Thursday, October 28, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Greater Intimacy with God"

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," March 04, 2015]:

Downloading/Joining Review: "Greater Intimacy with God" (13:34) posted May 9, 2013.

This is a review of the game changing Youtube where SALPOV started their Big Decline.

Text introduction:


    Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Greater Intimacy with God. Open your heart and receive the gift as well [Removed from public view May 2015]

Lenora's "downloading/joining" partner in this session is Jordan Kao, a SALPOV trainer from Taiwan who has also been trained at Oneness University. As a major recruiter in Asia, one must wonder how much of the Oneness University curriculum remains in translation. As far as I am concerned, this is no big issue, except that Lenora claims Oneness University is not a major influence on SALPOV. But I believe we caught her in a major, oh what is the polite word I'm trying to find? LIE!
[Update Apr. 13, 2019: Dead link, here's a substitute]

Jordan was also the one to provide this somewhat sad Youtube of both Spezzanos last summer, where Lenora gives Jordan's group, "The blessing of Heaven as it comes through us ..." It is hard to say exactly why, but something is off about the Spezzanos in Jordan's video.

But, back to our series--

In the United States there is an expression in the entertainment industry called "jumping the shark." Without getting into the etymology of this phrase, let us just say it indicates when something has outlived its popularity and uses stupid and silly gimmicks in order to keep attracting attention to itself. The posting of these Youtubes in the first place was a major mistake for SALPOV if they wanted to be taken seriously as "professionals" in the field of healing. But this particular video was the biggest mistake of them all, and that is saying a lot.


    LKS: Jordan! I understand today is your birthday. Happy birthday.

    JK: Thank you very much.
[as he says this Lenora nods at every word as if Jordan cannot speak English]

    LKS: Well said. So because its your birthday and because your Heavenly Father is rich in everything that is His, it's yours, you can have anything and everything that your heart desires for your birthday. You can heal anything, you can receive any gift, you can develop any quality, because it's all just patterns in our brain that determines these things. So grace, the light of divine love can come in, can change our brains through a download. Change the patterns in our neuro-net. You can feel it happening, you may begin to feel it happening already.

    So, you can have anything that you want, you can receive it as a gift, what do you most want to have?

[through a translator] I want to have a greater connection/intimacy with God at any time, all the time.

    LKS: Greater intimacy with God. That's a sweet one. That's a sweet one. So you can set that down
[directs Jordan to lay down the microphone]. Look in my right eye, open ourselves to receiving, and we'll just let the shift happen.

It is the 1:40 to 1:45 mark where Lenora uses her hands in a very transparent hypnotic way, starting with the pointing at the right eye but there is more. If there is any doubt about her use of stage hypnotism, these five seconds should settle the dispute.

She signals the sound crew and the music starts at 1:50, "The Love Within" by Bliss. The audio is very bad.

Jordan's comatose stare begins immediately. His freakout slowly starts at 3:05. At 3:33 he begins to laugh hysterically but Lenora touches his cheek in order to calm him down at 3:54. Lenora begins the familiar "anguish act" around 6:00. There is a facial expression routine she follows I have not fully deciphered, except to say all of these pretty much follow the same formula in every video.

Except in this one.

Around 7:08 Lenora starts doing something deliciously bizarre that is not to be found in the other Youtubes. She once again points to her right eye and instructs Jordan that she is going to spin around! And she does it in a way that would make any normal viewer feel very uncomfortable. Then she actually makes a slow spin in such a fashion that has to be seen to be believed.

Another critic told me that Lenora appears to be doing the equivalent of a SALPOV lapdance, and I can see how it could be interpreted that way. It does make one wonder what Mr. Spezzano thought of this performance.

At 9:34, even though supposedly in the middle of channeling Heaven's grace, Lenora somehow manages to signal the sound crew to play the next round of (unaccredited) music, "Open" by Bliss (audio is still bad) as Jordan continues to be reduced to acting like a moron. Around 10:50 the freakout goes up several notches.

The ritual showing off of the brainwashed to the camera and audience starts around 12:09 as Jordan continues to act unhinged. These final moments in this whole series of videos are almost as if Lenora is displaying her kill for all to admire over and over again. It is like seeing those photos of Florida sports fishermen who proudly stand beside their large conquered catch on the dock.

If someone asked me to supply them with a video summing all that was wrong with SALPOV, this one would be my selection. At first it was the freak show quality of these videos that attracted me to investigate SALPOV, but as I dug deeper I realized SALPOV had a very destructive side and suddenly the joke stopped being funny. Suddenly it became a project to investigate a greedy cult.

So, if you want to learn all about Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV), this video is the place to start. It will tell you most of what you need to know. And, this was the point where SALPOV jumped the shark.



Samson Burke said...

Too bad this was removed from public view. It had become a cult classic (ha! a double meaning there) in certain circles.

Fred Kelsey said...

This is a sad and pathetic display of one human exerting power over another through the use of hypnosis, obvious even in the photo stills. What she is doing is illegal in several of the United States, but not in Hawaii. The Spezzano corporation operates in a world of legal loopholes.

Year of the Cat said...

Jordan is apparently no longer a POV trainer as of 2017.

Anonymous said...

Why is Jordan no longer a POV trainer?

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