Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Role-playing Schedule from "What Happy People Know"

Some role-playing exercise schedules from Chuck Spezzano's June 2015 event in Vancouver, BC, "What Happy People Know":


Anonymous said...

Digging for personal dirty past to reveal anyone's private trauma , exposure and shocking revelations puts participants at an immediate disadvantage and chuck in the driver's seat. No sense of boundaries or respect, just pushing participants into unprotected loss of control over their lives, so chuck can take charge,this is not healing , it is a strategy to take and make the participant as vulnerable as possible , quicker the better. Chuck has only one goal > break you down by focusing on your most important relationships and sever them with past grievances, replace these relationships with dependency and bonding with pov members. Recruitment style!
Evil plan and a mind fuck! Stay away from this sick ass and his puppets!

Anonymous said...

Especially damaging when FN participants go thru this and half the group present personally knows your family members, this intensifies the suffering and traumatizing when role playing about real life family members. There is a good reason why "REAL" psychologists treat clients privately and individually.
Anyone doing large group awareness training is outside of the safety realm of the client's best interest. This type of treatment "LARGE GROUP AWARENESS TRAINING" is high risk and is a known fact to be damaging and unprofessional and not supported by REAL psychologists.
FN Reserves would be wise to educate their members to not partake in these type of damaging venues promising everything to do with "healing". Very tragic to see vulnerable people targeted in this way!!

coltrane chatter said...

"Dr." Chuck Spezzano has a bogus non-APA accredited degree and has no business posing an an "expert" on anything except for how to run a con game.

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