Monday, March 30, 2020

Nightlight Newsletter / by Chuck Spezzano

Chuck Spezzano's monthly periodical, Nightlight Newsletter, has been around since Jan. 2002, although there were previous online and hardcopy newsletters under different titles. It isn't really a "newsletter" since very little in the way of news is communicated in this serial, it really serves more as a podium for Spezzano to pontificate about broader issues. The early issues included contributions from Lency but that soon fell by the wayside by 2004.

In many cases he issues vague and usually dark predictions, reminding us of the days in the early 1980s when he started his career as a psychic before discovering the "healing" business. Chuck frequently makes dire warnings, suggesting that his followers close ranks and keep the outside world at arm's length, and especially never to engage with critics and their "negative" energy. By all means stay isolated and afraid of strange ideas that might make you question the Word of Chuck.

Chuck's religious side also is very strong in these writings. One realizes he has not really evolved too far from his original desire to be a Catholic priest.

It is also apparent from reading these monthly proclamations that after you digested about half a dozen of them you have pretty much read them all. Like Spezzano's books, workshops, and videos everything is on an automatic cycle. A money machine.

If you are within the insular world of Psychology of Vision it is much easier to follow their decline. Most of their social networking is done behind online gated communities. But even for those of us in the exterior world, certain details leak out for our consumption. Following POV news is not unlike tracking the events in North Korea. POV and North Korea are two Hermit Kingdoms living under a personality cult led by two gentlemen who sort of resemble each other both physically and in their leadership style.

Nightlight Newsletter is difficult to find online if you are interested in reading back issues. There is no central archive available on the open Internet. In the past the Newsletter was available on the POV website, complete with an audio reading from Chuck plus a long archive of the title.

The Newsletter moved to the German language POV website in early 2014. In fact, if you are looking for past issues in German you'll probably have better results than if you seek them in English. An archive of English versions of the Newsletter is available on the POV international splash site dating back to Sept. 2016. Catalog librarians take note: In the English version, the word "Nightlight" has been dropped from the title and has been released under varying names, including Chuck Spezzano's Monthly Newsletter, and, Psychology of Vision Monthly Newsletter. The German version has maintained the "Nightlight" term.
[Update Jan. 2, 2019: The newsletter archive links on the POV international webpage only backdates to their most recent ten issues] 
[Update May 2019: The newsletter archive links on the POV international webpage have been blank for over a month and the central Europe franchise has recently wiped out all but the most recent issues. We have worked to replace access to them from other sources to the best of our ability]

Below is a catalog of back issues in English of the Nightlight Newsletter that are currently (May 2017) available online. I have selected some of the more interesting passages and in many of those you'll see that, to use Chucks writing style, "irony abounding is the order of the day as we approach the crossroads."

[Update: This post was originally created May 19, 2017. I'll add or modify more links as they present themselves] 

Jan. 2002 - 

Feb. 2002 - 

Mar. 2002 - 

Apr. 2002 -

May 2002 -

June 2002 -
Chuck: I have been known to say that therapy is a hoax. This is because we are trying to heal a past that never was. Even if the past were true, and not just our experience and perception (which we use to serve some purpose and ego strategy), it is still the past, and only has the effect on us that we desire. We use our past and our stories about the past either for humor and blessings, or for present excuses and indulgences. Therapy is a hoax, but it is a happy one, relieving us of how we use the past with its fear, pain, and guilt for a certain purpose, all of which impede us. We can use healing to get on with our lives or we can get on with our lives and that will heal us.

July 2002 -

Aug. 2002 -

Sept. 2002 -

Oct. 2002 - 

Nov. 2002 - 
Chuck: This is month for manifesting, using the power of your mind to have what you want.
Lency:  I was leading one of my first five day Healing through Love seminars in the seminar room at our place in Hawaii. It was day four and I had intended to start the session by bridging to each participant at the 6th chakra (the 3rd eye). From there I would recognize the Christ in them, and flood them with the fine, rich love that becomes available through joining at that level. I anticipated that a number of them could be lifted up into the thrill of joy and the awareness of God's presence and divine love at the 7th chakra. After all, it had happened the previous morning.

Dec. 2002 -
Includes Lency Spezzano's "Mexicans and Catholics" essay.

2003 -
Include's Lency Spezzano's "The Game of Life."

Jan. 2003 -
Lency's contribution mentions "Osho"

Mar. 2003 -
Chuck: As far as I can tell, the next six weeks will be one of the most important periods in the next thousand years.

May 2003 -

June 2003 -

July 2003 - 

Dec. 2003 -
Batten down the hatches. There are big kahuna waves coming.

Jan. 2004 -

Feb. 2004 -

Mar. 2004 -
The issue this month reflects the pattern of the next nine years. We are at a crossroads.

Apr. 2004 -

May 2004 -
In May there will continue to be crossroads.
June 2004 -

July 2004 -

Aug. 2004

Sept. 2004

Oct. 2004 -

Dec. 2004 -

2005 -

Jan. 2005

Dec. 2005 -
A quiet but luminous awakening is taking place in December. It is a dawning of the understanding that we are Children of God.

2006 -
The year 2006 presents opportunities of abundance heretofore unrealized ... The year 2006 is about the feminine ... In 2006, things continue to be revealed that were hidden away in politics, business and relationships.

Jan. 2006 -
The only awareness of warning I have for January is that a number of people will be dealing with despair around the third week in January.

Feb. 2006 -

Mar. 2006 -
God’s plan for us contains no stress, sickness and sacrifice. When there are any of those things it points to us fighting God.

Apr. 2006 -

May 2006 -
At the end of March as I was writing the April Nightlight Newsletter I stopped for a moment and tuned into May. As I did what I saw and felt was a light so spectacular I thought that it could not possibly be true. At that point I pulled back from that two to three second fleeting glance. In the beginning of the second week in April, Lency and I went to Fulda, Germany to visit our friend, mystic and first German publisher. As we were having coffee and cake in his lovely home, he shared with Lency and I about how the light was coming in May and that it would shine away the darkness. I then realized that I had had a true perception about what was to come but it seemed too good to be true.

June 2006 -

July 2006 -
July is a month that wants to open our hearts and our crown chakras.

Aug. 2006

Sept. 2006 -

Oct. 2006 -

Nov. 2006 -
In November our dissociated independence is once again on the firing line.

Dec. 2006 -

Jan. 2007 -
The darkness, even though it seems to attack us from the outside, is really the darkness of our mind. Sometimes, it is ancient darkness left over from the primordial separation – the Fall from Oneness. This is an excellent chance to heal ourself of this ancient guilt that believes in punishment. Even the deepest unconscious realm of demons, another metaphor for ego, is fighting for its life and making its last vested attempts to stop the leap in consciousness to partnership. A similar thing happened both two thousand and twenty five hundred years ago, and we succeeded in the leap.

Feb. 2007 -

Mar. 2007 -
We get so caught up in this dream. We are sucked in again and again to this video game called life. We think we are deciding what we do here, but it comes from another level above and beyond this. This is the finding of quantum physics. It is also comes from some of the deeper non-dualistic writings of A Course in Miracles.

Apr. 2007 -

May 2007 -
If everything Business was doing was revealed that was unethical, there would be outrage and demands for change. But because we have been unwilling to examine ourselves, we have also not been willing to look beyond our own denial.

June 2007 -
If you remember who walks beside you, you could never be afraid. That is another quote paraphrased from A Course in Miracles. Besides ancestors who have left their body previously, our angels, Christ, Buddha and the ascended masters always go with us. Remember yourself. Remember who walks with you.

Sept. 2007 -
September is a month of destiny were [sic] you live your destiny as a way of life until your practice of the Presence leads to revelation were [sic] the world falls away leaving you with the ecstatic realisation of Oneness for how ever long you can maintain it.

Oct. 2007 -
Being a bridge between Heaven and Earth is the highest Destiny, short of awakening. It is to become a High Priest or Priestess. This month it is specifically from our feminine side, as a High Priestess, that this function is available to us. Because God seems so far away from most people, the High Priestess brings Him to Earth.

Nov. 2007 -

Dec. 2007 -

July 2008 -
Pray for Japan, China, and Indonesia and the other countries of Southeast Asia. They are in line for two major earthquakes that could prove devastating. The danger period is from now until the end of September. Bless, forgive and manifest for those areas of the world. Japan dodged a bullet in the first week of May, but it hit China to a much lesser extent the next week. Two weeks ago this area was facing seven catastrophic earthquakes. Five have already dissolved. There could all be easy births instead. Every step you take forward. Every forgiveness you accomplish, every attachment you let go of will help. If you awaken to any extent at all it will have a telling outcome for our friends across the world.

Oct. 2008 -
The big news of October continues to be the money crisis and economic downturn. I wrote the first draft of this newsletter two days before the announcement on the news of the US crisis. And though it seems bad, more is threatened ... I got a warning notice from the Arlington Think Tank in mid-September. Six months before 9/11 people in the US began to have dire dreams about it. Two months before 9/11 people all over the world began to have similar dreams. The same thing has occurred now about a possible dire event in the US and it seems that the next two months is the danger zone. This may be the banking crisis or something else. What I do know is that these dire events are terrible births but there could be an easy birth instead. I have been actively working to change events like this into easy births. What I know is that if you see (or know) an event is possible or probable you can change it. I once had a friend of mine who was quite psychic by the name of Alex Tanous. He got on a small commuter flight that he knew was going to crash. He knew he could stop it from being catastrophic. No one on the same plane was injured when it crashed except him, and it wasn’t serious.
[This particular newsletter was reviewed on New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans]:

Apr. 2009 -
In the last two years we have dodged a number of bullets meant to be catastrophic and one cataclysm was downgraded to a catastrophe. 

[Update Aug. 20, 2021: dead link]

June 2009 - 

[Update Apr. 4, 2021: dead link]

 July 2009 -

 [Update Apr. 4, 2021: dead link]

Aug. 2009 -
Yesterday, in a workshop, someone asked me what to do psychologically when there was a crisis.  I told him, “In an emergency, forget psychology and ask for a miracle”.  Miracles are heaven's gift to you.  Receive them as a beloved child would for any and every occasion and remember lines from A Course in Miracles that I often use in situations like these, “God wills that you be saved from this”.

Sept. 2009 -
The second week is filled with the Oneness blessing. We can be aware of it and receive it to enhance our lives and even to bring miracles as needed.

[Update Apr. 4, 2021: dead link]

Oct. 2009 -
We dodged a bullet in September. There was enough healing and transformation so that the collective upheaval that could have occurred was more of a belch than an explosion. Acts of generosity and friendship saved the day. It is this very healing pattern that is needed in the years to come. We can obviate much that would be difficult or catastrophic if we remember to forgive and give blessings to all around. 

[Update Apr. 4, 2021: dead link]

Nov. 2009 -

[Update Apr. 4, 2021: dead link]


Jan. 2010 -
It seems most of us dodged the bullet that came at us in December. Yet, now there is almost a steady stream of attack going on – vicious ego attack, astral attack, fear of change attacks, fear of loss attacks, ignorance and prejudicial attack. Disengage yourself from anyone who is attacking because even if they are right, they are totally wrong. How one’s process shows itself in life is much more telling than what they seem to espouse.

Feb. 2010 -
My first image of February is that it is a month where toward the middle, especially the 16th, there is a place of thin ice where we could fall through. It could turn out to be a bad surprise – a place of rude awakening. For some it could be the disappointment of shattered dreams where we depended on someone or something and it didn’t work out. This issue is more personal than collective but it can affect all of us.

Mar. 2010 -

Apr. 2010 - 

Aug. 2010 -

Nov. 2010 -

Dec. 2010 -
When I get into a workshop with the group mind, there is a lot of power to achieve the miraculous. The healing energy was very strong in the First Nations Workshop in Canada this month.

2011 -

Jan. 2011 -

Feb. 2011 -
Remember this month the promise made in the bible that you will not be left comfortless.  It is a true promise if you will avail yourself of it.

Mar. 2011 -
From the second week on there is a lot of angelic intervention but if we are unaware of it, the help is less effective.

Apr. 2011 -

May 2011 -

June 2011 -

July 2011 -

Aug. 2011 -
By the way, excellent work last month with your prayers for Japan. The earthquake there could have been much worse.

Sept. 2011 -
We approach the crossroads of September 2011. The years from now to 2024 determine how this millennium will be. We have many incompletes left in our mind as well as many dark lessons. How we approach this month is basically the attitude with which we will embrace the coming time. Will it be birth or disaster? If we approach this time as a birth during which we, through remembrance, remain connected with Heaven and grace then the biggest of breakthroughs will occur for humanity but if we again use issues or problems to judge and separate we will pay dearly for it.
[Please note this was posted by the Ashtar Command and not the APA]

Oct. 2011 -
The earth changes of 2012 begin this month, but once again, it can be the easiest of births, which has more to do with celebration and victory than devastation ... October sets the tone for the rest of 2011, which sets the tone for 2012. The celestial speed-up and shifts occur through 2024. And this is the time that sets the tone for the next 1,000 years. It could be a golden era. Let’s aim for that.

Nov. 2011 -
How November unfolds is so tied to these last few days of October. At the level we are at now, we have succeeded in clearing major catastrophes and have started to reach a place of celebration and leaps forward in consciousness but first priority has always been to clear the danger. We have dodged a bullet in October ... While even more grace is coming to the earth, there is also a greater kundalini energy coming up from the earth, our feet and lower chakras.

Dec. 2011 -

2012 -
The year we have all been waiting for is here. It is to be a year of major change with more twists and turns than a mystery thriller. The greatest danger in the world this year is that an epidemic may occur. The greatest danger in the inner realm is complacency. Do not be the horse who is whipped to go forward. Be the smart horse who moves at the shadow of the whip. Major shifts and the unfolding that occurs as a result will continue for the next four years. Do not try to drink the waves or even swim them. Surf them. This will occur by you making healing your first priority. Look at areas in which you have chronic problems: Money, career, relationship, family, health, weight, heartbreak or depression. All reflect a place you are frightened to change and go forward, places of old pain, need for specialness, self-attack and attack on others.

Jan. 2012 -

Feb. 2012 -

Mar. 2012 -
In the celestial speedup that is occurring, the world is spititualizing [sic.]

Apr. 2012 -
The main issue for the first week in April is receiving the gift of Power. All Power comes from God. Power’s strength comes from the purity of Oneness.

May 2012 -
Heaven will help if you set your mind to this most worthwhile of ways to spend time.  Focus and dedication are needed for finding the light within.   We will all eventually succeed in finding the light and the exquisite joy of Oneness.

June 2012 -

July 2012 -

Aug. 2012 -

Sept. 2012 -

Oct. 2012 -
The last days of October and the first days of November, the theme is delegating. By delegating so much more can be accomplished.

Nov. 2012 -
 Weather and earth shifts are the reflection of our collective conscious and unconscious mind. It seems that storms are increasing and there have been medium sized earthquakes off of Japan, Canada and Central America. These small earthquakes let off the pressure, but there is much to shift in consciousness for an easy birth in December and beyond ... As far as I can tell at this moment we have cleared about 90% of the energy of cataclysmic forces that could devastate the earth but in the category of disaster, only about 10% has been transformed.

Dec. 2012 -

Mid-Dec. 2012 -
It is a time for celebration…because of the intense healing, prayer and sacred ritual of the last month carried out by countless individuals around the world, the danger is gone.  As far as I can tell all catastrophic energy dissolved by late Saturday, December 15th ... The next years through 2015 will continue to be years of intense change.  At a slightly slower pace, accelerated change will continue through 2024.

2013 -

Jan. 2013 -

Feb. 2013 -
In the first week of February, we will be dealing with our Authority Conflict.  This is one of the roots of all problems giving us bad attitude, fear and a choice for the ego instead of love.  It is time to move through this trap that hides Heaven.

Mar. 2013 -
This month has the possibility of setting the tone for the rest of your life.  Use it well.

Apr. 2013 -
Warning Points:  There may be an incident in the world with another nuclear power plant this month.  This is actually a collective issue, and all collective issues are everyone’s responsibility and can be dealt with and averted by all of us through kindness, love and healing. There is also danger with the flooding or possibility of tsunamis in the second week of April.  Weather and world mishaps are tied to the collective consciousness of humanity, which is also processing the collective unconscious of humanity.  This includes all the war, murder, rape, famine and plague.  Forgiveness, letting go of attachments, your generosity and the amount you extend yourselves in friendship even to people you have never met makes a difference.

May 2013 -
As far as I can tell, Japan once more has a major challenge that could come in the third week in May.  There could be geological distress regarding earthquake and tsunamis.

June 2013 -

July 2013 -

Aug. 2013 -
The main theme of August is the celestial speedup.  There is the quickening flow of consciousness.  There is greater vision and a growing taste for what is invisible but not intangible, like love, happiness and the peace that gives rise to it.  Healing is always the name of the game but doubly so in August.  The first two-thirds of the month can alternate between intensity and peace.

Sept. 2013 -

Oct. 2013 -

Nov. 2013 -

Dec. 2013 -

2014 -

Jan. 2014 -

Feb. 2014 -

Mar. 2014 -
Who’s Your Daddy? We are learning in these two months What and Who really sustains us. This is not idols but what is within us. God is in our hearts as we are in His Mind. The prerequisite of the spiritual life is our own inadequacy because when we feel inadequate we then look to Heaven rather than rely on our ego. The ego builds control rather than confidence and fails us when we need it. As Jesus said, we must become like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We could have grace do everything for us and through us. Then we don’t identify with ourselves as a body or an ego but instead with God’s Love, which was how we were created.

Apr. 2014 -

May 2014 -
The theme of new beginning and renaissance continue to fill the month of May. Yet for those who are either not ready or for those who still have issues to clear before they can catch sight of the new prosperous cycle there is work to be done and fear to get over.

[Editor note: There is much more. This was written at a time when POV was really first feeling the heat of investigation from the outside world and the trainers were starting to jump ship. POV has steadily lost trainers ever since at a rapid rate] 

June 2014 -
Secrecy and greed keep the world locked in a cycle of dissociation and heartlessness.

July 2014 -

Aug. 2014 -
[Update: Dead link Jan. 2, 2019]

Sept. 2014 -

Oct. 2014 -

Nov. 2014 -

Dec. 2014 -
The greatest news for the month is the emergence of the Miracle Story. It is part of our legacy and spiritual heritage though few use it. The Miracle Story goes beyond the natural laws of time and space. It steps us beyond the world of separation and illusion to a world of light and truth. For each miracle a thousand years of suffering can melt way from the world.

2015 -
Let yourself be guided by these words of A Course in Miracles, “I am under no laws but God’s.” You don’t have to be held back by the laws of the world, which are the laws of the ego. The world needs miracles now.

Jan. 2015 -

Feb. 2015 -
Let Heaven arrange your priorities so that you don’t accomplish a lot of trivial things of no consequence.

Mar. 2015 -

Apr. 2015 -

May 2015

June 2015 -
At a soul level our generation made a collective promise to bring the world back to partnership and bonding.

July 2015 -

Aug. 2015 -

Sept. 2015 -

Oct. 2015 -

Nov. 2015 -
There are only fourteen months left of the major acceleration of consciousness taking place. After this the acceleration is still present but downshifts a couple of notches. This “celestial speedup” is something to take advantage of both for yourself, those you love and the world.

Dec. 2015 -
[Update: Dead link, Jan. 2, 2019]
Three of my favorite lessons in A Course in Miracles are:
“I rest in God.”
“God goes with me wherever I go.”
“I place the future in the Hands of God.”

2016 -
Except for personal karma and lessons, the new year will evolve into some big breakthroughs both personally and collectively. This will include some major breakthroughs in energy, technology and helpful inventions. This year will also see big breakthroughs in medicine, physics and economics. The world will make a slight shift up spiritually, getting ready for much bigger amounts of love and relatedness being shared around the earth in the following eight years.

Jan. 2016 -

Feb. 2016 -
[Update: Dead link, Jan. 2, 2019]

Mar. 2016 -

June 2016 -
[Update: Dead link, Jan. 2, 2019]

July 2016 -
[Update: Dead link, Jan. 2, 2019]

Aug. 2016 -
[Update: Dead link, Jan. 2, 2019]

Sept. 2016 -
[Update Mar. 29, 2020: Dead link] 

Oct. 2016 -
[Update Mar. 29, 2020: Dead link] 
Humanity is about to take a step toward unity. It is this unity that can avoid the cataclysmic changes that are threatened. This is a step into the spiritual realm and it affects the collective in quite a positive way. A great deal of authority conflict, intransigence and intractability is about to fall away leaving levels of equality and mutuality so necessary for all in order to evolve.

Nov. 2016 -
[Update Mar. 29, 2020: Dead link] 
[Starting with this issue, the Newsletter is also available on audio via Soundcloud]

Dec. 2016 -
 [Update Mar. 29, 2020: Dead link]
This is the last month of the super celestial speedup that has been going on for the last four years. The next nine years will continue with the celestial speedup but this is the last month to get the most for your investment in personal and world transformation that leads to collective healing.

2017 -
This is a year which is the beginning of a nine year cycle that is part of the celestial speedup and while this cycle is not as big as the last four years it is still significant.

Jan. 2017 -
 [Update Mar. 29, 2020: Dead link]

Feb. 2017 -

Mar. 2017 -
The fierce attraction of death becomes even greater especially when it is tied to a place where you failed a soul test and as a result died in a past life.

Apr. 2017 -

May 2017 -
Negativity and fear abound and people are afraid to be as powerful as they really are and as a result they are manipulated and herded in a certain direction that serves the few at the cost of the many.

June 2017 -
Look through the eyes of Christ or another of Heaven’s Helpers and you will see a world transformed rather than a world condemned.

[Update: Shortly after this post was originally compiled in mid-May 2017, Spezzano announced his newsletter was going to appear in his "card of the day" blog as well. This effort appeared to have fizzled out after only a few issues]

July 2017 -

[Update: The word "Nightlight" has returned to the title in the Spezzano blog version]

Aug. 2017 -

Sept. 2017 -

Oct. 2017
The collective unconscious shows up as major world issues and natural disasters. The painful past which has been buried is coming up to be finally resolved. All that is unfinished and not yet healed such as war, slavery, murder, rape and tyranny as well as natural disasters are now emerging as dark energy and situations from the collective unconscious of humanity. Like the weather which is a giant balancing mechanism for the earth what is coming up now out of the collective is the earth and humanity’s attempt to balance itself.

Nov. 2017 -
 During this month we are clearing the way for December. Around the eighth of December there is great energy of ascension. There is an upsurge of consciousness where the energy of the earth can possibly be lifted up in a way that hasn't occurred since Christ.

Dec. 2017
Miracles abound this month. Coming from your love and faith and accepting Heaven’s Love miracles distinguish illusions from truth. Illusions are anything that is loveless. Whatever is loveless is your projection and miscreation. In the face of pain you can bring the love knowing there is a better way. The ego will seek to distract you from the grace of upliftment that is coming the eighth of December.

Jan. 2018 and the Year 2018 -

Feb. 2018 -

Mar. 2018 -
There are a few people this month who will feel they won the lottery in regard to great good fortune in regard to money, success and general well being.

Apr. 2018 -

May 2018 -

June 2018 -
The ego attempts to capitalize on times like these but if we listened to our higher mind we would know that every one of these events is to teach us to relinquish our attachments so we are solely dependent on Heaven. In this way we become like a little child that Jesus said was a prerequisite to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. When we have become radically dependent on Heaven for everything then we are once again a child of God. This dependency is how we accomplish our happiness. We become carefree and without worries knowing our loving Parent is handling everything.

July 2018 -
[Update Mar. 29, 2020: Dead link] 

Aug. 2018 -
It also helps to turn your mind over to the Holy Spirit whenever you face any challenge. When you wake up in the morning and just before you go to sleep it helps to remember to look for what needs healing, trust the unfolding and finally turn everything over to be undone. Give your mind over to the Holy Spirit and your ego and body over to Christ.

Sept. 2018 -
If you are a cultural conservative this month trying to be like everyone else life can be quite difficult. If you are extraordinary as you were created to be then it could be a miraculous month with new vistas and new understandings opening up. Give yourself fully and life and sex could be pretty amazing. If not life can be the 'same old, same old' life of routine and feelings of deadness.

[Editorial note. The irony here is that Chuck Spezzano himself is actually very much a "cultural conservative" by American standards and the POV Trainers Manual demands a rigid and narrow conformity from the invested cult followers. Please see:]

Oct. 2018 -
The key to a happy life is living our purpose – our special calling. While we aren’t special because we are all children of God our purpose is.

Nov. 2018

Dec. 2018 -
In the last month the negativity that was about to erupt as cataclysm has been transformed but as of this last edit the energy for catastrophes around the earth is still at about 56%. The more healing, facing our fears with love, trust and transformation the more this possibility dissolves until it can be completely relinquished. This is an issue of the collective unconscious and it is meant to the pivotal for the earth either positively or negatively. This may turn out to be a major event in our lives. It could be catastrophic or even cataclysmic but know as A Course in Miracles states that, “This need not be.”

Since I wrote this first draft over half a month ago I have watched the healings occur one by one. With our stepping up and transformation the possibility for disaster has greatly reduced.

Jan. 2019
 "Ask for light and learn you are light." A Course in Miracles,T-8.III.1:3. Only the Tao's or the Holy Spirit's teaching will release our egoic will and join our true will with God's Will. If we are willing and courageous and recognize that Heaven walks with us there can be one hundred eighty degree turns in areas where we have been stuck or failing in our life. There can be turns toward health, abundance and intimacy. There can be upgrades in our spirituality which is to say upgrades in our joy and happiness.  Laughter and blessings will increase.

            This year is a year we are called to embrace our spiritual destiny. Each of [us] has come to be a spiritual prince or princess and to let our peace radiate out to free the world.

Feb. 2019 -
 In A Course in Miracles it states that the only question we ever need ask ourselves is, "Do I want to know my Father's Will for me?" It states He revealed it to Jesus because Jesus asked it of Him and learned what God had already given. We are God's beloved children.

Mar. 2019 -
Your awareness allows you to manifest so that it be smooth sailing as you avoid the rocks and the reefs. Invest in smooth sailing but if it’s a rocky month learn the ways you can heal yourself. In the Bible it states that Jesus said to accomplish all things in his name. This is another powerful way to heal and transform.

April 2019

May 2019 -

June 2019

July 2019

Aug. 2019

Sept. 2019 -

Oct. 2019 -

Nov. 2019 - 

Dec. 2019 -
Having gratitude to yourself and Heaven for each person is the quick path to Oneness if we had but the eyes to see it.

Jan. 2020 -

Feb. 2020 -
It is now time to realize that world events are being influenced by the collective unconscious of humanity. This ranges from the fires in Australia to the epidemic out of Wuhan. We are all responsible and thus able to respond. We could forgive these and upcoming events asking Heaven to supersize the effect of our forgiveness. We could bless these collective challenges to dissolve the many thousands of layers of illusion that go into making such a collective experience from all of our minds, the land itself and what is unhealed from the old and ancient past of humanity. We could use Words of Power to help peel back collective beliefs about illness, loss and tragedy. Words of Power such as, "This need not be!" or "I rest in God," (A Course in Miracles) knowing God has such events handled. We can follow His inspiration as what is happening is in our best interest for finding and healing ourselves.

Mar. 2020 -
An epidemic such as the Coronavirus that is almost at a pandemic level is a reflection of an upsurge of the collective unconscious ... Reflections of the upwelling of the collective unconscious before the Coronavirus outbreak were the fires in Australia and before that the trouble in Hong Kong ... An illness is anger turned both inward and outward. Illness is an attack on yourself and at the same time it attacks those around you ... Three years ago in healing sessions I began to notice the collective unconscious upwelling in everyone's problems and not just those who had achieved mastery which had been the case before that ... The Coronavirus attacks the lungs symbolizing the sacred breath of life. Colds and pneumonia represent losses we haven't gotten over which is depression ... Embrace your innocence and happiness and send this energy of your happiness and healing to the Coronavirus as a reflection of world fear coming from the past and the ancient past.

Apr. 2020 -
We as part of humanity have had the courage to now open the collective unconscious for cleaning. This is where the pandemic comes from. To open the collective opens Pandora’s box full of fear and disaster, but we can now use that to heal, transform and correct our course. These ancient darknesses have been part of our mind that has obscured the way back to Heaven. What is occurring now is actually to help our homecoming, not to hinder it.

May 2020 -
On the negative side, at unconscious levels, ancestral and "past life patterns" are being enacted on the world stage ... We live in a Death World where there is a collective belief in death. As a person grows in consciousness they recognize that there is no death and, as a result, they are free of a major amount of fear. They then begin to recognize themselves as eternal spirits deserving every good thing in their innocence. They begin to recognize the world as a video game whose purpose is to help them learn and unlearn, in order to free themselves through love and forgiveness. This is the path of healing which leads to ever greater happiness until Oneness is known.

June 2020 -
Remember at the root of every problem is the authority conflict. We are all fighting to be the boss even over God. If we let ourselves surrender to God we would have no problems. God’s Will for us is perfect happiness ... Our rebellion extends all the way back in time to before we even took on bodies. If we weren’t so rebellious, we would still be in the Oneness of Heaven. We could ask that the Tao/Holy Spirit undo this negativity, guiding us back to the purity that welcomes an ever better life filled with love and happiness. [Note: Written at his luxury condo in northern Oahu] 
July 2020 - 

Aug. 2020 - 

Sept. 2020 -
[Note: Chuck's catastrophizing seems more dire than usual, which is possibly a reflection of his own situation--]
There are major emergent energies unfolding in September. The old adage, “forewarned is forearmed,” comes to mind. In the world the pandemic, the Beirut explosion as well as the Amazon and the California fires are examples of the force of the collective unconscious, and its issues pushing up and out. This is the explosiveness brewing for September. On the other hand, there is also an influx of energy bringing in a cutting edge to take us to new territory in partnership. But we have yet to reach the final round and the climax that will bring what’s coming to be healed. Don’t be surprised. Don’t be blindsided. This is a month to do all you can do to bring about positive energy around you: If you pray, then pray. If you meditate, then meditate. If you are on a healing or spiritual path, then give yourself in that way, as if the lives of everyone you love depends on it. Be levelheaded and patient. Listen to guidance. Recognize sacrifice and being attacked are attacks from your ego. Invite Heaven to make all of your decisions for you. If you are asleep in your life you could be in for a rude awakening, yet what comes this month is not just something that only a few will have to face ... Unfortunately, this could be a month where many souls choose to leave the world. Let the angels walk with you, and bless your mind with light. Be open to the loving help that will show you the way ... Only Heaven’s way will work. If everyone does their part it can be a month that catapults the world and the collective forward, where the worst case scenario is reduced by 90%. If we all do our part, because you did your part there can be collective steps forward. If you are sensitive, you can be aware of a network of cooperation lighting up in unity across the world. If we pledge the power of our mind, to bring the love needed in the world, what was explosive can become abundance. Difficult births need not be. It can be a time of easy, happy births that add to the flow ... 

Oct. 2020 -

Nov. 2020 -  

Imagine what your life would be like to accept Christ’s joyful vision that disaster is not real and reality is not disaster. (A Course in Miracles) We live at a time in 2020 when the only answers are partnership and seeing from Heaven’s perspective. Let us learn that what we thought was impossible is just a miracle away if we would ask for and welcome it. “Be not afraid” is the phrase that appears most often in the Bible. Only with Love and the grace of Heaven which is Divine Love are all things possible. It’s been a slow evolution but the next phase of the Divine Plan is almost upon us. The Holy Spirit’s interpretation always brings joy. Invite and accept it.

Dec. 2020

We are in a time of transition and confusion. Yet the disorientation shows we are willing to let go for a better way. Delay now will hurt you more than ever before. Since the 1960’s, this is the third such shift of consciousness with the change in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s being the most dramatic. The one going on now is characterized by the upwelling of the collective unconscious in the form of the pandemic and the economic challenge it generates. 

Jan. 2021 -

Feb. 2021 -

The COVID-19 virus attacks your senses. But, as if in balance, people’s psychic abilities are growing.

Update Nov. 2021: I decided to stop covering Spezzano's Nightlight Newsletter unless he says something unusual, original, and demonstrates an evolution or growth in thinking rather than the same inane platitudes he has been cranking out for a couple decades.



Tom Joad said...

Spezzano's continual habit of falling back on the phrase "order of the day" is quite revealing. Orders are commands. From what I have seen with POV, orders must be obeyed at all times. Check out the POV Trainers Manual to see what I mean.

Anonymous said...

These newsletters could prove valuable as scientists study the reuse of excreta as fuel.

Year of the Cat said...

In adding the link for the Mar. 2018 issue it struck me how often Spezzano has used the phrase "great good fortune" over the years. I imagine he lifted it from a source hoping it would appeal to his victims in Asia.

These newsletters, like his books, all consist of the same information being presented with the same words but merely switched around a little. He's been on automatic pilot for a long time.

Kostoyed Amoursky said...

His messages are becoming increasingly Christian in tone. Perhaps he is returning to his roots as entry into the undiscovered country draws near?

Year of the Cat said...

We find it humorous that this post is regularly visited once a month by various readers seeking out Spezzano's monthly pablum. In doing so many of them start investigating our other posts. So although it might seem we are doing POV a favor here, in the big picture we are performing a broader service for the consumer public and for those who seek but want to steer clear of frauds and liars.

Year of the Cat said...

POV Central Europe has recently wiped out archival newsletters in the 2014-2016 era, and some other material. I'll try to find substitute links.

Year of the Cat said...

The Psychology of Vision International "Newsletter Archive" was entirely blank when I checked it today even though the introduction to the past newsletters remains. Nearly all the POV websites are losing data seemingly at random or have not been updated in quite a long time.

Year of the Cat said...

POV Europe has now wiped out all their Nightlight Newsletters except for the last few months. What is the thinking behind this policy?

Year of the Cat said...

Mar. 2020: "An illness is anger turned both inward and outward. Illness is an attack on yourself and at the same time it attacks those around you ... "

So how does Chuck explain Lency's Dec. 2019 multi-day stay in the Intensive Care Unit, and more importantly, how does Lency and the rest of the family view this kind of thinking? It is Chuck's thinking that is truly sick.

"Three years ago in healing sessions I began to notice the collective unconscious upwelling in everyone's problems and not just those who had achieved mastery which had been the case before that"

Three years ago was about the same time as the Great Trainer Depletion where POV lost half of their trainers. I wonder if there is a connection of any type between Chuck's statement and that Jan. 2017 event?

In the last couple months Chuck's newsletters have really solidified his well-earned place in the "Encyclopedia of American Loons" which he attained in Dec. 2019. Also, "upwelling" appears to be Chuck's new favorite term to repeat which unfortunately brings to mind the slang "upchucking." This in fact is the kind of wordplay Chuck can appreciate if he thought about it. I already miss "at the crossroads" and "abounds" and "order of the day" and "we dodged a bullet."

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