vision-- interesting, isn't it?), the entire work has a running note in the bottom margin-- "Copyright © 2014 The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision." This would suggest the "The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision" is yet another independent entity. Did they file Articles of Incorporation under that name in Hawaii? Otherwise this copyright statement is useless.
[Update Oct. 12, 2019: "This site is currently undergoing maintenance." -- This has happened just in the last week.]

As simple citizen investigators from several different nations, we do not have the resources of law enforcement or professional media, but we have done our best to gather available evidence to educate the public about the SALPOV cult. We are aware both law enforcement and some media are using the information we are providing. The horse is out of the barn.

So let us embark on this granular examination of Lenora's reaction--



    Hi – I’m Lency Spezzano, and if you are reading this, it may well be because your search engine led you to a blog that is claiming peculiar things about my husband Chuck and myself, and the Psychology of Vision. Normally, we would not respond to Internet attack; unfortunately, the level of zeal involved in this libel is so high, and the accusations are so bizarre, I feel we need to respond with the truth, in support of the many thousands of people around the world that are doing the Psychology of Vision work, who could be hurt by the slander in some way.

Notice the words used here: peculiar, attack, zeal, libel, accusations, bizarre, slander. And that is only in the first paragraph! She is rounding up the wagons against those heathens and instilling a sense of fear in her cult followers to keep them in line. Objective non-cult viewers will immediately see this for what it is. From this point on Lenora has given up on recruiting new people, she is merely trying to defend the profit margin supplied by the vulnerable people who bought into this SALPOV fantasy.


    The attacks on us claim:

    "That Chuck and I have falsified our educational background information; that we have created a cult so we could be worshipped as its leaders; that we damage vulnerable people in our seminars in assorted terrible ways; that we have targeted Indigenous people for financial gain; that we are simply cons running a scam for money, and other complete falsehoods."

She has the above passage in quotes, which is strange since the original source is nowhere online. Perhaps it exists in an as yet unreleased legal document to be served on us critics. But in fact the educational background of both Spezzanos has been falsified by their self-purged mention of attendance at Oneness University in 2007, and the fact is Charles does not have a PhD in Counseling Psychology as SALPOV websites claim, according to his dissertation it is "Professional Psychology." Unaccredited by the APA, I might add. The English language POV Trainer's Manual, which has been deleted online after we brought attention to it, clearly proves SALPOV is a personality cult. The German POV Trainer's Manual disproves her First Nations claim. I don't think the Spezzanos are "simply cons running a scam for money." I think that in addition to that they enjoy the ego/power trip. Lenora's YouTubes confirm that last point.  


    These deceptions have been picked up and spread by individuals who are hiding behind false identities, so as not to be accused of, or charged with, “cyber-harassment.” [1] Acting as if their motivation were to protect the vulnerable, rather than to intentionally do harm, the various bloggers combed through our past looking for anything to use against us, and when they couldn’t find anything improper, they started inventing improprieties out of thin air. The attackers invented malicious quotes, supposedly written or spoken by us, falsified input from “experts” and even fabricated names of books we have supposedly written. The people who engineered this campaign against us have never met us or attended any of our seminars, and they know no person who has been damaged in our seminars. I can say this with confidence, because I am certain that we would have heard about such an occurrence if it happened. We would have received negative feedback on the seminar feedback form, as well as feedback from our Trainers who live in that community and were friends with all the participants.

First off, many people who have bad experiences with both Spezzanos throughout the past do not want to be identified. Apparently the Spezzanos are known to be vindictive and prone to tantrums. And some of their followers are not any better. Those of us who are SALPOV watchers are in possession of more information than we can make public because we do not want to screw up the lives of our sources. I'll just say the world of SALPOV and those who have been in the Spezzanos' wake is not entirely comprised of obedient zombies. The spark of critical thinking keeps the fire of human individualism alive.

Also, there are several SALPOV critics over the last few years who have used their real names. At least one of them had to contact the RCMP over threatening emails from an unbalanced SALPOV devotee.

Second, the whole cyber-harassment charge is a non-issue. SALPOV is in the public arena. Free speech is free speech. It amuses me that an organisation that has skirted around the law for so long in terms of avoiding government regulations and licensing is suddenly quoting it to defend themselves. "Free speech for me, but not for thee." Interesting they quote a USA source but sent their bogus legal letter to Canadians.

Third, this quote: "Acting as if their motivation were to protect the vulnerable, rather than to intentionally do harm, the various bloggers combed through our past looking for anything to use against us, and when they couldn’t find anything improper, they started inventing improprieties out of thin air. The attackers invented malicious quotes, supposedly written or spoken by us, falsified input from 'experts' and even fabricated names of books we have supposedly written."

Actually we found a lot that was improper. And we are generously sharing it with people more powerful than ourselves in several countries. No authorities have told us our data is unwelcome. As for the rest, Lenora needs to provide examples of the supposed inventions, falsified input, and fabricated book titles. Personally, I have no idea what she is talking about.

Fourth, we have dealt with this claim earlier on this forum: "The people who engineered this campaign against us have never met us or attended any of our seminars, and they know no person who has been damaged in our seminars. I can say this with confidence, because I am certain that we would have heard about such an occurrence if it happened. We would have received negative feedback on the seminar feedback form, as well as feedback from our Trainers who live in that community and were friends with all the participants."

This is Lenora living in denial. Apparently she didn't watch the APTN broadcast and does not follow the data presented on this forum by people on Haida Gwaii. I attribute this to her wealthy upbringing, where the problems of little people do not register on her radar. But my comrades might have another opinion.


    The original attackers are doing this to us – as best as I can tell – not because there is any form of evidence that we have done anything wrong, but as a political means of hurting the feelings and reputations of certain First Nations elders and leaders who have been our friends and supporters of our work for over 20 years; it hurts our friends if the attackers hurt us. The attackers want the Psychology of Vision work to not be helpful to Residential School Survivors, and other First Nations people. But the Psychology of Vision is nothing like what they claim. It has proven to be very beneficial to Residential School Survivors, as well as other Canadians (click to see letters of support from First Nations and other Canadian students of PoV Canadian Testimonials). just as it has been helpful to people all around the world. The Psychology of Vision does not replace cultures with a new culture, it leverages people on the spiritual path they are already on. (Click on this link to see a short story describing one example of First Nations Residential School Survivors’ healings ? The Miracles of Forgiveness)

And here Lenora plays the victim. In SALPOV, if you are victim that means you brought your malady upon yourself because you are guilty of something. So according to SALPOV doctrine we troublemaking critics are playing a role we are destined to play in helping liberate the cult followers so they can join the rest of us in the real world. And the problem with this is-- what?

Oh. Wait a minute. I forgot. The problem is this-- it interferes with the Spezzano & Associates Ltd. profit margin.

Speaking personally, I was interested in the Spezzanos before I knew about their presence on Haida Gwaii.

The testimonials are about as valuable as cheap "zombie points" in a video game. There is no one in there with any respected objective, academic, cultural, or government credentials. The whole point was to round up the cult followers and have them give a loyalty pledge. And it plainly comes across that way.

"The Psychology of Vision does not replace cultures with a new culture, it leverages people on the spiritual path they are already on." Excuse me? How does annihilating the ego and performing Deeksha blessings fit into Haida culture? This is a very arrogant and Ugly American colonist statement. It was this kind of thinking that got the USA into Vietnam, and maybe Haida Gwaii will be the Vietnam for SALPOV.


    It is a strange position to be in, to have spent your entire career in the helping field, to have received honors and appreciation from people and organizations around the world for your work (for example, see endnote)[2] and ultimately, in your sixties, have people who do not even know you do everything they can to ruin you and your family.

My question is-- how were they able to get away with this nonsense for so long without being held accountable by governments or the press to a greater degree?

The example award presented to Charles Lee Spezzano was given by group headed by his buddy, Michael North, making this an insular recognition.


    Many of the attacks accuse us of targeting First Nations people for financial gain. In actuality, rather than “take” money from First Nations, Chuck and I have donated around 30 3-day seminars to First Nations communities over the last 20 years, and have brought $1.5 million USD of donations to BC in their support. All of the Internet attacks against us have been this far off base.

Read the German language POV Trainers Manual, Section K. We'll get into more detail as we go along.


    References and Footnotes

    1. States have enacted ‘cyberstalking’ or ‘cyberharassment’ laws or have laws that explicitly include electronic forms of communication within more traditional stalking or harassment laws.” See, “State Cyberstalking and Cyberharassment Laws,” National Conference of State Legislature (NCLS). (accessed Feb. 2, 2014).
[Update Mar. 29, 2020: Dead link]
    2. Here is a link to a video of Chuck receiving a “Hero of Forgiveness” award at the annual Hawai’i International Forgiveness Day event held at the Hawaii State Capital in July, 2012.

The question among the SALPOV watchers on whether Lenora lives in a world of delusion or is indeed a true con artist remains open.

1 comment:

Harry Pollard said...

Lency has not updated her defense of POV since the "Truth" screed was originally posted. A lot of damaging information has since been posted elsewhere, undermining POV's credibility as well as many of her specific excuses. Apparently POV is not worth the effort of defending any longer so the critics get to define the cult to the rest of the world. Why is that? Interesting. Fascinating.

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