Sunday, June 4, 2017

NAFPS Selections: Psychology of Vision Spinoff Business in Central Europe pt. 3

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Ingeborg," February 16, 2015]:


As there seems to be quite a substantial number of PoV/STL vendors in the federal state of Bavaria, these will be listed separately below.

Donat Wollny, Berlin
runs a management counseling and project coaching in planning and running hospitals
original profession: geologist
Wollny is mentioned on the website VisionWorks for Life as a regular vendor of STL courses (  ). [Updated link]

Petra Hornung, Hamburg

Alternative healer and Bio-Energy Therapist:
The 'qualifications' mentioned are all Nuage (e.g. spiritual healing, mental-energetic spine straightening, Bio-Energy therapist [school of Kryon - ], cranio-sacral therapy, acupuncture, NLP, Reiki).
Additionally, she is a teacher at a school training alternative practicians for the test done by authorities: . Hornung says she has been an alternative healer "for more than ten years", but does not mention any previous qualifications or employment.
[Update: Hornung was a Level 1 POV trainer 2016-2017 but is no longer as of 2018]

Karola Langguth, Wiesbaden/Hessia

Claims to be a musical therapist, but provides no info regarding any education. Langguth seems to combine musical therapy with both STL and Joining. The only course explicitely offered at her website is an STL course which will start in September 2015.
Fee: Regular € 1,450, early birds: € 1,290, couples/repeaters: € 1,290.

Ellen Schneider, Pirna/Saxony

No website.
Schneider started teaching a course "STL - Success and Fulfillment in your Career" in January 2015 ( ) [Non-archived link]

At a PDF published at the same site (  ) [substitute link], Schneider describes her background:


    I am learning the principles of POV and Vision Works since 2007, in 2013 I graduated from the 100 Day Program and started a training as a mediator in 2014. I am a landscape architect by original profession.

Paribhasha Steitz, Frankfurt/Hessia
[Substitute link]

Qualifications mentioned: „trainer and coach, event manager“
Steitz also works for „Frankfurter Ring“, a non-profit organisation which regularly is organising and advertising lectures and seminars with Spezzano (and a multitude of other Nuage charlatans). She is mentioned with an FR e-mail address as responsible for „organisation“: [Substitute link]


    Paribhasha Steitz

Some biographic info in an ad for an STL course offered by Steitz: [Dead link]


    Monday, Oct 27, 2014, 19:00
    „... I got to know various techniques of meditation and ways of life. … Energetic healing ways and research of group consciousness has accompanied me for many years. During my 15 years at Frankfurter Ring in the department of organising events, I met many renowned teachers of our times. Besides non-violent communication, my basis is Dr Marshall Rosenberg (since 2006), Essence Training, Kabir Jaffe and Ritama Davidson (since 1998). Work with Psychology of Vision, Chuck & Lency Spezzano (since 1999) is my favourite since it is so life-affirming and supportive.“

Silvia Stiessel, Dresden/Saxony

Stiessel seems to be a fairly new addition to the group of persons selling STL courses and advertising quite aggressively:

In typical PoV-speak, Stiessel explains:


    My re-orientation began, when I got to know a medical model in 2010 which explains the cooperation of psyche, brain, and body in diseases. It was the first time I had the impression I was told something which feels true to me. Since I first wanted to learn more about human psyche from the point of view of conventional medicine, I started a training in psychological counseling and got to know different psychological approaches and views. On my path, I met „Psychology of Vision“ and „A Course in Miracles“. The knowledge taught here fascinated me so much I started to study and apply it.

emphasis added by me

Despite Stiessel's claims to have done a training in psychological counseling, she does not provide any further information. Therefore, this may have been based on scientific methods, or may have been more quack like PoV and ACIM.
Apparently, Stiessel was introduced to the „Healing Keys“ theories on which Spezzano published a book with Janie Ticehurst resp Janie E. Patrick which has been mentioned several times in this thread.

Jeanette Weyer, Hamminkeln/Northrhine-Westfalia (NRW)

[Update Aug. 2, 2021: dead link]

According to her Xing profile, Weyer is an alternative healer restricted to psychotherapy and a holistic integrative breath therapist. On her own website, she explains:
[Substitute link, Mar. 5, 2017]


    I am an alternative practician with an additional training in psychotherapy, homeopathy, acupuncture and naturopathic treatment. Additionally, I have some 25 years of experience in human medicine and did several special trainings in this field.
    At the Institute of Holistic Integrative Breath Therapy I was trained as a breath therapist and as a trainer for personal development by Tilke Platteel-Deur and Hans Mensink.
    With Dr Chuck Spezzano, an internationally teaching US-American depth psychologist, I finished his 100-Day Training and graduated in April 2005. When I first got to know the work of Dr Chuck Spezzano in 2000, I was deeply moved. My life changed positively thanks to PoV principles which supported and strengthened me and my relationship to my husband. It is a way of healing which at the same time includes spirituality. The focus in this work is on healing, not on the problem.

This points out Weyer is a staunch long-term PoVer. Despite her claims to have been trained in the field of medicine, Weyer does not specify any of these trainings while meticulously listing her altmed and Newage trainings.

Michael Leckel, Frechen/NRW

According to his site, Leckel is an occupational therapist, but the only services mentioned is an STL course he sold in 2013/2014. While Leckel does not provide info re his qualifications and education, he emphasises PoV and the Spezzanos:


    Steps to Leadership was set up during several years of work by Jeff Allen – Master Trainer – and is the basis for understanding Psychology of Vision. He has summarised the key models and the therapeutic methods into a coordinated training programme.
    Psychology of Vision is viewed as a major new schools of 21st century and is based on the principles of depth psychology which are being taught in seminars, individual coachings, books, and publications since more than 30 years. ...
    The model was developed by Dr Chuck Spezzano and his wife Lency. It teaches emotional intelligence, as it reminds us of our own true self and takes us closer to it.

Heike Blaue, Flensburg/Schleswig-Holstein

Blaue is an employee in a counseling office where she offers seminars. She claims the following qualifications: kindergarten nurse, coach, basic course Coaching, coaching of couples at Bielefeld Akademie, Steps to Leadership.
The company, familylab, offers both lectures for business clients and lectures, seminars etc counseling parents.

Eva Verpoort, Wesel/NRW

Verpoort describes herself as a licenced massage therapist and balneotherapist, and a holistic integrative breath therapist; at the moment she says she is taking a course to become an alternative practician/psychotherapy.
[Update Mar. 28, 2020: dead link]

Among the advanced trainings she claims is STL, „a one year training in methods and bascis in the depth psychology healing method according to Lency and Dr Chuck Spezzano“.
Apart from this she also claims practical courses in chiropractic, cranio-sacral therapy, and osteopathy, all of those belong to the realm of alternative methods with no proven efficacy and which might even be harmful to the patient.

Eugen Schnabel, Neuss/NRW

Schnabel is a licenced vet with a course of studies at a regular university, but included various altmed methods (e.g. homeopathy) over the years. He claims two PoV trainings:


    Psychology of Vision according to Chuck Spezzano – year's training „Steps to Leadership“ in 2005, and a year's training „Spiritual Leadership“ in 2006“
[Substitute link]

Annette Dimitrow, Frechen/NRW

Dimitrow is an ophthalmologist with her own office since 1997. While she seemed to have been licenced as a panel doctor initially, she is no longer licenced since 2010 and only sees private patients, although she remains in her function as a doctor for the miners' association.

Dimitrow claims to have graduated from „'30 Steps to Leadership' according to Chuck Spezzano, Psychology of Vision“ in 2011.

Heidemarie Sewe, Hamburg

An alternative healer since 1993, Sewe has been running her own office since. She claims trainings as a „prana healer“, a Reiki master and teacher, and of being able to function and diagnose as a „healing medium“, in which she was supported by „intuitive gifts and several decades of experience“.
Her list of qualifications also mentions trainings with „Russian healers“, Bach blossoms, Aura Soma etc. From 2003 to 2006, she mentions „Steps to Leadership and Spiritual Leadership training in Psychology of Vision“. Sewe does not mention any previous employment or qualifications.

Heidi Stein, NRW

Stein works in an office of holistic integrative breath therapy. The site has an imprint claiming an address in the town of Naarden, Netherlands.
[Enter this website at own risk. Firefox warns me this is very toxic link]

Stein publishes a list of qualifications obtained between 1986 and 2012, all of them in the field of Nuage/altmed, among them Silva Mind Control, Sky Dancing Tantra/Margot Anand, various Tantra trainings, hypnotherapy, NLP, etc., beginning in 1986. In 2005, she did „various seminars with Chuck Spezzano, Jeff Allen, July Wooky [sic]“ and in 2006 she did a course in STL. No previous emplyoment or qualifications mentioned.

Sebastian Graf, Konstanz/Baden-Württemberg (BW)

Graf is an alternative healer with a multitude of „trainings“, among them:
[Substitute link]

Training as an alternative healer: 3 years, training NLP practitioner, private coaching acupuncture, three courses of three months each, hypnocoaching, kinesiology, crane acupuncture, Theta Healing, psycho-kinesiology, etc. He also mentions a 12-day course in „30 Steps to Leadership“ according to Chuck Spezzano with trainer Peter Reiter.

Graf mentions he was born in 1970, but his CV starts with his training as an alternative healer in 2000, when he in fact was 30 years of age, so there is quite a gap in his CV. He does not mention previous jobs.

Nanna Bäumer resp Susanne Bäumer, Berlin

Bäumer, born 1958, is a psychologist and claims to be licenced by health insurances since 1988, working in psychotherapy since 1984. She uses NLP in her work and claims further trainings in personal development (Art Reade), psycho-kinesiology, PoV, STL, and „PoV and addiction“.

It must be by sheer coincidence that the website, as of today (Feb 19, 2015), has been taken down since my posting this list. However, Bäumer is also active under her legal name "Susanne" and has authored books sold by Nuage publishers Koha who provide the following info on their author:


    Dipl.-Psych. Susanne Bäumer, born December 12, 1958 in the town of Münster, studied psychology and philosophy at TU Berlin. She was licenced for behaviour therapy. Since 30 years, she runs her own office as a psychological psychotherapist in Berlin. On her long journey healing herself, she discovered her passion for consciousness research and consciousness development. In her therapeutic work, she therefore more and more combines psychological and spiritual therapy. With her books, she means to give access to her long-term experience to the broad public in every-day language.
[Update Feb. 26, 2018: Dead link]

Bäumer also keeps a "shop" at a German-language Nuage platform:
[Update Aug. 13, 2020: Dead link]

Dr Matthias Becker, Darmstadt/Hessia
[Update Dec. 15, 2017, dead link]

Becker, born 1963, is a medical doctor and psychiatrist who integrates several Nuage/altmed methods (e.g. naturopathy, alternative healer, and a course in STL).

Johanne (Tara) Liesegang, Cologne/NRW

According to a platform promoting altmed and Nuage healers, Liesegang is a „mediumistic health counselor, a journey coach, an art therapist, and a remedial teacher with a diploma (  ). She claims further trainings in/with Yoga, Reiki, Osho, Aura reading, [...] Lightwork, Prana healing, PoV, Cranial Balancing/Chris Griscom, and she is a Questico counselor. She also offers support in „conflictolysis“ which means she is a supporter of so-called „Germanic New Medicine“ invented by former MD Ryke Geerd Hamer, a staunch anti-semite claiming Jewish doctors were killing off gentile patients with chemotherapy while healing their own with his GNM (see:  ,  ).
No information regarding previous employment and qualifications available.

Annette Kastelan, Hoisdorf/Schleswig-Holstein

According to information provided by Kastelan, her main source of inspiration is „A Course in Miracles“, as well as „books by Eckart Tolle, Neal Donald Walsch, Chuck Spezzano, and Kryon“.
Her CV states she originally was a kindergarten nurse, then became a hotel clerk; both undated. From 1998-2001 she became a Yoga teacher, in 2000 did a Reiki training, between 2001 and 2006 several trainings in Ayurveda. In 2010, she did an „initiation in 'energetic alchemy with Dorothy Lee Donahue in L.A., and a year's course STL. Since 2010 she claims several seminars with PoV and School of Wonders (see:  ).

Gerd Kühnen né Stöß, Bühl/BW [Update July 3, 2018: dead link]

Kühnen did an apprenticeship as an office clerk and later on became a CEO with a shoe producer. At the same time, he was active in DLRG (German Life Saving Association), in particular working with children and adolescents. He is a VisionWorks coach and ran the German-language VW website for several years. Kühnen and his wife both wrote testimonials for the website „The Truth about Chuck and Lency“.

Hans Böing-Messing, Bocholt/NRW

Böing-Messing is a Coach and Psychopedist, a „Professional Certified Reteaming Coach, MentorTime Life Coaching, Practical Groups with Sedona method for the fields of health/vitality, job/career, harmony within relationships“ and also mentions „Quantum physics“. His imprint mentions that STL was a „trade mark registered by Jeff Allen, PoV“, but otherwise does not refer to STL or PoV on his site. [Dead link]
No previous employment and qualifications mentioned.

Beatrixe Haußmann, Moers/NRW

Haußmann, born 1963, has her own office as an alternative healer and mentions several trainings, among them Craniosacral Therapy, Osteopathy, hypnosis etc.

Her „About me“ section lists several further courses and trainings between 1988 and 2014, e.g. in Body Dearmoring in 2012 which is done by Deer Tribe, and additionally claims she was an apprentice with „Dr. Diane Seadancer Battung“ since 2006 who is a long-term supporter/member of the Deer Tribe. In 2009-2010, Haußmann claims an STL course with Jeanette Weyer (see above).
(   )
No previous employment and qualifications mentioned.

Marlene Holzer-Steinfeld, Remagen/NRW

Holzer-Steinfeld, born 1957, has been an alternative healer since 2002, with her own office since 2005.
Since 2012, she has done several seminars on communication's trainings according to PoV and an STL course on „basics and application of depth psychology, relationship and family dynamics, leadership characteristics, emotional intelligence and social competence“.
( )
No previous employment and qualifications mentioned.

Christof Faber, Wiesloch/BaWü

Faber claims to be a „counselor, coach, and trainer“. He claims to have become a „licenced (diploma) art therapist and teacher“ initially, then a „licenced (diploma) Waldorf teacher and eurythmics teacher“; further qualifications he mentions are a „certified mediator“ and „certified coach“. It must be noted that Faber does not provide any more details regarding which university he attended (this will appy to the first profession listed). Any teachers' training Waldorf schools do is not state licenced and does not earn any diploma (except perhaps for a worthless one issued by an anthroposophic source), while the latter two qualifications seem to be Nuage.

In the category „particular experience and knowledge“ he lists: Strengths Performance Coach/Gallup, short time therapy, conflict management, NLP, Byron Kathie School of Work, Forgiving, and „energetic healing methods (Dr Kam Yuen; Chuck Spezzano; F. Kinslow; M. Ighesan etc)“. (  )

The site has been recently established (Jan 2015). Both Faber and his co-partner apparently mean to be active as management consultants; all seminars sold by them are said to aim at „management and employees“. (  )

[Update: Both of the above links are dead, Jan. 12, 2021]

addition Feb 21, 2015

Dominik Brünner, Berlin

Brünner obtained an MA in Education with minors in psychology and ethnology, and added an actor's training and a training to become a clown. According to his CV ( [substitute link]  ), he began working as a trainer for body language and self-effective communication in 2007. Additionally to his own enterprise, he opened up another consulting office with a partner (  ) [Substitute link]- the references listed on that site, however, are all merits his business partner Annette Leeb gathered. On the website maintained by Brünner & Leeb GmbH, Brünner also describes himself as an „actor and clown“ (  ). [Substitute link]

While his LinkedIn profile does not mention PoV, his XING profile says:
„Vocational training 2012-2013:
Psychology of Vision
Steps to Leadership
Communication and Leadership Skills, Understanding Relationships and Family Dynamics, Knowledge and Use of Transformational Processes.“
(  )

The list of trainings also mentions one in „Initiatic Therapy“ in 2005-2006. This is a non-recognized method whose effectiveness seems to be under considerable criticism. Having done psychology as a minor for his MA in education, Brünner is in no way qualified for any therapy or getting trained in one (the range of seminars offered for students taking minors usually is related to the major's course they take, in his case education).

Brünner is also a recent addition to the list of STL trainers at the VisionWorks site. From April 18 to June 7, 2015, Brünner will be teaching a course of „12 Steps to Conscious Business“. ( ) [Substitute link]


Mary Elizabeth Hughes said...

In the rest of the Western world, POV is dying, but in the German language countries it still hangs in there like a malignant cancer. Why is that?

Jody said...

It looks like Psychology of Vision proper is dying in Germany as well, but is experiencing a second life under the guise of "Steps to Leadership." They are attempting to appear more mainstream these days, but the cult-like trappings are still present. I wonder how the money trail works and how much of a piece of the action the Spezzanos are getting?

Valentin Arregui said...

Some of these people have since deleted all references to POV and the Spezzanos from their websites. I find it interesting that Petra Hornung, who is still a POV trainer last I knew, has no mention of any POV connection on her website.

Joe Gunn said...

Petra has since revamped her website and included her connection with POV, but you have to hunt to find it.

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