Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist -- "Even Chuck himself says that his Psychology is a hoax" (Desktop version of this blog is more detailed)
Since this image was captured this gentleman has attended two more POV workshops, bringing the total to 12 of them in two years. How many Euros would that cost and why is this supposed to be something to be proud of?
Two of his POV handlers, Jeff Allen and Kurt Sommer, have since bailed from the corporation.
This is an inactive blog, comments can be contributed but might languish for a spell before moderation.
Since this image was captured this gentleman has attended two more POV workshops, bringing the total to 12 of them in two years. How many Euros would that cost and why is this supposed to be something to be proud of?
Two of his POV handlers, Jeff Allen and Kurt Sommer, have since bailed from the corporation.
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