Saturday, October 30, 2021

Ngystle Society Grant, 2010

Information concerning a $475,300 grant administered by the Aboriginal Healing Foundation in 2010 to the Ngystle Society which includes using Psychology of Vision workshops.


Anonymous said...

When the Skidegate community discovered from APTN Investigates 2013 national news program in Canada that Nygstle Society took $475,000. dollars and used it on POV trainings and Erick Gonzalez poisoning drug retreats ,they were appalled and shocked at how that could take place!And how much money they took from residential school survivors for it.
Of course one should take a closer look and discover that Waneeta Richardson is the niece of the Skidegate band manager Babs Stevens who funded by her own solicitation of band management to become a advanced POV trainer.
How convenient of Babs to have a family member solicit more funds thru a community based non profit organization.
Funding that would need a support letter from Skidegate Band council.
This Aboriginal funding paid for Babs relatives to attend more POV workshops and drug retreats. This is the money that brought Erick Gonzalez to the islands where he proclaimed poisionous ammanita mushrooms to be Haida medicine, distributed bags of peyote for addictive behaviors, and solicited heirloom objects in addition to Nystle paying him $50,000. and more.
Waneeta also is responsible for arranging funding thru Ngystle for Antonio Guerrero to bring ayhausca to Skidegate.
Of course this was attended by more of Babs family and those involved in leadership calling the shots.
Meanwhile all these activities were for the selected few and no consultation was given to the community of Skidegate to decide if they wanted this in their community to begin with as an option to healing.
This alone shows how the people who are involved with POV do not care about community, in this case the funds were hijacked by band manager who then tactfully targetted funds to advance her own agenda for chuck and placating the rest with potent drug sessions (the family members who rejected pov and have addiction issues).
What a better way to control the outcome of addicts by giving them more potent drugs to zone out on and never be accountable.
Skidegate needs to revamp it's healing style and reroute itself towards sobriety. And support addicts with qualified A & D counselors. Not delusional self serving opportunists like Babs and Waneeta. They think they can hide behind their important titles as CEO and proposal writers, but they too must be accountable for the damages incurred on Haida Gwaii!

Kostoyed Amoursky said...

Since Babs Stevens is a POV for-profit business franchise holder in her role as a "trainer level 1" for the Spezzanos, her efforts to place the cult in the mainstream of Haida Gwaii represents a clear and unethical conflict of interest. The Skidegate status quo government representatives have been guilty of enabling this fiasco for years.

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