Sunday, June 4, 2017

NAFPS Selections: Psychology of Vision Spinoff Business in Central Europe pt. 1

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Ingeborg," February 16, 2015]:

I had a look at persons selling courses in „Steps to Leadership“, PoV, and/or VisionWorks in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland resp using their participation in PoV/STL/VW seminars and their employing PoV methods to promote their business. As far as these person mention previous, or current, employment resp vocational trainings, these are mentioned below, too.

Alexandra Angermann, Basel/Switzerland

is a manager in Forbo Management Training

previously (until 2005) CEO in Psychology of Vision DACH

Ursula Garo, Gwatt/Switzerland
[Substitute link]

According to her biographical info, Garo has been a primary school teacher between 1983 and 1993. From 1992, she opened her own office selling kinesiology and other seminars. From 1996 on, she added Family Constellations according to Bert Hellinger, and from 1999 on sold constellation seminars. From 2004, she also sells one-day seminars „Follow the voice of your heart“ which are said to be based on „concepts, models and constallation according to Psychology of Vision by Dr Chuck Spezzano and Lency Spezzano from Hawaii“, and STL courses. Garo got involved with PoV through a lecture by Spezzano in 1996.

Garo does not provide info regarding any course of studies in psychology or medicine apart from various Newage methods (kinesiology, constellations/Hellinger, PoV)

Christoph Müller, Basel/Switzerland

From the info provided in his LinkedIn profile, Müller might have booked an STL course; it is not quite clear whether he also taught STL courses. However, he is using the STL course to promote his business activities and may seek to proselytise business contacts and employees:

Karin Eva Möckel-Brandt, Würenlos/Switzerland

Möckel-Brandt was born 1963 and also is a massage therapist/balneotherapist by profession, but later on changed to Water Shiatsu.


    I also did a one-year's course – Steps to Leadership – and further seminars on the depth psychology according to Dr Chuck Spezzano. This knowledge accompanies and supports me and my clients in my work.

Christian Moser, Zollikerberg/Switzerland

Moser offers Neuro-Feedback therapies, personality development, consciousness training, quantum medicine. He works at Casa Vitale:  [substitute link] , but also runs his own website at alphaflow dot ch which is for his company CMMF CONSULTING GMBH.

On his website, he claims to be recognised by a Swiss Foundation for Complementarly Medicine. Moser did several trainings in Matrix and Quantum healing.

For 2014, he lists three PoV courses: „Communicational training, seminar „Emotional Intelligence and Maturity“ with Dr Chuck Spezzano, training to Steps to Leadership according to Dr Chuck Spezzano, PoV Communcational training, seminar „LOVING – LIVING – HEALING“ with Dr Chuck Spezzano“.

Moser further explains:

    The spiritual psychology I employ is a model of emotional intelligence which leads to a deeper consciousness and understanding of our self and our relationships. It is a path of the heart, miraculously combining spirituality and psychology. The methods and tools were developed by Dr Chuck and Lency Spezzano in the search for a better path.

On his CMMF website, Moser also mentions grades in communication science, economics, and geology. He describes his career as having started out in consulting in a small company in Zurich, then became a brand manager with a large pharma company, a marketing and sales manager in the segment of luxury goods, and an account director in a renowed advertising agency.

Susan Tschopp, Arlesheim/Switzerland

According to her website, Tschopp was born in 1969 and has furthered her gift of intuition and perception since her childhood. She claims trainings in body therapies and various fields of energetic psychology. Among the trainings mentioned are Shiatsu, Bach blossoms, telepathic communication, cluster medicine, pentalogy, Frequency Therapy according to Hulda Clark, and in 2012/2013 an STL course with Rebecca Wildi (trainer level 1 – see above  ) and Chuck Spezzano. [Update Feb. 20, 2019: dead link]

Annamaria Giustolisi, Chüsseberg/Switzerland

Born 1955 in Catania/Sicily, Guistolisi grew up in Switzerland, did a commercial training and worked as a secretary to the management of companies in Zurich and Bern. Presently, she is an „MET therapist and Quantum Energy Coach“ and „The experience I was able to make with „Steps to Leadership of Psychology of Vision (according to Dr Chuck Spezzano) additionally support my work in a wonderful way“. (see:  ) [Substitute link]

Ruud Verstappen, Sirnach/Switzerland

Verstappen, born 1963 in the Netherlands, seems to have done a course in physiotherapy at a university of applied science (from 1982 to 1988). Later trainings were in pseudo-scientific methods, e.g. as a Cranio-Sacral therapist (2002-2005), in Psychology of Vision (since 2007) and as a Oneness Deeksha Giver (since 2011). He has his own office and uses pseudo-scientific Craniosacral Therapy and PoV methods in his work with patients ( ).

Theresa Dätwyler, Isabel Bart – Switzerland

The site lacks a proper imprint, therefore the office kept by Dätwyler and Bart cannot be located.

Dätwyler, born 1963, is a kindergarten nurse and later worked with mentally and physically handicapped persons. In 1994, she started as a massager, in 2000 did a training in Craniosacral Therapy, in 2007 a seminar in STL with Ursula Garo (see above), and in 2009 Family Constellations according to Hellinger.

Bart, born 1970, a hairdresser by original profession, is self-employed since 1995. She started out with the 2007 STL seminar with Ursula Garo and from then on took the same seminars and trainings as a business partner Dätwyler (  ).

Janine Marianne Baumann, Pfungen/Switzerland

Baumann, born 1962, originally did a commercial training and worked for insurances, banks, and a software company. Since 2012, she runs an office for hypnotherapy. Among the methods Baumann offers are past-life regression (2000), systemic hypnotherapy (since 1998), Radionics, Quantum Healing, quadrinity pricess, yoga, radical forgiving according to Tipping, Touch for Health.

Between 2010 and 2014, Baumann lists five PoV seminars with Chuck Spezzano, one with Jeff Allen, and an STL course with Kurt Sommer (   ) from April-Oct 2014.
( )

Isabelle Dettwiler, Biel/Switzerland

Dettwiler, born 1969, claims to be a notary by profession which should mean she studied law, however, she does not mention any resp course of studies in her CV. She claims various trainings, e.g. an STL seminar with Ursula Garo (see above), in past-life regression therapy, an Angel Trainer programme by Doreen Virtue taught by Charles Virtue, Reiki, Matrix Live, etc. (   ) [substitute link]

Monika Oswald
, Erlenbach/Switzerland

Oswald, born 1966, also experienced several crises in her life which made her join self-help groups and therapies. She is a bureau clerk, has worked as a secretary, and presently is employed with SHAB (commercial gazette) in Bern as a technical editor. Oswald also offers counseling and claims various trainings in her CV: STL with Ursula Garo (see above), Reiki I – III, Family Constellations according to Hellinger, healing stones (  ).

1 comment:

Tom Kennedy said...

Although I am sure there are sincere people within their ranks, the New Age healing community is real fertile ground for charlatans and psychopaths. There is little regulation or accountability in this field. Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision for-profit corporation thrives in this environment. Chuck Spezzano has been marketed with false credentials for years in Germany with no apparent consequences and a small army of fools and girls of summer buy into this snake oil show. His obese stature and standard of living tells us he doesn't miss many meals and he rakes in the big bucks. He is a talker and a taker. Don't walk into his trap. He will not take care of you.

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