Monday, November 1, 2021

Psychology of Vision Trainer Depletion 2017: Everything will be different

Feb. 2017

That 2017 Psychology of Vision Trainers Training in Hawaii must have been quite the shindig. Shortly after the event the various POV online sources have revamped their roster of trainers and it appears that perhaps half or more of them are no longer working in the "trainer" capacity, although many of them have moved on to become "Steps to Leadership" (i.e. POV-lite) facilitators.

Canada is now listing only three trainers and POV Canada has apparently deleted their Facebook page. POV UK lists only one single trainer. Both of the Anglo nations have zero events posted as of today (Feb. 7, 2017)

POV Japan has lost three trainers or so, and the once trainer-plentiful POV Europe is down to a mere three trainers now.  The trainer depletion in POV Asia is more difficult to ascertain, since their webpage is woefully out of date.

This 10-day Trainers Training is also something of a meeting of franchise holders, so it would appear POV is going through some sort of economic restructuring. It is obvious that many participants were blindsided and stunned by this event. 2017 is going to be a fascinating year to watch Psychology of Vision.

Here are just a few of the many interesting bits surrounding the soiree:

 Babs Stevens, Claudia Schönfeld, Alex Patchett-Joyce, Emiko Takano

 By way of comparison, here are the POV-Europe trainers in Jan. 2016

Below, they are down to three trainers. Susanne Ernst's caption translates into English:
"It has stormed violently and the sweet gentleness after it is all the more intense."

[Update: April 29, 2020: A link to a blogpost by a POV trainer who was purged. Her post should be entitled "I Will Survive!" We know she is not alone and send her our best wishes in building a new life]

"A few years ago I went through a very traumatic experience. It came unexpectedly. (Almost) everything was stolen from me within a few hours. Everything I believed in and committed to was torn away from me. Suddenly my friends were no longer my friends, but became evildoers. My purpose in life was taken from me and denied. Everything that I had relied on for years was suddenly gone.

It didn't just fall away. I was actively expelled, mocked,humiliated, cursed and no longer known. In what was previously the safest place for me, there was now neither protection nor support, but instead attack and violence.

I was in shock and traumatized and it felt like my whole life and the floor from under my feet had been torn from my feet. Like a fat earthquake that flattens everything. My life was shaken and collapsed.

I was stripped inside, naked, on the floor, and all sense was gone. And I was really scared. Betrayed, cheated, mistreated, despised.
And then very obvious lies were spread in public and my name dragged through the mud."


Anonymous said...

Will the last trainer to leave POV please turn out the lights? Thank you.

Chuck Spits On You said...

I count 5 in Asia, 5 in Japan, 3 in Canada, 3 in Europe, 1 in the UK. There could be a few others scattered around but basically the trainer population is less than half of what it was last year with no public statement as to the reason. How deliciously bizarre.

Year of the Cat said...

I don't know exactly what transpired at the Psychology of Vision 2017 Trainers Training but whatever it was it was obviously traumatic for a majority of the participants. The proceedings resulted in the POV trainers corps being cut in half. And no public statement explaining this move was released.

So very weird. Worthy of Kim Jong-Un.

But I can report that since that annual POV event our hit rate has more than doubled on this blog. And the search terms used to find us have not exactly been complimentary to POV.

If you are a Psychology of Vision refugee wondering what the heck happened you are more than welcome to contact us to enable you to begin the process of making a healthy exit from the Spezzano scam mindset.

All comments here are moderated. So just leave a comment with a preface that it is meant to be private and we will honor that. Be sure to leave contact info so we can respond. You will be in a safe place and we will use our resources to assist you in finding a local place where you can break free of the Psychology of Vision/Steps to Leadership cult.

Anonymous said...

The number of ex-trainers who have wiped out all online trace of their past association with POV is intriguing.

Biff Baker said...

The sad part is that many of these ex-trainers are just as unqualified to be providing any sort of psychological services as the Spezzanos are. Most of them will now attach themselves to other scams (like "Steps to Leadership" under Jeff Allen, or Oneness University, or Osho) or set themselves up as independent "life coaches," which is a whole scammy industry in itself, and they will be employing the same sort of nonsense they learned in POV.

POV may be dying, but the con game lives on under different names.

Saul Tarsus said...

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

POV trainers are always put in the position of being the children of Chuck and Lency. The time has come to grow up. He is not "Uncle" Chuck. Lency is not "Mom." In order to have a direct contact with God or a Divine Force, you need to brush Psychology of Vision aside.

Tom Joad said...

German trainer Ute Baues has returned to the fold since this post was originally released.

Tom Joad said...

POV is a train wreck in slow motion.

Anonymous said...

POV is the Trump University of the New Age.

Anonymous said...

If Psychology of Vision is supposed to be a surrogate family, it is a very dysfunctional one.

Anonymous said...

Generally speaking, those who had the greatest financial investments in Psychology of Vision tended to be among the survivors. It's all about the money.

Year of the Cat said...

Ever since this 2017 event POV has apparently been financially struggling as evidenced by a multitude of subsequent desperate actions on the part of the Spezzanos. Since then a few POV trainers purged in 2017 have gone public about how they felt betrayed by the group and still don't understand why they were expelled. I sincerely hope these former trainers sought real psychologists with expertise in helping those wishing to recover from the cult experience.

Although it would be nice to think we critics had anything to do with POV's spiral downward, I think we are merely a small unimportant rock in their shoe. Their real enemy and "attackers" are themselves and perhaps we might have helped that along by preserving many documents they have tried to erase as evidence their own hypocrisy and numerous lies. If anything, we have provided a lightning rod the Spezzanos can point to as evidence they are persecuted, much like Trump does with the press. The parallel is exact.

Another and much more effective "attacker" in bringing POV down to the New Age Poverty Row is the Coronavirus. The Spezzanos depend heavily on close-contact physical bullying, e.g. love bombing through inappropriate lippy, kissy, groping contact as well as outright stage hypnosis under the guide of "downloading/joining." They also have lost the advantage of luring people to Hawaii in order to make POV events a quasi-vacation. Plus Chuck cannot hustle his books directly during his so-called workshops which are really bookselling tours. Right now COVID-19 is the Spezzano's worst enemy. Maybe that is God's way of letting moneychanger Chunkles know He doesn't like the way Spezzano is trying to make a monetary profit from something that should be free and spiritual.

Anonymous said...

German to English translation from one of the banished trainers--

"A few years ago I went through a very traumatic experience. It came unexpectedly. (Almost) everything was stolen from me within a few hours. Everything I believed in and committed to was torn away from me. Suddenly my friends were no longer my friends, but became evildoers. My purpose in life was taken from me and denied. Everything that I had relied on for years was suddenly gone.

It didn't just fall away. I was actively expelled, mocked,humiliated, cursed and no longer known. In what was previously the safest place for me, there was now neither protection nor support, but instead attack and violence.

I was in shock and traumatized and it felt like my whole life and the floor from under my feet had been torn from my feet. Like a fat earthquake that flattens everything. My life was shaken and collapsed.

I was stripped inside, naked, on the floor, and all sense was gone. And I was really scared. Betrayed, cheated, mistreated, despised.
And then very obvious lies were spread in public and my name dragged through the mud."

Lennon McCartney said...

I suspect that when some ex-trainers now look at POV, they are thinking of this song--

I'm looking through you, where did you go
I thought I knew you, what did I know
You don't look different, but you have changed
I'm looking through you
You're not the same
Your lips are moving, I cannot hear
Your voice is soothing, but the words aren't clear
You don't sound different, I've learned the game
I'm looking through you
You're not the same
Why, tell me why did you not treat me right
Love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight
You're thinking of me, the same old way
You were above me, but not today
The only difference is you're down there
I'm looking through you
And you're nowhere
Why, tell me why did you not treat me right
Love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight
I'm looking through you, where did you go
I thought I knew you, what did I know
You don't look different, but you have changed
I'm looking through you
You're not the same
Yeah, oh, baby you've changed
I'm a'lookin' through you, yeah
I'm looking through you
You've changed, you've changed, you've changed...

Anonymous said...

Glengarry GlenRoss

Year of the Cat said...

From what we can ascertain it appears the writings of purged trainer Anne-Kathrin Koch, whether deliberate or not, has done more to expose Psychology of Vision as a cult with dysfunctional family dynamics than all of us critics combined.

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