Thursday, October 28, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Perfect Health"

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," March 04, 2015]:

Downloading/Joining Review: "Perfect Health" (15:37) posted May 9, 2013.

Text introduction:


    Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Perfect Health. Open your heart and receive the gift as well [removed from public view, May 2105]

The subject in this demonstration is Hiromi Kurihara, a high-level trainer from Japan who also serves on SALPOV's star chamber Steering Committee.


    LKS: So my darling beloved Hiromi-san, I understand its your birthday.

    HK: Yes!


    LKS: And because it's your birthday you can receive anything you want, any desire, any dream, any wish, any quality, any aptitude. You can have anything you want. It could rain right in this room. We can have anything, so what would you most love to receive?

    HK: I want perfect health.

    LKS: Perfect health. What a good idea.

    HK: Yeah. Young, and powerful, beautiful.

    LKS: Yeah, yeah, yeah, why didn't I think of that? Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Why not? Something I learned personally through my own healing recently is that we are not our body, we are not the body. This a vehicle, its a purely neutral thing, if something's going wrong, if lack of health is showing up in us, its only to draw our attention to something, its just a communication to us, but the body is free from our beliefs and our issues and all of that. So let's have that freedom and receive perfect health. Alright? Yeah. Thank you. Good one.

Oh? Apparently Lenora did not read the Healing Metaphors by Charles Lee Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst, one of the foundation blocks of the SALPOV theology which states that if you are ill or even have a birth defect it is your own damn fault! Past lives and all that crap is used in this Spezzano/Ticehurst nonsense.

In this regard SALPOV suffers from a "split mind," and it isn't the first time Lenora has contradicted the claims of her spouse. This must be confusing to the cult followers, but on the other hand in all the "busyness" time and tasks the flock is required to perform in order to be a drone in good standing probably doesn't give them a moment to consider these contradictions in the behavior of their heroes. Charles lewdly calls such critical thoughts "anal-lies," ridiculing any avenue toward critical thinking. And here the New Age shares an anti-intellectual bias with America's Tea Party. Both groups discourage independent thinking outside of the hive and view science and academia as the villain.

The encouragement of magical thinking in defiance of science and the laws of nature is a hallmark in cults like SALPOV.

In many ways it almost seems like SALPOV is actually two cults, one run by Charles, the other run by Lenora, and with very different theologies. Perhaps they would claim one represents the masculine, the other the feminine, in their role as surrogate parents. But they still contradict each other in several important cases. I am going to go out on a limb and hazard a guess that she was the glue that kept the UK SALPOV together. Notice the massive drop in trainers in the UK after she retired from international workshops. In Canada, I would imagine the younger trainers who dropped out recently were also more in the Lenora cult than the Charles cult. Just a theory, but I think I might be on to something here.

Lenora has stated that she is not a moralist. And we hear from her over and over how nothing is real, etc. And yet her spouse has pounded the pulpit many times in his monthly newsletter and card-of-the-day about astral attackers, demons, conspiracies, and other bad guys as he whips up the fear factor. So there is clearly a Good and Evil dualism taking place in SALPOV, or is there? Gosh, I can't tell. More mixed messages! Which cult should I follow, Charles or Lenora?! Ngggh! My brain hurts! Charles was raised Catholic, Lenora Protestant. This could be the seed of the SALPOV theological split mind division.

The more I study SALPOV marketing, the more I realize just how compartmentalized it is. They go wherever the money is and law allows (which excludes them from the mainland USA in many instances), and right now the cashola is in Germany and Asia. As they follow fad and fashion, they drop theological alliances such as with Oneness University like a hot coal if it will prove to be a liability to their profit margin. Loyalty is not their strong suit. Did they stand beside Jutta L. in Germany during her embezzlement trial when she swiped big dough in order to attend a SALPOV brainwashing session in Hawaii? Did they support the "Healing Keys" as it went underground in order to hide from honest criticism? In the future are they going to stand by other SALPOV cult followers who come under the scrutiny of government agencies, a very likely scenario? The track record says no. Both Spezzanos are pretty mercenary, one trait they both share. Underlings are disposable and aftercare for people they have damaged, as moreinfo has pointed out, goes unheeded.

A long time ago I drove a taxicab. The owner told me to drive as fast as I could and cut corners in order to jack up the profits. But if I was given a ticket for reckless driving or speeding I was on my own, the company was not going to back me up. SALPOV is a lot like that cab company.  

Although SALPOV celebrates "oneness" they actually have very conflicting sales pitches-- it just depends on their audience at the time and who they target as a sucker.

Back to the show--

At 1:41 Lenora nods to the sound crew, "A Hundred Thousand Angels" by Bliss is played, the audio is pretty bad, and the direct gaze method of hypnosis begins.

Hiromi, who I suspect is an old hand at this game, slips into a trance immediately and Lenora's initial facial expressions are actually fairly subdued compared to other "downloading/joining" demonstrations, at least at first.

Things begin to heat up around 5:25, Hiromi starts to tremble but is still holding up pretty well. The body language in profile is so telling. Lenora leaning in, Hiromi sitting back. The predator and the prey. It just creeps me out. The music ends at 7:40 and a second song is played, "I Could Stay Forever By Your Side" by Bliss, but it is not credited anywhere. The audio remains awful.

Around 8:57 Hiromi starts to quiver and her expressions just get weirder. What the heck is Lenora doing to her? I watch this and think, "Victimizing." Why would anyone pay thousands of dollars to submit to this carnival act? Sad.

At 11:00 we are treated to some more Master Thespian acting. Lenora has a brother and a daughter in the acting profession, so perhaps these Youtubes serve as an outlet for her genetic theatrical side. That in itself isn't really a bad thing, except that she presents it as channeling Heaven's grace, and I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. This is Aimee Semple McPherson stuff we are watching. I have a professional theatre sibling as well. I recognize the smell of half-baked ham.

At 14:04 the two turn around and face the audience and camera so we can see just how spiritually refreshed they are. This is all timed to end with the music but it comes across as awkward as it lasts a full minute and half.

I remember having great fun playing the old original Mario games with my daughter over 20 years ago. After we emerged from the underwater world we felt so refreshed in an artificial way. Such is the artificial case with these "downloading/joining" sessions--

But on the morning after you still have to face a new day. Oh, are you needing more downloading to get your hypnotic fix? Well, that can be had at a price. The post-Hawaii letdown has been referenced by at least one attendee.


Ned Glass said...

Why did she remove this from Youtube for the public to see? That seems like a vote of no confidence on her own product.

Dr. Cognito said...

This comment is not being posted out of malice, but neither one of the Spezzanos are exactly poster children for the concept of self-care and health. Chuck is dangerously obese and Lency looks like she has survived a stroke or some other kind of horrible medical condition. In recent photos and videos one would guess she is much older than she really is.

These observations exist in spite of the fact they are both obviously using serious cosmetic enhancements.

The key to good health is no metaphysical mystery. Cut salt and sugar, limit calories, have a balanced diet and include a healthy portion of unprocessed natural food, exercise on a daily basis (simply walking an hour a day is great), and limit alcohol, or better yet cut it entirely. There are no short-cuts or fads that provide lasting weight loss or health.

It is indeed alarming to see how much alcohol is consumed at Psychology of Vision social events as depicted over and over in their promotional and social media photographs.

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