Wednesday, August 24, 2016

October 2008 Nightlight Newsletter

Found in the Yahoo group, From the Love of Soul

[update July 30, 2021: dead link]

October 2008 Nightlight Newsletter
Chuck Spezzano
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The big news of October continues to be the money crisis and economic downturn. I wrote the first draft of this newsletter two days before the announcement on the news of the US crisis. And though it seems bad, more is threatened. For some people in October it may seem like it is the end of the road monetarily. Don’t be fooled by the death temptation, in money or in life, it is really a birth invitation. If you have the eyes to see it, there is the beginning of a positive trend once more. This positive trend may easily be covered over by endings and much that is old news just catching up to you. If you see the rays of sunshine over the horizon, you will know the dawn is coming.
I got a warning notice from the Arlington Think Tank in mid-September. Six months before 9/11 people in the US began to have dire dreams about it. Two months before 9/11 people all over the world began to have similar dreams. The same thing has occurred now about a possible dire event in the US and it seems that the next two months is the danger zone. This may be the banking crisis or something else. What I do know is that these dire events are terrible births but there could be an easy birth instead. I have been actively working to change events like this into easy births. What I know is that if you see (or know) an event is possible or probable you can change it. I once had a friend of mine who was quite psychic by the name of Alex Tanous. He got on a small commuter flight that he knew was going to crash. He knew he could stop it from being catastrophic. No one on the same plane was injured when it crashed except him, and it wasn’t serious.
In other ways October will provide some time for reflection and thoughtfulness. There is quiet intelligence that provides insight. Used rightly, this energy gives you elements of your life to savour. Used in a better way, it becomes the energy for art. Used in the best way it becomes the energy that opens to grace.
Einstein was once quoted as saying, ‘ I want to think God’s thoughts. The rest are just details’. If you allowed yourself to think God’s thoughts, you would see how ludicrous it is that we think we are a body and not a spirit. We would recognize that God’s thoughts for us are all about happiness. So if God wanted only what love brings to us, it must be our thoughts that bring us pain. There is a lesson in A Course in Miracles that states, ‘It is only my thoughts that hurt me.’ Having access to the subconscious and unconscious mind, I have found this to be true, which is why we can change whatever is hurting us, especially with the help of grace. We were created as love. Love created us as love. The rest we made up and became frightened of. We could choose love this month and melt away the fear.
It is with this in mind that I ask you to help the US with your prayers, with your forgiveness, your love and gratitude, your manifesting and blessings, your faith and truth, your letting go of grievance, and finally your invoking Divine Presence to receive grace and miracles for the US. Everything we give is given to ourselves.
There is also High Priest/High Priestess energy available this month. This is a very high calling, lifting people up to experience God and bringing Heaven closer to Earth. A High Priest/High Priestess is a great receiver and sharer of grace and miracles, seeing past the pain and illusion for what is truly possible.
Some people in the worst circumstances are using such distractions to hide their great calling of being a High Priest/High Priestess. Imagine yourself lifting up to the Heavens, letting grace and miracles pour through you as an expression of God’s love, into your life and into whomever is in need. In October we are all called to take advantage of this rare and beautiful opening that is unfolding. Let this be a month of graceful birth for you. Let it be a month you follow the guidance available. In quiet moments, your higher mind can speak to the archetypes of Wise Man/Wise Woman inside you, and your lives can flourish, even in downturns of life and economics. You can empower and inspire others by taking your place and helping them to take theirs.
Wishing you love and miracles,
Chuck Spezzano
Conil de la Frontera, Spain
October 2008

1 comment:

Over the Rainbow said...

Check it out:

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