Saturday, October 12, 2024

£700 (or roughly $1100) per Hourly Session

This appeared in the POV sanctioned website. It was taken down in Dec. 2014.


Anonymous said...

what can possibly worth 1,100 $ an hour, my guess is that anyone foolish enough to see this charlatan would be covert hypnotised as fast as possible, then made amnesiac that they were hypnotized but when snapped out of it they would be unknowingly under undue influence to think they have to continue to return to Pov's false healing ant to join the other brainwashed people to save the world, and made to believe they got their moneys worth of the best healing in the world they can get..

Anonymous said...

A fool and their money is soon parted.

Anonymous said...

Another appropriate cliche: A legend in his own mind.

Anonymous said...

"Secrecy and greed keep the world locked in a cycle of dissociation and heartlessness." Chuck Spezzano, June 2014.

Year of the Cat said...

Yes, the ad is no longer posted, but I wonder if the offer of private one-on-one consulting for over a grand an hour still stands?

During the 2 or 3 years this ad was posted I wonder if anyone took advantage of this "rare opportunity"?

Why was the ad taken down?

Sandy S. said...

The POV Events website is still up, but with only a placeholder logo. This was the same website that called Spezzano "one of the World's Leading Psychologists" even though he is not a psychologist at all. In short, it was a big fat lie, like many other claims coming from POV. The website was up for at least a couple years, and since it was POV generated from trainer Avril Woodward, the Spezzanos had power over having this corrected. But they didn't.

Anonymous said...

when you put false eyelashes ,makeup and lace on a turd, it's still a turd.. do the same for a fraud, it's still a fraud..

Year of the Cat said...

After Brexit his time is now only worth $957 dollars as of today.

One of these things first said...

$1100 an hour = over $18 per minute. So if this obese slob farts, belches, or scratches his butt that very minute will cost you more than the average minimum wage worker earns in an hour. There is nothing in Spezzano's track record to suggest that he is worth more than minimum wage per hour unless you believe the false hype he has agreed to surround himself with. This guy is a con artist and I feel sorry for anyone for dished out the big bucks to help this charlatan maintain his bloated lifestyle.

Quote said...

"For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?"

A quote from one of the great spiritual revolutionaries

Anonymous said...

This ad was under the care of a POV trainer, who was under constant evaluation and supervision by the Spezzanos. Chuck Spezzano has ultimate responsibility over this, just as he has in telling his European marketers to cease advertising him as a "psychologist." But why do so when the $$$ keeps rolling in?

Already Gone said...

This ad is the product of a very big ego. Obviously Chuck thinks he is pretty hot stuff.

Tom Joad said...

A profit in his own time!

Jeff Lebowski said...

I see he recently offered personal consultations in Germany. Anyone know if the rates remained the same? I inquired but answer had I none. So much for transparency or customer service. POV is a closed cult.

Year of the Cat said...

That was five years ago. It would be reasonable to expect his hourly rate has gone up since then.

Woke said...

Do PoV camp followers really fail to see Chuck's hypocrisy in this? No wonder that crook has been able to pull off this con game for so long when there will always be willing victims with money to waste. I think his clients would feel better if they donated those thousands to their local food banks, homeless shelters, etc., rather than enabling the Spezzanos bloated materialistic lifestyle. Obviously Chuck has not missed many meals so why not donate your intended PoV money to your local charities instead to people who really need it (according to the Spezzanos there is no such thing as bad luck, charity recipients are there because they deserve to be for various "past life" reasons or some other made-up nonsense). Yes, the Spezzanos for-profit corporation does operate some "charities" as well but they are all suspiciously unregistered and not transparent. Giving to others via a reputable, registered nonprofit can be much more self-rewarding than flushing dollars down the PoV scam toilet.

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