Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Healing Metaphors A-Z - Respiratory System

The Respiratory System is responsible for taking in oxygen for the body. The lungs are the core of the respiratory system, and metaphorically they represent our ability to receive, experience and enjoy life. Breathing reflects our life and the extent to which we let ourselves live.

Problems with our lungs imply that we are experiencing feelings of unworthiness and self-attack; we may have unresolved issues of sacrifice and fusion. Major lung problems show us that we are not including ourselves and that we don’t feel that we have the right to live. The lungs are easily affected if we suffer a loss or sadness. We are not taking our place in life so we don’t get over the sadness or resolve our fear.

Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst, Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Louise Hay said it first: "Breathing Problems: Fear. Not trusting the process of life. Getting stuck in childhood. Fear of taking in life fully."

Nothing is ever original in Psychology of Vision. Spezzano has spent his career swiping concepts from others and presenting them as his own. ACIM, Oneness University, Louise Hay, etc.

Hay was never mentioned in the book by Spezzano and Ticehurst that published these ripoff metaphors. In many cases portions of the work border on plagiarism.

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