Saturday, October 23, 2021

Huna is Not Hawaiian

Chuck Spezzano's Card of the Day for July 3, 2013 includes the information that he experienced an "initiation ceremony as a kahuna":

THE SOURCE is the card for today. THE SOURCE is the Creator, Who Sources us everyday . Unfortunately we are too busy trying to do it all ourselves until something goes wrong then it is someone else's fault. Today let yourself be Loved and Sourced. In my initiation ceremony as a kahuna I was given a fish to eat that in Hawaiian also means THE SOURCE reminding me where my strength and nurturing comes from. If you remember THE SOURCE you can't remember any problem or pain. Have a great day!

 The Huna is Not Hawaiian Facebook community responded:

Lency Spezzano responded to this in The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision under the category of "Sillier Stuff" 
[Update Oct. 12, 2019: "This site is currently undergoing maintenance." -- This has happened just in the last week.]

"The blogs continually churn up nonsensical accusations, and I suppose addressing them would be a continuous process. Let me just address some of the initial suggestions, as I understand the whole strategy has morphed into hooking Native Hawaiians into the movement against us, and I may have to start the response anew."


A fighter by his trade said...

Those Spezzanos, just spreading love, joy, and a "cultural Renaissance" wherever they go.

How much longer? said...

"The blogs continually churn up nonsensical accusations, and I suppose addressing them would be a continuous process. Let me just address some of the initial suggestions, as I understand the whole strategy has morphed into hooking Native Hawaiians into the movement against us, and I may have to start the response anew."

I'd love to hear how Lency, or even better, Chuck, would respond to these charges of cultural appropriation of Hawaiian culture, including the ventures with Michael North.

Also, why is Lency the one holding the bag? Why isn't the "Big Kahuna" Chuck himself addressing this issue? A rather sexist "let the little woman do the cleanup" mentality taking place here, I'd say.

Franic Le Morphe said...

Psychology of Vision has been swirling down the toilet hole in a rapid fashion in the last few years.

King of Pancakes said...

Chunkles the Clown has also accepted the title of "Master" and "Uncle" from his followers. And although he is entitled to use his "Dr." prefix, it is in fact not accredited by the APA, rendering it pretty bogus in terms of being recognized as a professional academic diploma-- almost as useless as the certificates handed out by POV itself. It is somewhat humorous Spezzano's exotic and unemployable degree is called a "Ph.D. in Professional Psychology."

Anonymous said...

With Chuck and Lency it is always about Chuck and Lency.

Harold Ramis with a pyramid in his head said...

I dreamed about fish, and had fish for dinner.

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