Saturday, May 27, 2017

Chuck Spezzano and Little Grandmother

Not sure what is going on here, but under the category of "Chuck Spezzano" the folks at Amram Events provided information about Little Grandmother.
[Update Dec. 19, 2019: After being on display for a considerable amount if time, they finally took this mistake down]

Like Spezzano, Little Grandmother is another American New Age figure who has found a receptive client base in Europe while merchandising her personality:

It is easy to see how the Amram editors would mix up the two, since they compete for many of the same customers:;topicseen#msg39149


The King of Pancakes said...

Little Grandmother and Chuck Spezzano. Now that would be a match made in Hell. Those two combining forces, well, what horrible possibilities come to mind I scarce dare give utterance.

One thing I have noticed is that Spezzano has never been able to maintain a partnership with a non-POV trainer for very long. It appears that if he is not in control or in the alpha role, he isn't interested.

Michael said...

It is difficult to decide who is the most blatant fraud when the choice comes down to the Spezzanos or Little Grandmother.

I propose we critics create a ceremony for the biggest New Age fraud of the year, sort of like the Oscars. In that thread of thought I suppose the Spezzanos would never win since they have been sort of in the B-movie category in the genre.

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