Monday, March 9, 2020

Blatant False Advertising

"Dr, Chuck Spezzano, Klinischer Psychologe, Visionär & Bestsellerautor (USA), in Erfurt September Tour 2011."

Like so many other Spezzano promotional works, especially in Germany and Switzerland, this is a big lie.

Chuck Spezzano is certainly no clinical psychologist. In fact, he's not a psychologist at all by any international definition since he managed to get a Ph.D. that is not recognized by the American Psychological Association-- hence no quality control or following professional standards. His degree in "Professional Psychology" is unaccredited and he is unlicensed.

The "Best seller author" is another description we frequently see. I'd like to know how that is defined and who came up with that. In my thinking you are a best seller if you make the New York Times list or appear on Oprah and so far as I know that degree of fame has eluded Spezzano.
[Update Aug. 17, 2020: Dead link] 


Anonymous said...

it looks like when they allow their names to be held in such high praise, it must be difficult for them to stop it, because of a huge "ego" , i find it ironic that chuck spezzano says they have to slay the "ego" first to begin healing, so chuck spezzano hasn't starting to be healed in his own cult because he cannot "slay" his own ego by allowing all the liies about him making him seem worth more that he actually is, like looking legit instead of admitting he's a complete fraud by letting the false promotions about himself stand on the internet for so long,

The Duke said...

Not only does Spezzano allow lies in his advertising, the very name "Psychology of Vision" gives a misleading impression that people associated with this for-profit enterprise are actually professionals. NONE of the trainers, or either Spezzano, is a professional psychologist. Yet they market their skills as if they are. When gullible and desperate clients sign waivers before POV workshops they are surrendering their right to make these charlatans face any consequences. This is a very dangerous and destructive group. Germany and Switzerland need to start nailing these promoters (especially Frankfurter Ring, Django Hediger, and Chuck Spezzano himself) for engaging in outright false advertising for so long. POV has no integrity.

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