Sunday, June 4, 2017

NAFPS Selections: The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision Pt. 4

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," July 06, 2014]:

 The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision, Pt. 4

Now we shift to the credentials of Charles Lee Spezzano.


    Chuck Spezzano, Professional Background

    Chuck’s first vocational goal was to become a priest. Later, during his third year at collegiate seminary, he realized that he felt a calling to be helpful to more people than just Catholics, and that he would like to marry one day and have children. He graduated Cum Laude from Duquesne University (the best school in the US for Existential Phenomenology, which is where Humanistic Philosophy and Psychology come from) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1970, getting his Bachelor of Arts degree, with a double major in Philosophy and Psychology. He received his Master of Arts degree in Sociology from Duquesne as well, in 1971. He was hired as a counselor and Director of Outreach at the Brashear Association, there in Pittsburgh in 1972. Later in 1972, Chuck moved to San Diego, California, to begin his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the United States International University. Chuck chose USIU because they had the strongest Humanistic Psychology program he could find in the US at the time. (USIU and the California School of Professional Psychology joined in 2001 to form Alliant International University.) He graduated with his Ph.D. in 1977.

We need to enhance this description with the facts that USIU was not accredited by the APA in 1977 and Charles listed his degree on his thesis as one in "Professional Psychology," not "Counseling Psychology" as his official online biographies claim. So what is the deal there? This is a very serious discrepancy which alone would qualify him to be classified as a fraud for the purposes of this forum and also have him removed from the faculty of any academic institution. 


    Chuck was employed as a psychologist by the Naval Drug Rehabilitation Center at the Naval Air Station Miramar, in San Diego, from 1973-79, and he also became an instructor at the Naval Drug and Alcohol Counseling School, their program to train Navy therapists, from 1974-79. From 1979-82 Chuck was a seminar trainer for ARAS (Awareness-Respect-Affection-Support) Trainings, which were based on a spiritual and personal growth model. This is where he developed his love for being able to help many people at once, rather than helping them just one at a time.

Oh, I love this mention of ARAS because it gives me an opportunity to bring up the Bob Trask connection. Trask, the ARAS chief who came up with the triangle the Spezzanos "borrowed," had a sudden parting of the ways with Charles Lee Spezzano. You professional reporters would do well to find out why. The resulting story will be fun and Lenora's above statement will contain an unintentional ironic humor.

And let us mark this, Lenora called Charles a "psychologist" here. Later in this document she claims SALPOV has never claimed Charles was a psychologist. Hmmm. Someone is suffering from a "split mind." 


    Chuck developed a seminar system for those in rehab, as an adjunct to the group and individual therapy treatments, to accelerate the healing process. It was also where he began to formulate his “Steps to Oneness,” a roadmap of all the steps, stages and levels that individuals, couples, companies and countries go through on their way to Oneness. It was because of the ever-heavier caseload, and shorter time allotted by the governmental budget for rehab, that Chuck studied short-term therapy models, and developed many methods and techniques for transformation that easily accessed the subconscious and unconscious levels of the mind.  When I first encountered Chuck’s model I was utterly astounded – even though I had recently received a M.Sc. in counseling, and I thought I knew the state of the art. In terms of effectiveness, Chuck’s insights were well beyond any traditional therapy I had studied in graduate school.

So how did Lenora first encounter Spezzano's work? What was the networking here?


    From 1979-83 Chuck developed a private practice as a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in Orange County, California. In 1983 he moved to Hawaii and served as the interim minister for Windward Unity Church, in Kailua, Hawaii, for one year. In 1981 Chuck began teaching his first international personal growth seminars, and I joined him in that calling in 1984.

Charles Lee Spezzano's experience as the interim minister for Windward Unity Church is another era worth investigating. I don't know why he later connected so closely to Oneness University, but I am wondering if his Unity ministry was the initial spark that fed his enthusiasm for Bhagavan and Amma. Later the Spezzanos would betray them.

Note to SALPOV corporate partners or influences-- they will throw you under the bus with no qualms if your association impacts their profit margin.


    Chuck and I had begun working together in Hawaii in 1983 and were married in 1984. Together we have developed the Psychology of Vision model, a path of the heart that focuses on the healing of relationships, leadership (or helping others) and non-denominational spirituality. With this as our base, we have created many healing techniques and principles. This is Chuck’s 42nd year as a counselor/coach, and by the end of 2014 he will have 38 books (a few with my participation) published in Germany, with one or more books published in 19 other countries. He has a dozen other books in the works.

    Putting together both of our backgrounds, I think it may be clear to see how the Psychology of Vision was inspired, and how it is based on the power of forgiveness and love, because, as Chuck and I have seen in seminars countless times, forgiveness is the key to happiness. I will now begin to answer the many attacks on us that have resulted from the primary attacker’s efforts.

And I will continue the reality checks.

The question among the SALPOV watchers on whether Lenora lives in a world of delusion or is indeed a true con artist remains open.

1 comment:

Frank Mitchell said...

Chuck Spezzano's credentials have consistently been misrepresented in marketing his spiritual retail services in Europe. Why has no one been prosecuted for this false advertising?

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