Sunday, June 4, 2017

NAFPS Selections: The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision Pt. 5

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," July 06, 2014]:

 Clients are manhandled by Lency and POV trainers in a "Joining" session


The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision, Pt. 5

    Is The Psychology of Vision A Cult?



    As I understand it, a cult is a religious or spiritual group with rigid ideas and authoritarian practices. Members give their power over to the group’s leader, and, in the process, they surrender their identity. Members are encouraged to cut their ties with family and friends, and for these reasons they are seen as exploitative and dangerous.

Read the English language version of the SALPOV Trainer's Manual before continuing. Even though SALPOV took it down from public view, I maintained a copy which is attached. After reading it, you will see everything Lenora claims here is not true. SALPOV is a steep hierarchy and a personality cult. It is all perfectly laid out in their own words.
[Substitute link]


    The Psychology of Vision is the opposite of a cult. It is an organization that is owned by the group of Trainers themselves (there are presently 48 of us). All organizational decisions are discussed until the Trainers reach a unanimous decision, either as a whole body (for major decisions) at our annual Conference, or by the Steering Committee, which deals with day-to-day issues. Chuck and I, as founders, do not get more of a voice than any other Trainer or Steering Committee member. A Trainer’s vote, at Level 1, is as important as a vote of a Trainer Level 4. This is because our organization operates from a horizontal relationship between Trainers, not a hierarchy with a cult figure at the top. Any difference in the levels of Trainers purely reflects the level of leadership through service that the Trainers have attained, not their value or their importance.

    Seminar participants develop their own connection to grace and healing, and do not need to go through any PoV Trainer at any time to access it. Focus is always made on empowering the participants in their daily lives, not on developing dependency on PoV Trainers. Participants do heal by releasing the pain of old emotional injuries to realize the truth; but contrary to the attack allegations, there is no emotional “freaking out” in the seminars, and although there is a lot of laughter, none of it is “hysterical.”

Poor Jordan was subjected to the hypnosis otherwise called "Downloading/Joining" and got hysterical at a couple points and had to be calmed down--
[Substitute link]


    No cult-like behavior exists in PoV, as far as I can see, nor is there any version of the typical “us versus them” mentality that would encourage seminar participants to cut ties with their family and friends. In fact, that is the opposite of what PoV is about. We focus on recovering failed relationships with our family members, forgiving our parents for our childhood injuries and being accountable for what takes place in our lives in relation to others.

The very existence of Lenora's "Truth" online document, equating honest criticism with criminal activity and rounding up the cult followers for loyalty oath "testimonials" reveals the opposite of what she is claiming about cult-like behavior. I would agree with Lenora that "No cult-like behavior exists in PoV." Instead, I would say rather than "cult-like" it is just a plain straight-ahead "cult."


    The Psychology of Vision governs itself in a professional manner, and any complaint about a Trainer’s behavior would be subject to a review process of accountability and consequences. If any of us, as PoV Trainers, unintentionally happened to hurt or damage a person in any way, there are clear processes in place to address a seminar participant’s feedback.

True professionals interested in transparency would open their complaints to the regulators of the public sector. The insular nature of their "discipline" only confirms the cult nature of SALPOV.


    Insofar as a “cult” may be accused of “swindling” their “followers” out of money – we had never been accused of any such thing. To my knowledge, neither PoV, nor Chuck and I personally, have ever received feedback that seminars are over-priced or are not worth what people paid for them. (A recent research of the price of popular seminars being taught in Germany found that Chuck’s and my PoV seminars are mid-range in price.) Also, seminar participants are never pressed to bring new members to seminars. This is a very important value for Chuck and me.
Read Section K of the German language SALPOV Trainers Manual--

Plus, who else charges over $1000 an hour for personal consultations like Charles Lee Spezzano does?


    If people return to PoV seminars, and bring friends or family with them, it is not because we employ some kind of “mind control” over seminar participants, as “cults” might. People return because they value the healing they have received, and want to continue along that path. The process of healing emotional injuries, heartbreaks and defenses is only of interest to people who value it. People have to already be on their healing path to have any interest in the Psychology of Vision. It is not for everybody because not everyone wants to get in touch with their repressed pain so that it can be released and healed. For those who have not developed this value, they may feel threatened by those who have, which I feel is a primary reason for the kind of attack that accuses us of being a cult.

She is right about SALPOV is not for everybody. Most wage slaves cannot even begin to afford the high fees demanded by the Spezzanos. Only the affluent need apply. Apparently the wealthy class has no shortage of fools willing to part with their money.
[Update: Most of Lency's "Downloading/Joining" videos have been removed from public view]

The question among the SALPOV watchers on whether Lenora lives in a world of delusion or is indeed a true con artist remains open.

1 comment:

Frank Mitchell said...

Find any cult identification checklist and use POV as the example. It is a cult. The Spezzanos might not have intended it to turn out that way, but that is what it has become and they adapted to that reality since it helped the profit margin.

So the question is, at what point in POV history did Chuck and Lency realize they had a cult following and decide to manipulate that mindset to satisfy their financial lust?

Or in other words, when did they sell out?

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