Thursday, October 28, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Fulfilling the Promise of Your Relationship"

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," March 04, 2015]:

Downloading/Joining Review: "Fulfilling the Promise of Your Relationship" (09:55) posted Dec. 4, 2012.

Text introduction:


    Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download." Receive the gift of "Fulfilling the Promise of Your Relationship." [Update: this is one of the few downloading/joining videos to survive the Great Purge of May 2015]

The subject in this example is Julie Wookey, a UK trainer who until very recently was in the high ranking Star Chamber Steering Committee of SALPOV. As I have proposed, SALPOV is actually two personality cults: One for Charles and another for Lenora. Father and Mother. I submit Julie was allied with the latter and when Lenora basically retired Julie saw no use in continuing. I could be totally offbase here, but until more data comes my way to change my mind, that is where I am settling for now.

Julie appears to be treated more like an equal than the other victims in this series. She has the opportunity to have actual input in defining the narrative and Lenora actually seems a little flustered in some spots. Ms. Wookey gives the impression of being the most self-confident hypnosis partner in this series.

Curiously, this is the video Lenora uses as a point of first contact to the series on the Hawaii corporate SALPOV website splashpage. [Update: webpage has since undergone a facelift and all mention of Lency's downloading/joining videos have been completely erased]


    LKS: Julie, I understand its your birthday. Its nearly your birthday anyway.

    JW: True. True.

    LKS: Actually. So you can have anything you want, any heart's desire, everything is available to you as the perfect child of God with a rich father who wants only the truth, the happiest, the best life for you.

    So knowing that we can download and receive anything if we're willing to change our mind, and in this case with a download we're actually physically changing our neuro-net in our brain, we're changing the synaptical firing patterns that make up our beliefs and our thoughts, the habitual routes that our thoughts take through that electrical process that goes on in our brain, and with a download we're erasing the negative habitual ruts and freeing our brain, freeing our mind up to the truth and receiving that. In the process as you're watching you'll go through the experience as well, you'll notice that you can feel the inside of your brain, and you'll notice pressure and tingling and different experiences and in fact it may continue after the video and if so that's a good thing. That's what you want. Its that connection with grace that is healing you every day in every way.
[Then at 1:44 she makes a strange "Oh God, I can't believe I just said that" sort of face].

    So, Mrs. Wookey, what would you most love to have?

    JW: Mr. Wookey.
    LKS: Yes! Where are you, Nigel? Well said.

    JW: But really ...

    LKS: Yes.

    JW: ... I would really love to have more of what we have. In the stage in our life that we have now, with the children grown up, left home, we have free time ...

    LKS: Doing well.

    JW: Yeah, yeah. But now I want it to be for us, something for us. A greater level of relationship.

    LKS: Uh-huh, and all the rewards and benefits of intimacy, the fun ...

    JW: The joy ...

    LKS: .. the laughter, the connectedness, the comfort, the vision, and the gracefully surrendering into our old age together. Precious, precious vision ...

    JW: Totally.

    LKS: Got it.
[to audience] So for everyone what that looks like is, what would we call it? Fulfillment in our partnerships. Is that the best way to ...? [sighs] What's juicier than that? Juiciness in our relationships.

    JW: Well sure. Its a feeling of total completion in the relationship so it can just benefit from that. I mean it never stops ...    

    LKS: The feeling of promise in the relationship?

    JW: Something like that. Yeah. Yeah, and ...

    LKS: Having it all in our relationship.

    JW: And it would be like not fully in love romance but just deeper, higher, just all of that in there as well, 'cause we love that.

    LKS: Yeah, yeah. And because the romance is already there, the in love feeling is there.

    JW: Its sort of ...

    LKS: Its the fulfilling the promise of the relationship.

    JW & LKS:
[in unison] Yeah.

    LKS: OK.
[Lenora nods to the sound crew at 4:37, and then turns to audience] You ready? Just go ahead, feel the shift, surrender your mind, your brain, your way of being, to become more true, to receive, to have it all. Fulfillment.

Then she turns to Julie and begins the direct gaze method as the sound crew plays "This Love" by Bliss at the 4:56 mark. As usual, the audio is atrocious.

As far as these things go, this is a pretty understated session, Julie's tremors are not nearly equal to that of most of the other victims here. But then again, I'm sure she's an old hand at this. Lenora goes through her regular pattern and checklist of grimaces, teeth baring, and Master Thespian expressions.

Trophy display time starts at 7:25. Julie actually looks in worse shape at this part of the program than she did when she was under hypnosis. We first get to see the Church of the Quivering Brethren around the 7:55 mark. The trophy time takes no less than two and half excruciating minutes. That's enough time for the viewer to start wondering what the heck we just saw and form some serious questions about this carnival act. 

1 comment:

Herbert Evans said...

Why did this Youtube survive when so many others were blocked from public view? One guess is that Lency had selected this particular example to serve as her best exhibit of her powers, and had linked to it in several places. Also, it seems that any Youtube where the "thumbs down" icon outnumbered the "thumbs up" icon was deleted, leaving only three out of 16 or so left.

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