Wednesday, October 27, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Freedom From Fear"

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," March 04, 2015]:

Downloading/Joining Review: "Freedom From Fear" (07:43) posted Nov. 26, 2012.

Text introduction:


    Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download." Open your heart and receive the gift of "Freedom From Fear." [Removed from public view May 2015]

The victim du jour appears to be Japanese SALPOV trainer Mami Yoshida.


    LKS: So Mami-san, the universe declares that today's your birthday, and that you can have anything that you want. You can receive any gift that you desire. Anything that you can take into your mind, change your beliefs about, restructure your neuro-net, erase the negative beliefs and limiting patterns in your mind, in your brain, and replace them with the freedom and the understanding that everything that is good is yours. Right?

    So, because its your birthday and there's one gift that you want above all others
[audience laughs at this in-joke, Lenora teases them] Guys, just one. [back to Mami] What would you most love to have in your life?

    MY: I'd like to receive removal of fear.

    LKS: Freedom from fear, yes?

    MY: Yes, yes.

    LKS: Yeah, right. So, what is freedom from fear? Is it courage? Would you like courage in facing all challenging situations, or just not to have to deal with fear anymore?

    MY: Yeah.
[It is apparent Mami didn't fully understand the question, probably due to a language barrier]

Doesn't this role of Lenora bestowing the gift of courage remind you of a certain Wizard?

Of course, we all know what happened to the Wizard. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!


    LKS: Both. Yes, yes, alright, so we're going to shift our fearful habits, right? We'll let them go and know that everything that happens in our life is happening because its in our best interest. And that we can embrace all things just as they are without resistance knowing that its all coming from a higher part of our mind, because its what we most need. Sometimes the lessons are challenging and sometimes what comes through is just blessed. But its all good and today we surrender to what is and receive the gift of freedom from fear and the removal of the patterns of fear in our minds because we're courageous. OK? 

Under this reasoning, Lenora should be embracing the growing number of SALPOV critics because "everything that happens in our life is happening because its in our best interest."

At 2:59 Lenora nods to the sound crew and "I'll be Waiting" by Bliss is played. The music audio, as usual, is terrible. I'm guessing that live in the room it was just fine, but it did not transfer to Youtube very well, and in fact the bad quality pretty much erases the effect they were trying to present.

As Lenora engages in her vast array of wacky expressions, Mami begins trembling fairly early in the show. As always, we are given two different camera shots of Lenora in the course of this procedure, but we are only allowed to see the victims in profile in these Youtubes while the direct gaze method is employed. That is because these videos are all about Lenora, not the victim.

Trophy display time begins at the 4:35 mark, so this was a fairly quick session. Mami appears to be sort of freaking out while Lenora is just smiling away. Such a strange ritual they have there in SALPOV.

The first shot of the Church of the Quivering Brethren starts at 5:05. And yes! I see the Big Lug in there around the 6:06 mark. Since he always seems to wearing the same shirt perhaps he's an employee of the hotel where this event takes place? Interesting.

At 6:45 Lenora says to the audience--

LKS: Heaven's gratitude is just pouring into our minds.

And gratitude is pouring through my mind that this video has finally ended, although it is evident that Mami's tremors will continue for some time even after the camera stops filming.


Anthony Eustrel said...

It would be enlightening to see the release form these victims of "downloading" and "joining" were required to sign before taking part in this sado-masochistic presentation.

Anonymous said...

Mami-san has been conditioned by this cult for more than two decades. At this point her brain is mush.

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