Thursday, October 28, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Peace and Success"

 [From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," March 03, 2015]:

Downloading/Joining Review: "Peace and Success"

One of the cornerstones of Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) is the "Downloading/Joining" process as demonstrated by Lenora Kay Spezzano in a group of Youtube videos. Several of us believe we are viewing SALPOV minions being manipulated by hypnosis in these presentations. Lenora denies this, of course, but "it feels true to me" that her "channeling Heaven's grace" is a very unconvincing description of what we are witnessing here. In the spirit of fair play, here is a link to her claiming that hypnosis is not employed in these sessions--
[Update Oct. 12, 2019: "This site is currently undergoing maintenance." -- This has happened just in the last week. Here's a link to the Internet Archive version]:

So I am going to post a series of reviews on these "Downloading/Joining" Youtubes to explore and document this activity. Now that the "Healing Keys," and the English language SALPOV Trainers Manual, and the website have all been removed from public view (ladies and gentlemen, transparency has left the building!), these videos have my vote as SALPOV's most current self-incriminating online presentation in English. But the very most self-incriminating document is in German, Section K of the SALPOV Trainers Manual, which is basically a blueprint for First Nations affinity fraud. That section was never published in English. Interesting, isn't it?  

You might ask, what the heck is "joining" anyway? Well, rather than trying to explain it, why don't I provide a link to a short demonstration by SALPOV friend Matthew Blythe. Matthew was the guy who tried to submit a Wikipedia entry on Charles Lee Spezzano but it was rejected because Spezzano was not considered notable enough--

OK. Get the picture on the mystical specialness of "joining"? These videos pretty much have the same formula: Lenora asks the victim what they want for their birthday, she goes into a long blather about the "neuro-net," she then places the poor sod under hypnosis using the direct gaze method while going through a very bizarre catalogue of facial contortions, and then shows off the trembling hypnotized specimen as a trophy. All of this is timed to coincide with music by the group known as Bliss.

Let's get started with the first review--

Lency Spezzano "Peace and Success" Download (8:32) posted May 13, 2013.

Text introduction:


    Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Peace and Success. Open your heart and receive the gift as well 
[Removed from public view May 2015]

Lenora "joins" with Irish trainer Denise Moroney.


    LKS: So Denise a little bird told me that its your birthday today as well.

    DM : Yeah.

    LKS: What a coincidence. So happy birthday.

    DM: Thank you.

    LKS: And being that you have a rich father, you can have anything that you want for your birthday. So of all your wildest dreams, of anything that you can have, of any change that you would like, any shift in your mind that would create a different reality for you in your world, what you most like to have?

    DM: I would like to have peace and success.

    [Laughter in crowd, Lenora mugs]

    LKS: Is that all? [More laughter] So we'll do two, right? We'll do peace, and then we'll do success. So with the success, what types of success do you imagine yourself having and enjoying?

    DM: Lots of money
[laughter in crowd] and I want to bring you to Ireland.

    LKS: Bring me to Ireland? I can see that. Sweet. That's sweet. Ok, so, but, career success, getting this work out there to the world.

    DM: Yeah. That's why I want to bring you to Ireland.

    LKS: OK, yeah, its a deal. And so we'll start with peace. And we'll take two songs, one for each gift.

At around 2:00 Lenora nods for the sound person to cue up the "Bliss Music" and she begins her range of weird facial contortions. The music on the intro text is only credited as "Farewell to Music" by Bliss, but in the course of this presentation there are two different pieces played. The audio on both is pretty bad.

Lenora uses the direct gaze method and bares her almost too perfect very white teeth. The camera is mostly fixed on her. The presenter of the "gift" is obviously more important than the recipient. We only see Denise in profile and at 3:00 she exhibits slight tremors.

Freeze frame at 3:04 and tell me Lenora is not playing the role of predator. The lowered chin, the bared teeth, the unblinking reptilian stare. This is hypnosis. The creepiness factor is overwhelming. And this is supposed to attract us to join their little cult? What were they thinking?

Like I said, hard to believe this footage exists for public consumption.

At about 3:45 you see Lenora nonverbally coaching Denise on how to respond as she brings her down from the trance and at 3:55 Lenora stage manages Denise to "share it," which means staring blankly at the attendees.

Then the camera pans the audience of SALPOV trainers, who are trembling and quaking in their seats. I liken this to the Church of the Quivering Brethren-- [Substitute link]

It is all timed to last as long as the music. Once it ends at 5:14 we are lucky enough to witness a bonus Act Two! My, how pleasing!


    LKS: That was a very sweet one. Yeah. So now we are going to remove the limiting beliefs that you have about your ability to have success and to reach the entire globe and help everyone. Right? Yeah.

Then Lenora nods to the sound person for more "Bliss Music" and says "Success" as she uses the direct gaze method of hypnosis on Denise. Watch very carefully from 6:11-6:31. So creepy and about power. At 7:33 Lenora begins the nodding commands for Denise landing back to Earth.

As we go through these Youtubes we'll see a formula and routine. Lenora and her victim conclude in a live freeze-frame, as Denise comes out of her trance shaking and trembling. This is a typical ending for these presentations. The camera pans the Quivering Brethren and we get a glance at a guy I call the Big Lug, who occasionally shows up in these gigs. You can see him at 8:07 standing behind trainers Alison Banks and Susan How. He seems apart from the rest. Curious. Is he a medic? A bouncer? A spouse or boyfriend along for the ride? A caretaker?

Denise is no longer a trainer for SALPOV. I wonder if she had to sign a permission form in order to be filmed and if so, what did it say exactly?

I ask this question because through my eye these "downloading/joining" Youtubes are a form of sadistic aggression that humiliates the subject in public for all to see. This is about Lenora exerting her power as the Queen Bee. As a free human being walking the planet between the soil and sky I am entitled to have my opinion based on the truth as I see it. And as I see it, SALPOV is a dangerous personality cult. These "downloading/joining" Youtubes provide more than enough evidence of that. There is nothing I can write that could provide more damning evidence of SALPOV being a mind-manipulation group than these self-destructive Youtubes. They are their own worst enemy.

This could be a case where the old saying "There's no such thing as bad publicity" could be proven wrong.  

So prepare the popcorn, settle down in a comfortable place, and enjoy the slow motion train wreck as I continue to review the rest of the videos in this series. Lenora asks the viewer to "open your heart," but I would add that you need to open your mind as well.


Jane Hamilton said...

What happened to Denise? I see she is no longer with POV as a trainer.

Franic Le Morphe said...

Funny how the current "POV UK & Ireland" actually has no Ireland. Rather misleading name, but what can you expect from a group using the term "Psychology" when there are no psychologists within their ranks?

Wherever Denise is these days I hope she's doing well.

donnachohorain said...

Denise Moroney is still running her "workshops" aka her own personal cult in Limerick - destroying families and marriages in her wake. She and Fran McDonnell (her minion/can't find a man sidekick) are still scamming people. Stay away from these sick women and their cult.

Year of the Cat said...

Ah, the ol' POV ripple effect. Sorry to hear this is being perpetuated even after they left the cult. We wonder why Denise and Fran are no longer POV trainers? So many questions we would love to politely ask.

We have noticed POV is getting some negative comments on Youtube from Ireland as well this month. Something especially unusual going on over there we should know about? Whatever it is, welcome comrades to the struggle of exposing the Spezzano scam.

Remember folks, if you are not comfortable leaving a public comment you can always use our "Leave a Tip" feature found in the upper right corner of the screen.

Anonymous said...

could you post an email address? i would like to make contact

Year of the Cat said...

Thanks for asking.

Please use the "Leave a Tip" feature in the upper right hand corner of this blog and we can go from there. Look forward to hearing from you.

Year of the Cat said...

Addendum: This blog was created before the explosion of handheld devices so features like "Leave a Tip" are best found on the desktop version. We do not advertise our email because of past incidents where we have been obliged to contact law enforcement over some seriously disturbed and threatening emails from a certain POV-related source. But if you are OK with leaving us your email here we can contact you, plus we can kill the comment at moderation so no one else has to know your contact info.

Year of the Cat said...

Dear t., still need your email. I did leave a comment on your blog.

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