Monday, November 1, 2021

Psychology of Vision Code of Ethics

This was captured by the Internet Archive on Oct. 1, 2010. It was originally posted on the now defunct URL:


Quiet Gold and Silver said...

I wonder.

That's all I can say. I just wonder.

Valentin Arregui said...

This Code of Ethics document is no longer found in any POV webpage that I can find. The only place where it surfaces when I perform a Google search is this blog! That is sort of weird and hilarious.

Jerry Landers said...

Try finding the POV "Standards of Practice" or "Scope of Practice Statement" online. Good luck. POV communicates with itself within various closed online social network groups and walled communities beyond the eyes of the unenlightened. This is not an open and transparent corporation, this is a for-profit personality cult. So many utopian visions have been wrecked by the enormous egos of their self-serving founders and POV is no exception. Also, ask yourself why is POV incorporated as a for-profit branch of Spezzano and Associates Ltd.? That doesn't come across as a non-materialistic spiritual endeavor, instead it is a business. And business is in the business of making money. And that is what POV is all about.

Yes, it is indeed pretty humorous that the "Code of Ethics" plus several other essential POV documents are only available to the public on this blog and not through the media of the cult itself.

edward said...

"Code/Standard 2: Collaborative Care
Psychology of Vision is a transformational model that gives a practical skill base and is used in collaboration with the philosophy and principles towards change. Psychology of Vision Trainers must know the limits of their professional competence. Referrals are made to appropriate health care professionals as needed."

So, since NO ONE in POV is close to being a professional in the field of psychology, including the Spezzanos themselves, POV should just be a referral service. All else is simply playing pretend professional and being paid big bucks to con vulnerable people

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