Monday, November 1, 2021

Psychology of Vision Complaint Procedure

Psychology of Vision Complaint Procedure
[Update: Dec. 19, 2019, dead link] 
New link:


Terre Knife said...

I wonder how often this procedure has been deployed? What instigated the creation of this rule in the first place?

Anonymous said...

Another control tactic that keeps the succumbed in line and reined in for having an ego that questions or criticizes the POV indoctrination's.

Tor the Toaster said...

Who is on the Steering Committee these days now that Jeff and Julie have dropped out? Were their positions just left vacant?

Year of the Cat said...

Lency has said in 2013 she never heard any complaints, so obviously this form has never been used, right?

Year of the Cat said...

I would encourage people who have a complaint to ignore this form and go directly to legal authorities outside of POV.

Anonymous said...

Is Francine Girard still a POV trainer? There seems to be conflicting information on the answer.

xman said...

Don't bother complaining to these self-serving assholes. Go directly to the police or other government authorities. POV will do their best cover the whole thing up and deny they ever had any problems. That's how they operate. This is a destructive cult out to protect their profits at all costs.

Year of the Cat said...

Hello Singapore! Talk to us.

xman said...

Maybe this part should be renamed "Psychology of Vision Damage Control."

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