Sunday, June 4, 2017

NAFPS Selections: The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision Pt. 2

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," July 06, 2014]:

The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision, Pt. 2

In her next installment, Lenora tells us she was basically pretty ignorant on the Wild West anarchy of the Internet. This "paradigm shift" reveals that perhaps she is not as "cutting edge" as she thinks when it comes to social change and cultural trends.


    The Nature of The Internet  

    Most people don’t understand the nature of the Internet – I certainly didn’t until this happened to us. Lies can be put on just one blog, and they get shared and re-shared by people looking for material for their own blogs, which then gets shared again and again and again, running up the number of “hits” of viewers. They all feed off of each other for new content to stay competitive. If an attack of this kind happens to you, in a short time, any Google search on your name or company brings up the false information and attacks before real information about you can be found. Soon, the entire first page of the search can be nothing but attack, and a recent study shows that 89% of Internet users do not look beyond the first page of results. That can be catastrophic for any individual or business targeted by this kind of Internet criminal.

Yes, lies get repeated over and over such as-- Charles Lee Spezzano is psychologist! She bemoans the lack of critical thinking by Internet users, yet refers to people who apply critical thinking regarding her activities as "criminal." We'd all like to have our cake and eat it too, but life doesn't work that way most of the time.  


    The bulk of the attack against us is supposedly from Indigenous people, but my research showed me that in some cases these bloggers are only pretending to be First Nations, and appear to have even destroyed the lives of some Indigenous healers. The sad thing is that many individuals doing research on the Internet view these blogs as gospel, not realizing the nature of the Internet or what makes a credible source.

Once again, she cries about lack of critical thinking, but whines when it is directed at her activities. I am not acquainted with all of the SALPOV investigators and survivors, but the people I have communicated with come from different countries and cultures. We share a universal concern about the damage being done by the Spezzanos. Some of the critics come from the New Age community and a few of them are fairly close to Ground Zero. Not all is happiness and light within the Spezzano cult.

Perhaps her premise that the "bulk of the attack against us is supposedly from Indigenous people" is due to this forum hosting several of us. Many critics who are not FN have signed on to this forum because here we can share research and our interests overlap with the mission of NAFPS.  


    It is easy enough to prove what your finances have been, and what your education was, but it is another thing to try to prove what is in your heart. How does one prove that they are not a “predator?” How does one defend their motives?

First, SALPOV has yet to reveal their finances. We are especially interested in that Swiss bank account. No joke, SALPOV has one. Second, there are valid questions about the educational background of Charles Lee Spezzano. Third, motives are revealed by actions. We'll get to all of these as we progress.


    The people leading this character assassination campaign against us, and the bloggers who support them on their forums, do not appear to be the least bit interested in hearing the truth about us. Whenever someone has tried to correct the false information on the websites, their comments were either never posted or were removed quickly. One of the bloggers often boasts that he cannot be caught or stopped. If that is true, it is a sad state of affairs for the future of the Internet.

On the contrary, the critics have gone to great effort to learn the truth and share it. She calls this "character assassination." We call it "enlightenment" and educating the public. It will be a sad state of affairs when free speech is curtailed on the Internet thanks to the likes of cult leaders such as Lenora Kay Spezzano.

Many critical comments were removed from Lenora's YouTube videos and on SALPOV Facebook pages. When it comes to removing and deleting uncomfortable data, the SALPOV machine holds the prize. It is very Soviet-like in that way. I am not aware of any SALPOV comments being removed from the websites of critics. In order to make a point, the late Morty the Dog asked that SALPOV defenders also pay $1000 before posting comments since Charles Lee Spezzano charges $1000 for a personal consultation. And SALPOV supporter Julian Ticehurst actually became a member of this forum [NAFPS], but he deleted his posts and backed out by his own choice from what I understand.

I have no idea who boasts they cannot be caught or stopped, but I have found it amusing to read Lenora's psychological profile of some of her critics, particularly the initial Ripoff Report author who I know personally. Lenora is pretty clueless. And I mean REALLY clueless.

Some of our sources have been closer than she thinks.


    I am hoping that if you hear a little about Chuck’s and my history, you will not readily believe that we are exploiting the Indigenous peoples we have actually honored and supported, pro bono, with our energy and resources for the past 20 years.

    If you are interested in the truth about who we are, I would like to tell you a little bit about our background and the work that we do in the Psychology of Vision. The accusations will each be addressed, but I feel it fair to state here that all of the cyber-attacks on us that I have read are completely untrue, and in fact, in every case, they are the exact opposite of the truth.

The question among the SALPOV watchers on whether Lenora lives in a world of delusion or is indeed a true con artist remains open.

1 comment:

George N. Neise said...

The Spezzano response to any criticism is so Nixonian. It has not worked for them. If there is such a thing as Karma, it is catching up to them.

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